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close[1] Corruption. For Roughnesse, It is a needlesse cause of Discontent: Severitie breedeth Feare, but Roughnesse breedeth Hate. Even Reproofes from Authoritie ought to be Grave and not Taunting. As for Facilitie[2], It is worse then Bribery[3]. For Bribes come but now and

then; But if Importunitie or Idle Respects[4] lead a Man, he shall never be without. As Salomon saith, To respect Persons is not good; For such a man will transgresse for a peece of Bread.

It is most true, that was anciently spoken; A place sheweth the Man: And it sheweth some to the better and some to the worse: Omnium consensu capax Imperij, nisi imperasset[5], saith Tacitus of Galba: but of Vespasian he saith, Solus Imperantium Vespasianus mutatus in melius[6]; Though the one was meant of Sufficiencie[7] the other of Manners and Affection[8]. It is an assured Signe of a worthy and generous Spirit, whom Honour amends. For Honour is, or should be, the Place of Vertue; And as in Nature Things move violently to their Place, and calmely in their Place, So Vertue in Ambition[9] is violent, in Authoritie setled and calme. All Rising to Great Place is by a winding Staire; And if there be Factions, it is good to side a Man's selfe[10], whilest hee is in the Rising, and to ballance Himselfe[11], when hee is placed. Use the Memory of thy Predecessour fairely and tenderly; For if thou dost not, it is a Debt will sure be paid, when thou art gone[12]. If thou have Colleagues, respect them, and rather call them[13] when they looke not for it then exclude them when they have reason to looke to be called. Be not too sensible[14] or too remembring[15] of thy Place, in Conversation and private

  1. secret
  2. pliancy
  3. receiving bribes
  4. personal preferences
  5. By common consent he would have been deemed fit for empire had he never been emperor
  6. Vespasian was the only emperor that was changed for the better by empire.
  7. administrative capacity
  8. morals and disposition
  9. in seeking office
  10. to take a side
  11. to be neutral
  12. i.e. your successor will pay the same meagre tribute to your own memory
  13. call them in to your assistance
  14. sensitive
  15. obtrusively mindful
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