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He that hath Wife and Children hath given Hostages to Fortune; For they are Impediments to great Enterprises, either of Vertue, or Mischiefe. Certainly, the best workes, and of greatest Merit for the Publike, have proceeded from the unmarried or Childlesse Men, which, both in Affection and Meanes, have married and endowed the Publike. Yet it were great Reason[1] that those that have Children should have greatest care of future times, unto which, they know, they must transmit their dearest pledges. Some there are who, though they lead a Single Life, yet their Thoughts doe end with themselves, and account future Times Impertinences[2]. Nay, there are some other that account Wife

and Children but as Bills of charges[3]. Nay more, there are some foolish rich covetous Men that take a pride in having no Children, because[4] they may be thought so much the richer. For, perhaps, they have heard some talke, Such an one is a great rich Man; And another except[5] to it, Yea, but he hath a great charge of Children; As if it were an Abatement to his Riches. But the most ordinary cause of a Single Life is Liberty; especially in certaine Selfepleasing and humorous[6] Mindes, which are so sensible of every restraint as they will goe neare to thinke[7] their Girdles and Garters to be Bonds and Shackles. Unmarried Men are best Friends, best Masters, best Servants, but not alwayes best Subiects; For they are light[8]to runne away, And almost all Fugitives are of that Condition. A Single Life doth well with Church men[9]; For Charity will hardly water the Ground, where it must first fill a Poole. It is indifferent[10] for Iudges and Magistrates; For if they be

  1. it would be reasonable to think
  2. no concern of theirs
  3. items of expense
  4. in order that
  5. take exception
  6. eccentric
  7. that they will almost think
  8. ready and unencumbered
  9. clergymen
  10. a matter of no consequence either way
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