and setting them at distance,[1] or at least distrust amongst themselves, is not one of the worst Remedies. For it is a desperate Case, if those that hold with the Proceeding of the State be full of Discord and Faction, And those that are against it be entire and united.
I have noted that some witty[2] and sharpe Speeches, which have fallen from Princes, have given fire to Seditions. Caesar did himselfe infinite Hurt, in that Speech, Sylla nescivit Literas, non potuit dictare:[3] For it did utterly cut off that Hope, which Men had entertained, that he would, at one time or other, give over his Dictatorship. Galba undid himselfe by that Speech, Legi à se Militem, non emi:[4] For it put the Souldiers out of Hope of the Donative. Probus likewise, by that Speech, Si vixero, non opus erit ampliùs Romano Imperio militibus;[5] A Speech of great Despaire for the Souldiers: And many the like. Surely, Princes had need, in tender[6] Matters and Ticklish Times, to beware what they say; Especially in these short Speeches, which flie abroad like Darts, and are thought to be shot out of their secret Intentions. For as for large Discourses, they are flat[7] Things and not so much noted.
Lastly, let Princes, against all Events,[8] not be without some Great Person, one, or rather more, of Military Valour neere unto them, for the Repressing of Seditions in their beginnings. For without that, there useth to be[9] more trepidation in Court upon the first Breaking out of Troubles then were fit. And the State runneth the danger of that which Tacitus saith; Atque is Habitus animorum fuit, ut pessimum facinus auderent Pauci, Plures vellent, Omnes paterentur.[10] But let such Military Persons be Assured,[11] and well reputed of, rather then Factious and Popular;[12]
- ↑ at enmity
- ↑ smart
- ↑ Sulla did not know his letters and could not 'dictate'.
- ↑ That it was his practice to levy soldiers, not to buy them.
- ↑ If I live, the Roman Empire shall have no further need of soldiers
- ↑ delicate
- ↑ dull
- ↑ in case of any emergency
- ↑ there is usually
- ↑ Such was the state of men's feelings that, while there were few to venture on a deed so foul, most men wished it done and all acquiesced in it.
- ↑ trustworthy
- ↑ popularity-hunters