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with them a Shew of Fearfulnesse, which in any Businesse doth spoile the Feathers[1] of round[2] flying up to the Mark. The second, that it pusleth and perplexeth the Conceits[3] of many that perhaps would otherwise co-operate with him, and makes a Man walke almost alone to his owne Ends. The third and greatest is, that it depriveth a Man of one of the most principall Instruments for Action, which is Trust and Beleefe. The best Composition and Temperature[4] is, to have Opennesse in Fame and Opinion[5]; Secrecy in no

Habit; Dissimulation in seasonable use; And a Power to faigne, if there be no Remedy.



The loyes of Parents are Secret, And so are their Griefes and Feares: They cannot utter the one, Nor they will not utter the other. Children sweeten Labours, But they make Misfortunes more bitter: They increase the Cares of Life, but they mitigate the Remembrance[6] of Death. The Perpetuity by Generation is common to Beasts; But Memory[7], Merit, and Noble workes, are proper[8] to Men: And surely a Man shall see the Noblest workes and Foundations[9] have proceeded from Childlesse Men, which have sought to expresse the Images of their Minds, where those of their Bodies have failed; So the care of Posterity is most in them that have no Posterity. They that are the first Raisers of their Houses are most Indulgent towards their Children, Beholding them as the Continuance not only of their kinde[10] but of their Worke; And so both Children, and Creatures[11].

The difference in Affection of Parents towards their severall Children is many times unequall, And sometimes

  1. sc. of the arrow
  2. direct
  3. thoughts
  4. combination and temperament
  5. a reputation for frankness
  6. thought
  7. being kept in memory
  8. peculiar
  9. institutions
  10. family
  11. created objects
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