NOTICES OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS.Drs. Parthey and Pinder have made a very extensive, and the soundest critical use of this copious store of MSS. The restoration of the original reading was their main object, and they have reached it as far as is possible in a work which merely consists of lists of names and numbers. It has been their special care to remove all the difficulties which occur in the separate distances and their sums, in which the errors of the scribes have naturally been very frequent. The best MSS. of course have been followed throughout, but occasionally the assistance of another passage in the same Itinerary, or a statement of the ancient geographers, has been adopted.
To those who are accustomed to Wesseling's Edition,[1] every page in that under consideration will exhibit important variations, as it has been thought necessary to restore from the most ancient copies the reading mpm. (milia plus minus) instead of mp.; and Item instead of Iter, the abbreviation — IT having been mistaken for the latter. Besides, names and sums have undergone numberless corrections. For this reason the editors have judiciously printed in the margin the pages of Wesseling's edition.
To show the important alterations of the text made in the new edition, we annex a comparative list of the readings of the two editions we have mentioned, in the Iter Britanniarum, which forms the conclusion of the Itinerary.
Parthet and Pinder.
p. 466. p. 467. p. 468. Delgovitia. Blatobulgio. Cataractoni. p. 222. p. 223. Delgovicia. Blato Bulgio. Cataractone. p. 469. Deva Leug. XX. Victrix. Deva leg. xx. vict. Uroconio. p. 224. Urioconio. p. 470. Manduessedo. Manduesedo. Bennavenna. Bannaventa. p. 473. Iter ad portum Lemanis. p. 225. Item a Londinio ad portum Lemanis. p. 474. Luguvallio. p. 226. Luguvalio. Icianos. Icinos. p. 476. Cataractoni. Cataractone. p. 477. Verteris, mp. xiii. Luguvallio. Isannavatia. p. 227. Verteris, mpm. xiiii. Luguvalio. Isannavantia. Vennonis. Venonis. Ratis. Ratas. Margiduno mp. xiii. Crococalano. Margiduno, mpm. xii. Crococalana. p. 478. Attrebatum. p. 228. Atrebatum. Crococalano. Crococalana. p. 479. Vennonis. p. 229. Venonis. Bannavanto. Bannavento. Icenorum. Icinorum. p. 480. Camuloduno. p. 230. Camoloduno. p. 481. Galacum. Calacum. p. 482. Mediolano, mp. xviii. p. 230. Mediolano, mpm. xviiii. Segoncio. p. 231. Segontio.
- ↑ Amsterdam , 1735. 4to.