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receive testimony and to all things did he accord a hearing that was fair and just. He hastened to no conclusions and he was ever ready to modify his opinions in the light of farther evidence. His was a nature innately fair and truthful and whilst ever fearlessly uncom- promising wherever principle was involved, personally he judged not at all ! To be as broadly tolerant as this our loved and honored friend, to be as considerate and fair, as intrinsically friendly towards the opinion of all men, regardless of station, has been an ideal to us all since first we knew him. O thou lover of all things true and good, upon what far heights today thy soul doth stand, we rest assured that one so fitted to be immortal, — has found his immortality! Bethel, Me. WILLIAM BREWSTER. At a regular meeting of the Nuttall Ornithological Club held November 3, 1919, the following memorial of Mr. William Brewster was adopted by the Club for entrance in the Records, and the Secretary was instructed to communicate it to ' The Auk ' for publication, It was prepared by Mr. E. B. White.

William Brewster was one of the founders of the Nuttall Orni- thological Club and its President for over forty years, and when not absent from Cambridge, was found faithfully in the Chair at its meetings. His scientific attainments have made their own permanent record, but the Club wishes to record here the sense of the heavy loss it has sustained and of the intimate personal be- reavement which the members suffer in the death of one who was held by them in such affectionate regard. He presided with an easy control, with no trace of self-assertive- ness, his poise rendering that unnecessary : perfect balance marked his character; he possessed vigor without asperity and sensibility without softness. Tolerant and just, he infused into the meetings

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