to the State of a Christian: That Hercules, when hee went to unbinde Prometheus, (by whom Humane Nature is represented) sailed the length of the great Ocean in an Earthen Pot or Pitcher; Lively[1] describing Christian Resolution, that saileth in the fraile Barke of the Flesh thorow the Waves of the World. But to speake in a Meane[2]. The Vertue of Prosperitie is Temperance; The Vertue of Adversity is Fortitude; which in Morals is the more Heroicall Vertue. Prosperity is the Blessing of the Old Testament; Adversity is the Blessing of the New; which carrieth the greater Benediction, and the Clearer Revelation of God's Favour. Yet even in the old Testament, if you Listen to David's Harpe, you shall heare as many Herselike[3] Ayres as Carols[4]; And the Pencill of the holy Ghost hath laboured more in describing the Afflictions of lob then the Felicities of Salomon. Prosperity is not without many Feares and Distastes[5]; And Adversity is not without Comforts and Hopes. Wee see in Needle-workes and Imbroideries, It is more pleasing to have a Lively[6] Worke upon a Sad[7] and Solemne Ground then to have a Darke and Melancholy Worke upon a Lightsome Ground: Iudge, therfore, of the Pleasure of the Heart, by the Pleasure of the Eye. Certainly, Vertue is like pretious Odours, most fragrant, when they are incensed[8], or crushed: For Prosperity doth best discover[9] Vice; but Adversity doth best discover Vertue.
Dissimulation is but a faint[10] kind of Policy, or Wisdome; For it asketh[11] a strong Wit[12] and a strong Heart, to