Soc. Will you not pack off to the devil, you most forgetful and most stupid old man?
Strep. Ah me, what then, pray, will become of me, wretched man? For I shall be utterly undone, if I do not learn to ply the tongue. Come, oh, ye Clouds, give me some good advice.
Cho. We, old man, advise you, if you have a son grown up, to send him to learn in your stead.
Strep. Well, I have a fine handsome son, but he is not willing to learn. What must I do?[1]
Cho. But do you permit him?[2]
Strep. Yes, for he is robust in body, and in good health, and is come of the high-plumed dames of Cœsyra. I will go for him, and if he be not willing, I will certainly drive him from my house. [To Socrates.] Go in and wait for me a short time. [Exit.]
Cho. Do you perceive that you are soon about to obtain the greatest benefits through us alone of the gods? For this man is ready to do every thing that you bid him. But you, while the man is astounded and evidently elated, having perceived it, will quickly fleece him to the best of your power.[3] [Exit Socrates.] For matters of this sort are somehow accustomed to turn the other way. [Enter Strepsiades and Phidippides.]
Strep. By Mist,[4] you certainly shall not stay here any longer I but go and gnaw the columns of Megacles.
Phid. My good sir, what is the matter with you, O father? You are not in your senses, by Olympian Jupiter![5]
- ↑ See note on Lys. 884.
- ↑ "Das leidest du so?" Droysen.
- ↑ "The order of the construction is this: σὺ δὲ ταχέως ἀπολάψεις ὅτι πλεῖστον δύνασαι ἀνδρὸς ἐκπεπληγμένου καὶ φανερῶς ἐπηρμένου, γνοὺς οὕτως ἔχοντα αὐτὸν." Brunck.
"Du siehst, wie ganz verschroben schon,
Ganz er benommen ist; darum
Rupfe den Narrn, beutle ihn aus, was du nur kannst." Droysen. - ↑ "Observe the new oath 'By Mist,' evidently suggested by his recent intercourse with the philosophers." Felton.
- ↑
See Liddell's Lex. voc. μὲν, ii. 10. Hermann, Vig. n. 339, and note on Thesm. 630.