[essay xxvii
they are as Men, that looke sometimes into a Glasse, and presently[1] forget their own Shape and Favour[2]. As for Businesse, a Man may think, if he will, that two Eyes see no more then one; Or that a Gamester seeth alwaies more then a Looker on; Or that a Man in Anger is as Wise as he that hath said over the foure and twenty Letters; Or that a Musket may be shot off as well upon the Arme as upon a Rest; And such other fond and high[3] Imaginations, to thinke Himselfe All in All. But when all is done[4], the Helpe of good Counsell is that which setteth Businesse straight. And if any Man thinke that he will take Counsell, but it shall be by Peeces, Asking Counsell in one Businesse of one Man, and in another Businesse of another Man, It is well, (that is to say, better perhaps then if he asked none at all;) but he runneth two dangers: One, that he shall not be faithfully counselled; For it is a rare Thing, except it be from a perfect and entire Frend, to have Counsell given, but such as shal be bowed and crooked[5] to some ends which he hath that giveth it: The other, that he shall have Counsell given, hurtfull and unsafe, (though with good Meaning), and mixt partly of Mischiefe and partly of Remedy; Even as if you would call a Physician, that is thought good for the Cure of the Disease you complaine of, but is unacquainted with your body; And therefore may put you in way for a present Cure, but overthroweth your Health in some other kinde[6], And so cure the Disease, and kill the Patient. But a Frend that is wholly acquainted with a Man's Estate[7], will beware by furthering any present Businesse, how he dasheth upon other Inconvenience. And therefore rest[8] not upon Scattered[9] Counsels; They will rather distract and Misleade then Settle and Direct. After these two Noble Fruits of Frendship, (Peace in the Affections, and Support of the Iudgement,) followeth the last Fruit, which is like the Pomgranat, full of many kernels; I meane Aid, and Bearing a Part in all Actions