In Memoriam: William Brewster. By Henry W. Henshaw. (Plates I and II.) 1
William Brewster.—An Appreciation By John G. Gehring 24
William Brewster.—Resolution of the Nuttall Ornithological Club 27
The William Brewster Memorial 29
In Memoriam: Lyman Belding. By A. K. Fisher. (Plate III.) 33
Midsummer Birds in the Catskill Mountains. By Stanley Cobb, M. D. 46
Notes on the Winter Birds or San Antonio, Texas. By Ludlow Griscom 49
The Occult Senses in Birds. By Herbert H. Beck 55
Birds of the Clear Creek District, Colorado. By F. C. Lincoln 60
Sandpipers Wintering at Plymouth, Massachusetts. By J. A. Farley 78
Sequestration Notes. By Joseph Grinnell 84
On Procellaria alba Gmelin. By Leverett Mills Loomis 88
Notes on Seven Birds Taken near Charleston, South Carolina. By Arthur T. Wayne 92
The Status of the Subspecific Races of Branta canadensis. By J. D. Figgins 94
Bachman's Warbler Breeding in Alabama. By Ernest G. Holt. (Plate IV.) 103
Description of a Proposed New Race of the Killdeer from the Coast of Peru. By Frank M. Chapman 105
Descriptions of a New Species and Subspecies ofTyrannidae. By Charles B. Cory 108
The Thirty-seventh Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union. By T. S. Palmer 110
General Notes. — The Black Skimmer on Long Island, N. Y., 126; Another Record of the White Pelican in New York, 126; A Note on the Southern Teal, 126; Trumpeter Swan (Olor buccinator) in Western Minnesota. A Correction, 127; Wild Swan on Long Island, N. Y., 127; Notes on Some Shore Birds of the Alabama River, Montgomery County, Ala., 127; The Black Rail at St. Marks, Florida, 128; Purple Gallinule in North Carolina, 130; Breeding of the Mourning Dove in Maine, 130; The Status of Harlan's Hawk in Colorado, 130; White Gyrfalcon (Falco islandus) in Montana, 132; The Hawk Owl in North Dakota, 132; Pileated Woodpecker in Morris County, N. J., 132; Unusual Habits of Chimney Swift, 132; Empidonax griseus in Nevada, 133; The Crow in Colorado, 134; Appearance of the Canada Jay at Moorehead, Minn., 134; Note on the Food of the Starling (Stumus vulgaris), 135; Harris' Sparrow in Michigan, 135; American Golden-eye and White-crowned Sparrow in Northern Michigan in Summer, 135; Lanius ludovicianus migrans in North Dakota, 135; Bohemian Waxwings in Chicago, Ill., 135; The Bohemian Waxwing (Bombycilla garrula) at Chicago, Ill., 135; Orange-crowned Warbler (Vermivora celata celata) in Massachusetts, 137; Fall Records of Mourning Warbler in Western Missouri, 137; Breeding of the Canadian Warbler and Northern Water-Thrush in New Jersey, 137; T Hermit Thrush's Nest in Unusual Location, 138; Peculiar Nesting of Hermit Thrushes, 138; The Bluebird in Cuba, 140; Rare or Uncommon Birds at Rochester, N. Y., 140; Notes from St. Marks, Fla., 142; Bird Notes on the Wisconsin River, 143; Abundance of Periodical Cicadas Diverting Attacks of Birds from Cultivated Fruits, 144; Nomenclatural Casuistry, 145; Supplementary Note on J. P. Giraud, 145.
Recent Literature.—Van Oort's 'Birds of Holland,' 147 Taverner's 'Birds of East Canada' 147 'The Birds of North Carolina,' 149 Hine on Birds of the Katmai Region, Alaska, 150 Witherby's 'Handbook of British Birds,' 151 A Geographical Bib- liography, of British Ornithology, 152 Birds of the Expedition to Korinchi Peak, Sumatra, 153 Swann's 'Synoptical List of the Accipitres,' 154 Burns' 'Ornithology of Chester County, Pennsylvania,' 155 Mailliard's 'Notes on the Avifauna of the Inner Coast Range of California,' 156 Bailey's 'Raptorial Birds of Iowa,' 156 Mrs. Farwell's 'Bird Observations near Chicago,' 156 Hudson's 'Book of a Naturalist,' 158 Dixon on Wild Ducks in a City Park, 158; Recent Circulars by Forbush, 159 The Birds of the Albatross Expedition of 1899-1900, 159 Coker on the Guano Birds of Peru, 160 Scoville's 'The Out-of-Doors Club,' 162 Giflord's 'Field Notes on the Land Birds of the Galapagos Islands,' 162 Hall and Grinnell on Life Zone Indicators in California, 163 Dabbene on Argentine Forms of the Genera Geositta and Cinclodes, 164 Cory's 'Review of the Genera Siptornisand Cranioleuca,' 164 Chapman on New South American Birds, 165 Oberholser on Larus hyperboreus barrovianus, 166 Contributions to the Zoogeography of the Palaearctic Region, 166 Annual Report of the Chief of the Biological Survey, 167 Shufeldt on the Birds of Brazil, 167 The Food of Australian Birds, 168 The Ornithological Journals, 168 Ornithological Articles in Other Journals, 173 Additional Publications Received, 178.
Correspondence. — International Ornithological Congress, 179; Name of the Red- footed Booby, 180; Ornithological Pronunciation, 181.
Notes and News.—Editorial Note, 182; Obituary: Dr. Charles Conrad Abbott, 183; Obituary: Edward Everett Brewster, 184; Obituary: Barron Brainerd, 184; Recording Migration, 185; Election of Officers of the Nuttall Club, 185; A. O. U. Committee on Nomenclature and Classification of N. A. Birds, 186; Bird Collection of the Ottawa Museum, 186; Oldest Members of the A. O. U., 186; Publications of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 186; The South African Biological Society, 187; Dinner of the D. V. O. C, 187; Vogel der palaarktischen Fauna, 187; Educational Work of the California Fish and Game Commission, 188; Endowment of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology of the University of California, 188.