[essay xxv
Above all things, Order and Distribution and Singling out of Parts is the life of Dispatch; So as[1] the Distribution be not too subtill: For he that doth not divide will never enter well into Businesse; And he that divideth too much will never come out of it clearely. To choose Time is to save Time; And an Unseasonable Motion is but Beating the Ayre. There be three Parts of Businesse: The Preparation; The Debate, or Examination; And the Perfection[2]. Whereof, if you looke for Dispatch, let the Middle onely be the Worke of Many, and the First and Last the Worke of Few. The Proceeding upon somewhat conceived[3] in Writing doth for the most part facilitate Dispatch: For though it should be wholly reiected, yet that Negative is more pregnant of Direction[4] then an Indefinite; As Ashes are more Generative[5] then Dust.
It hath been an Opinion, that the French are wiser then they seeme, And the Spaniards seeme wiser then they are. But howsoever it be between Nations, certainly it is so between Man and Man. For as the Apostle saith of Godlinesse,—Having a shew of Godlinesse, but denying the Power thereof; So certainly, there are in Point of Wisedome and Sufficiency[6], that[7] doe Nothing or Little very solemnly; Magno conatu Nugas[8]. It is a Ridiculous Thing and fit for a Satyre to Persons of Iudgement, to see what shifts these formalists[9] have, and what Prospectives[10] to make Superficies to seeme Body that hath Depth and Bulke. Some are so Close and Reserved as[11] they will not shew their Wares but by a darke Light, And seeme alwaies to