the great Atheists, indeed,[1] are Hypocrites, which are ever Handling Holy Things, but without Feeling; So as[2] they must needs be cauterized[3] in the End. The causes of Atheisme are; Divisions in Religion, if they be many; For any one maine Division addeth Zeale to both Sides, But many Divisions introduce Atheisme. Another is, Scandal of[4] Priests, When it is come to that which S. Bernard saith, Non est iam dicere, ut populus, sic Sacerdos: quia nec sic Populus, ut Sacerdos.[5] A third is, Custome of Profane Scoffing in Holy Matters, which doth, little by little, deface the Reverence of Religion. And lastly, Learned Times, specially with Peace and Prosperity: For troubles and Adversities doe more bow Men’s Mindes to Religion. They that deny a God destroy Man’s Nobility; For certainly Man is of Kinne to the Beasts by his Body; And if he be not of Kinne to God by his Spirit, he is a Base and Ignoble creature. It destroies likewise Magnanimity and the Raising of Humane Nature; For take an example of a Dog, And mark what a Generosity[6] and Courage he will put on, when he findes himselfe maintained[7] by a Man, who to him is in stead of a God or Melior Natura;[8] which courage is manifestly such as that Creature, without that Confidence of[9] a better Nature then his owne, could never attaine. So Man, when he resteth and assureth himselfe[10] upon divine Protection and Favour, gathereth a Force and Faith, which Humane Nature in it selfe could not obtaine. Therefore, as Atheisme is in all respects hatefull, so[11] in this, that it depriveth humane Nature of the Meanes to exalt it selfe above Humane Frailty. As it is in particular Persons, so it is in Nations: Never was there such a State for Magnanimity as Rome: Of this state heare what Cicero saith; Quam volumus, licet, patres conscripti, nos amemus, tamen nec numero Hispanos,