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Noah ben 'Immanuel Norzi; finished on Sunday, 22d of lyyar, 5237 (1477) (German rabbinical characters).
409.3. Fol. 285. On Aboth, translation of Sh'muel Tibbon. In M.'s commentary on Mishnah (German rabbinical characters).

714.2. Fol. 54. Sh'muel ibn Tibbon's preface and Heb. translation of M.'s commentary on Aboth and of the Eight Chapters (Italian rabbinical characters).

1254.2. Fol. 112. M.'s commentary on Aboth in Heb. (German rabbinical characters).

2282.3. Fol. 14. Sh'muel ibn Tibbon's translation of M.'s Eight Chapters and his commentary on Aboth, with marginal notes by a later hand (German rabbinical characters).

Add. 14763. Sam'l ibn Tibbon's translation of M.'s Commentary on אבות, preceded by Ibn Tibbon's introduction and ח׳ פרקים, A.D. 1273.[2]

Add. 16390. M.'s ח׳ פרקים, XVIth century.

Add. 17057. The שמונה פרקים of M. and his Commentary on Aboth (imperfect), translation from the Arabic into Hebrew by Samuel ibn Tibbon, XVth century.

De Rossi Library (Parma)[3]

Cod. 46. 3°. R. Mosis M. Scemone Perakim, seu octo Capita de animae facultatibus a R. S. Tibbonide hebraice versa. Sec. XV.

Cod. 71. Pirke Avoth seu Capitula patrum cum Comm. Maimonidis ejusque praefat; memb. rabb. in 4° in Sec. XV.

Cod. 269. 2°. Pirke Avoth cum Commentario Maimonidis ac fusa ejus praefatione; membr. rabb. in 4°. an. 1444.

Cod. 273. 1°. Pirke Avoth seu Capitula patrum cum Com. Maimon.

Cod. 327. 8°. Maimonidis Comm. in Pirke Avoth cum fusa praef. seu octo Peraḳim ex R. S. Tibbonides translatione.

Cod. 353. P.A. seu capitula patrum cum Comm. Maimonidis, etc. Sec. XV.

Cod. 438. 6°. M. Comm. in P.A. cum praef. Sam. Tibbonidis. Ad calc. vero Com. M. in P.A. haec reperiuntur "Finita est translatis comm. hujus tractatus ex lingua arab. in sanctam mensa tebeth an. 963 (chr. 1202) quem vetrit in arce Lünel sapiens philosophus, eruditus in omnia scientia, R. Sam. fil. sapientis magni R. Jeh. aben. Tib. fel. m. Granatensis hispanus."

Cod. 1161. 2°. Pirke avoth cum commentario M. et fusa ejus prefatione. An. 1419.

Cod. 1246. 1°. R. M. M. Perachim, Capitula de facultatibus animae seu fusa praefatio ad P.A.
2°. P.A. seu Capitula patrum, cum M. com. ex versione R. aben T. Sec. XIV.

  1. Margoliouth, Hebrew and Samaritan Mss., London, 1893.
  2. See supra, p. 24.
  3. Mss. Codices Hebraici, Parma, 1803.
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