Blep. And have all matters been committed to them, which used to be a care to the citizens?
Chrem. So it is.
Blep. Then shall I not go to Court, but my wife?
Chrem. No, nor any longer shall you rear the children you have, but your wife.
Blep. Nor any longer is it my business to groan[1] at day-break?
Chrem. No; by Jove! but this now is the women's care; while you shall remain at home without groans.
Blep. That thing is alarming for such as2 us; lest, when they have received the government3 of the state, they then compel us by force
Chrem. What to do?
Blep. to lie with them.
Chrem. But what if we be not able?
Blep. They will not give us our breakfast.
Chrem. Do you, by Jove, manage this, that you may breakfast and amuse yourself at the same time.
Blep. Compulsion is most dreadful.4
Chrem. But if this shall be profitable for the state, every man ought to do so. Certainly indeed5 there is a saying of our elders,6 "Whatever senseless or silly measures we determine on, that they all turn7 out for our advantage." And
^ " Fiir Leute imsers Alters." Droysen. See Kriiger, Gr. Gr. § 51, 10, obs. 7. Beinhardy, W. S. p. 300. ^ Cf. Equit. 1109. ■* " Aye, but compulsion's odious." Smith. ^ See Hermann, Vig. n. 297. ® " Audi giebt 's ein Sprichwort aus den alten Zeiten her : Was unverstandlich wir beschliessen und verkehrt, Das wird zu unserm Besten dock zuletzt gedeihn." Droyseji. Nub. 587, ^aal ydp dvafiovXiav TySe ry voXei irporrtlvai, raura fxivToi rovg OtovQ, utt' a,)' iijutig i^afiapTijT' , stti to jSeXriov Tp'tTTUV. Eupolis ap. Athen. x. p. 425, u)Q tvrvxyiQ ii fiaWov, ij KaXiLg <l>povitQ. ' Nub. 591', tTTi rb jSeXriov to Trpciyixa ry ttoXh (Twoiatrai. Cf. Nub. 590. Bernhardy, W. S. p. 252.
- ↑ "Auch nicht den Tag angähn' Ich künftig auf der Pnyx?"
" No more then need I sigh for break of day,
When the court meets!" Smith.
See notes on Aves, 161, 1308.