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in Princes' Affaires is rather fine Deliveries,[1] and Shiftings of Dangers and Mischiefes, when they are neare, then solid and grounded Courses to keepe them aloofe. But this is but to try Masteries with[2] Fortune: And let men beware how they neglect and suffer Matter of Trouble to be prepared: For no Man can forbid the Sparke, nor tell whence it may come. The difficulties in Princes Businesse are many and great; But the greatest difficulty is often in their owne Minde. For it is common with Princes, (saith Tacitus) to will Contradictories: Sunt plerumque Regum voluntates vehementes, et inter se contrariæ.[3] For it is the Solæcisme of Power,[4] to thinke to Command the End and yet not to endure the Meane.[5]

Kings have to deale with their Neighbours, their Wives, their Children, their Prelates or Clergie, their Nobles, their Second-Nobles or Gentlemen, their Merchants, their Commons, and their Men of Warre;[6] And from all these arise Dangers, if Care and Circumspection be not used.

First for[7] their Neighbours; There can no generall Rule be given, (The Occasions are so variable,) save one, which ever holdeth; which is, That Princes doe keepe due Centinell that none of their Neighbours doe overgrow so, (by Encrease of Territory, by Embracing of Trade,[8] by Approaches,[9] or the like) as[10] they become more able to annoy them then they were. And this is, generally, the work of Standing Counsels to foresee and to hinder it. During that Triumvirate of Kings, King Henry the VIII. of England, Francis the I. King of France, and Charles the V. Emperour, there was such a watch kept, that none of the Three could win a Palme[11] of Ground, but the other two would straightwaies ballance it, either by Confederation, or, if need were, by a Warre; And would not, in any wise, take up Peace

  1. ingenious devices for escaping from difficult situations
  2. to measure one's strength against
  3. The desires of kings are usually violent and incongruous.
  4. blunder of rulers
  5. means
  6. soldiers
  7. with regard to
  8. by attracting to themselves trade
  9. by encroachments
  10. that
  11. hand's-breadth
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