close[1] Corruption. For Roughnesse, It is a needlesse cause of Discontent: Severitie breedeth Feare, but Roughnesse breedeth Hate. Even Reproofes from Authoritie ought to be Grave and not Taunting. As for Facilitie[2], It is worse then Bribery[3]. For Bribes come but now and
then; But if Importunitie or Idle Respects[4] lead a Man, he shall never be without. As Salomon saith, To respect Persons is not good; For such a man will transgresse for a peece of Bread.
It is most true, that was anciently spoken; A place sheweth the Man: And it sheweth some to the better and some to the worse: Omnium consensu capax Imperij, nisi imperasset[5], saith Tacitus of Galba: but of Vespasian he saith, Solus Imperantium Vespasianus mutatus in melius[6]; Though the one was meant of Sufficiencie[7] the other of Manners and Affection[8]. It is an assured Signe of a worthy and generous Spirit, whom Honour amends. For Honour is, or should be, the Place of Vertue; And as in Nature Things move violently to their Place, and calmely in their Place, So Vertue in Ambition[9] is violent, in Authoritie setled and calme. All Rising to Great Place is by a winding Staire; And if there be Factions, it is good to side a Man's selfe[10], whilest hee is in the Rising, and to ballance Himselfe[11], when hee is placed. Use the Memory of thy Predecessour fairely and tenderly; For if thou dost not, it is a Debt will sure be paid, when thou art gone[12]. If thou have Colleagues, respect them, and rather call them[13] when they looke not for it then exclude them when they have reason to looke to be called. Be not too sensible[14] or too remembring[15] of thy Place, in Conversation and private
- ↑ secret
- ↑ pliancy
- ↑ receiving bribes
- ↑ personal preferences
- ↑ By common consent he would have been deemed fit for empire had he never been emperor
- ↑ Vespasian was the only emperor that was changed for the better by empire.
- ↑ administrative capacity
- ↑ morals and disposition
- ↑ in seeking office
- ↑ to take a side
- ↑ to be neutral
- ↑ i.e. your successor will pay the same meagre tribute to your own memory
- ↑ call them in to your assistance
- ↑ sensitive
- ↑ obtrusively mindful