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of supporters. The expression of our grateful appreciation of their hearty sympathy, constantly evinced throughout the course of our exertions, has in several instances been recorded at our Meetings in the metropolis. The lively feeling of regret will not be less truly felt on the present occasion, when, in accordance with annual usage, we are permitted to take some passing retrospect of the progress of archæological affairs in general, with all that may more particularly affect the welfare of our Institute.

"Amongst the honoured friends whose recent loss we have to lament, are:—

The Earl of Dunraven, of whom a special notice has already been given in the pages of the 'Journal.'[1]

The Very Rev. Canon Rock.

Professor Westmacott.

The Count de Salis. (Contributor of a valuable memoir at the London Meeting).

Charles Buxton, Esq., M.P.

Sir Thomas E. Winnington, Bart., a zealous supporter of our Worcester Meeting, and a cordial and able helper on many later occasions.

Charles Faulkner, Esq., F.S.A.

Joseph Somes, Esq., F.R.G.S.

George Hudson, Esq., by whose liberality a very large portion of the heavy expenses of the Annual Meeting at York was contributed.

J. Stewart Forbes, Esq.

A. Bellasis, Esq.

Amongst several local archæologists not members of the Institute, but by whose friendly communications and assistance the Society has frequently benefited, may be mentioned.

Charles Spence, Esq., many years resident in the West of England, from whom in the earlier period of the operations of the Society many interesting facts and observations were received.

Samuel Tymms, Esq., the well-known Suffolk antiquary, a frequent and very obliging correspondent and co-operator at the Bury Meeting.

The Council have now to submit the following list of Members retiring in due course, or whose places are vacant, and their recommendation of names to fill the vacancies:—

"To Retire:
One Vice-President.
Dean Stanley.

Six Members of Council.
The Earl Amherst.
The Very Rev. Dr. Rock.
Professor Westmacott.
Sir T. E. Winnington, Bart.
Sir S. D. Scott, Bart.
W. F. Vernon, Esq.

Sir J. Maclean.

To Succeed:
Sir S. D. Scott, Bart.

Rev. W. J. Loftie.
Sir John Maclean.
F. H. Dickinson, Esq.
J. Hewitt, Esq.
Rev. R. P. Coates.
F. C. J. Spurrell, Esq.

W. D. Jeremy, Esq."

  1. See p. 78 of the present volume.
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