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and to noo other plase wtin thies parties of hollande zealande brabant and flanders vppon payne too forfaite for euery clothe other wyse browght or to be conveyde contrarie to this acte xxs. st̂. And for all other comodyteis after the rate / And is further in acted that euerye brother fealishepp hauinge any clothes carseis or otheir whatt soo meuer the comodytes of the Realme of Ynglande here Remayninge shall cause the same to be fardelled trussed and packed vpp . and the same soo ferdellid packed or trussed . to be shipped . laden . and to be conveyde to barowe by crestmas yeven next ensuyng. wtout fraude or coullor And their parsonis wt all to departe hence to the said towne at the said daye att the[1] ffurdeste / leade here beinge all Redye wt in this towne of andwerpe is accepted / and that no brother of this fealisheppe after the said daye shal by . sell shew nor delyuer . nor by any means vse feate of marchaundise etheir by him sellfe or any other for him wtin this towne of andwerpe dewringe the contynuance of the said colde marte wtn the said towne of barrowe vpon payne of one hundred markes st̃ to be forfayted and paid as often as any brother of this fealishep͠p shalbe found fawtie or directlie or vnderectly doinge in any maner of wyse contrarye to the trewe meanyng of this ordynance ayther by fraude color or other wyse and is ordeyned that lr̃es of aduyse shalbe wretten to London and to all other placis wheare anye of the bretherin of this fealishipp dwell and arre presydente to the intent euerye of them maye haue sufficient warnynge and knowledge of the prymisses /.

The Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian and the Crown of Greece, 1863

THE story of the ill-fated Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Austria, who in 1864 became emperor of Mexico, is still in many respects obscure, and it is not probable that a full account of his relations with the Emperor Napoleon III will ever be published. It is, however, of interest and of some historical importance to discover that only a year before his departure for Mexico he refused a crown in Europe, and that the offer came from the British cabinet. In 1862 the Greeks revolted against their German king, Otho of Bavaria, and he was compelled to leave the country. The Greek assembly declared the throne vacant, and in accordance with the nation's desire invited Prince Alfred of England to become their monarch. But the Palmerston government thought it desirable that the prince should be advised to refuse the honour ; the British cabinet at the same time taking upon themselves the responsibility of finding a king for the Greeks. The vacant throne was offered in turn to Fer- dinand of Portugal and Duke Ernest of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. It was on the refusal of the latter that Palmerston and Russell, who was foreign secretary, turned to the Archduke Maximilian.

  1. fo. 152.
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