Unj. If you shall believe him in this, O youth, by Bacchus, you will be like the sons of Hippocrates,[1] and they will call you a booby.
Just. Yet certainly shall you spend your time in the gymnastic schools, sleek and blooming; not chattering in the market-place rude jests, like the youths of the present day; nor dragged into court for a petty suit, greedy, pettyfogging, knavish; but you shall descend to the Academy and run races beneath the sacred olives along with some modest compeer, crowned with white reeds, redolent of yew, and careless ease, and of leaf-shedding white poplar, rejoicing in the season of spring, when the plane-tree whispers to the elm. If you do these things which I say, and apply your mind to these, you will ever have a stout chest, a clear complexion, broad shoulders, a little tongue, large hips, little lewdness. But if you practise what the youths of the present day do, you will have, in the first place, a pallid complexion, small shoulders, a narrow chest, a large tongue, little hips, great lewdness, a long psephism; and this deceiver will persuade you to consider every thing that is base to be honourable, and what is honourable to be base; and, in addition to this, he will fill[2] you with the lewdness of Antimachus.
Cho. O thou that practisest[3] most renowned high-tower-
- ↑ "Hippocrates was a nephew of Pericles. His sons Telesippus and Demophon were frequently derided for their silliness. 'Boobies' (βλιτομάμμαι) was the name given to the two sons of Pericles." Droysen.
- ↑ "Dubitari potest an activum sit, (ut Ach. 798,) an passivum." Hermann. There is, in reality, no doubt about it at all. No such future as πλήσομαι ever existed. On the contrary, the active future πλήσω is of common occurrence. See Plat. Legg. ix. 13, 35; Eur. Hipp. 687; Arist. Eccl. 1042. For Antimachus, see Acharn. 1150.
- ↑ "Oh sage instructor, how sublime,
These maxims of the former time!
How sweet this unpolluted stream
Of eloquence, how pure the theme!
Thrice nappy they whose lot was cast
Among the generations past." Cumberland.