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the time of Henry the third of France; For first, himselfe entred League for the Extirpation of the Protestants, and presently after, the same League was turned upon Himselfe. For when the Authority of Princes is made but an Accessary to a Cause, And that there be other Bands[1] that tie faster then the Band of Soveraignty, Kings begin to be put almost out of Possession.

Also, when Discords and Quarrells and Factions are carried openly and audaciously, it is a Signe the Reverence of[2] Government is lost. For the Motions of the greatest persons in a Government ought to be as the Motions of the Planets under Primum Mobile, (according to the old Opinion,) which is, That Every[3] of them is carried swiftly by the Highest Motion, and softly in their owne Motion. And therfore, when great Ones, in their owne particular Motion, move violently, and, as Tacitus expresseth it well, Liberiùs quam ut Imperantium meminissent[4], It is a Signe the Orbs are out of Frame:[5] For Reverence is that wherwith Princes are girt from God, Who threatneth the dissolving thereof; Solvam cingula Regum.[6]

So when any of the foure Pillars of Government are mainly[7] shaken or weakned (which are Religion, Justice, Counsell, and Treasure,) Men had need to pray for Faire Weather. But let us passe from this Part of Predictions,[8] (Concerning which, neverthelesse, more light may be taken, from that which followeth,) And let us speake first of the Materials of Seditions; Then of the Motives of them; And thirdly of the Remedies.

Concerning the Materialls of Seditions. It is a Thing well to be considered: For the surest way to prevent Seditions, (if the Times doe beare it,[9]) is to take away the Matter of them. For if there be Fuell prepared, it is hard to tell whence the Spark shall come that shall set it on

  1. bonds
  2. for
  3. every one
  4. more freely than is consistent with respect for their rulers
  5. disordered
  6. I will loose the girdles of kings.
  7. violently
  8. i.e. from this part of the subject, viz. predictions
  9. allow the removal of their causes
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