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for I perceived him contriving. I have a mind to go in and bring out the ass, that the old man may not even peep out again. [Goes in and returns leading the ass.] Ass, why do you weep? because you are to be sold[1] to-day? Walk quicker. Why do you groan, if you are not carrying any Ulysses?

Xan. But, by Jove, he is carrying some one here[2] below, who has crept under him.

Bdel. Of what sort? Let me see.

Xan. This here. [Points to Philocleon, who is hidden under the ass's belly.]

Bdel. What is[3] this? Pray, who in the world are you, fellow?

Phil. Nobody, by Jove.

Bdel. You Nobody? Of what country?

Phil. Of Ithaca; son of Runaway.[4]

Bdel. In no respect, by Jove, shall you go off with impunity, you Nobody! Draw him quickly from beneath. O most abominable! See where he's crept to! so that he seems to me most like the foal of a summons-witness.[5] [Xanthias and Sosias drag him from under the ass.]

Phil. If you won't let me alone, we will do battle.

Bdel. About what, pray, will you fight with us?

Phil. About the shade of an ass.

Bdel. You are a knave far advanced in artifice,[6] and reckless.

Phil. I a knave? No, by Jove. You are not now aware that I am most excellent. But you will know it, perhaps, when you eat the paunch of an old Heliast.[7]

  1. The Attics use the form πεπράσομαι as a fut. pass.; not πραθήσομαι
  2. Cf. vs. 205, infra. Pax, 840. Aves, 279, 287. Ran. 170.
  3. Comp. vs. 1509, infra. Aves, 859, 1030, 1495. Lys. 350, 445. Ran. 39, 1209. Plut. 1097. Fragm. 178. Schäfer on Theoc. xix. 8. Soph. Col. 1697.
  4. This is Elmsley's emendation, which has been admitted by Dindorf.
  5. "The text plays on the word κλητὴρ, which signifies equally a summons-witness and a packing-ass." Mitch. Liddell (voc. κλητὴρ) more correctly understands it as said παρὰ προσδοκίαν for foal of an ass.
  6. I have here adopted Mitchell's interpretation. Voss and Florentius Chretien follow the Scholiast, and make it = far from art, i. e. rudis.
  7. Philocleon understands πονηρὸς and ἅριστος of what is bad or good to eat. Accordingly, instead of paunch of an ass, he substitutes paunch of a Heliast, παρὰ προσδοκίαν.
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