on fol. vii., ending on fol. cxxv. Woodcuts. Folio. 1503—Society of Antiquaries.
184. The ordinary of Christen Men. 4to. 1506—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
185. The boke of Good manners. The only perfect copy known. Woodcuts, 4to. 1507—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
186. Sermon made by John Bishop of Rochester (Fisher) in the first year of King Henry VIII., 10th May, 1509. Curious woodcut of Henry VII. lying in State. 4to. 1509—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
187. Gerson's Paternoster, Ave, and Credo. Woodcuts. 4 to. 1509—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
188. Ortus vocabulorum: a Latin and English dictionary. The first edition was printed by Wynkyn de Worde in folio, 1500. This is the third edition. 4to. 1511—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
189. The Flowre of the Commaundments of God. Woodcuts. 3rd edition. Folio. 1510—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
190. Another edition. Folio. 1521—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
191. Constitutiones Provinciales et Othonis. 12mo. 1517—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
192. The Flowre of the Commandements. 4th edition. Folio. 1521—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
193. Opera super Constitutiones Provinciales et Othonis. 16mo. 1529—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
194. Scala Perfectionis. Woodcut. 4to. 1523—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
195. Richard Cuer de Lyon. Woodcut. 4to. 1528—Mr. Quaritch.
196. Enchiridion of Erasmus. Printed for "Johan Biddel, otherwise Salysbury." 12mo. 1534—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
197. The xij. Profytes of Tribulacyon. 4to. 1530—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
198. A Contemplacyon or Medytacyon of the Shedynge of the blood of our Lorde Jhesu Crysto at Seven tymes. Folio. No date—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
Theodore Rood and Thomas Hunt: printed at Oxford, in the lifetime of Caxton. The following work is usually attributed to them, but Dibdin and others are of opinion that it was printed in Germany. Archdeacon Cotton, however, shows that the same type is used for it and the "Alexander de Anima," which was printed by Theodore Rood in 1481, and bears his name in the colophon. "There is," he says, "so close a resemblance between these two volumes, that I think no person who compares them together can doubt that the place and printer of both are one and the same."[1]
199. Liber Moralium: in Threnos Hieremio Prophetie. By John Latterbury. Folio. 1482—Dean and Chapter of Westminster.
William Machlinia: printed in Holborn, near the Fleet Bridge. He
- ↑ Typographical Gazetter, 2nd ed., p. 210.