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  1. Boat or Ship
  1. Held in the hand
St. Jude, Ap.[1], Oct. 28
  1. Boiling
  1. Female Saint martyred therein
St. Afra, V. M.[2]c. Aug. 6
  1. Book
  1. A Female with a Book, teaching a Child
St. Anne[3], July 26
  1. Book
  1. King, holding the Gospel of St. John
    in the hand
St. Edward, K.
Confessor, Jan. 5
  1. Books
  1. Bishop, holding three
St. Hilary, Bp. Jan. 13
  1. Books
  1. Burning before a Saint, who holds a sword
St. Dominick, C. Aug. 4
  1. *Book & Crosier
  1. The former in right hand, the latter in left
St. Bridget[4], V.C. Feb. 1
  1. Bottle
  1. Two figures holding a bottle and shears
St. Cosmas and St. Damian[5],
M. Sept. 27
  1. Bowels
  1. Wound round a windlass or a staff
St. Erasmus, Bp. M.
June 2
  1. Bow and Arrow
  1. Held by a Man, aiming at a naked Virgin
St. Christina, V. July 24
  1. Box of Spikenard
  1. In the hand of a Female
  1. Bread
  1. A loaf in the hand of a Female
St. Gertrude, V. and
Abbess, March 17[6]
  1. Breast
  1. Torn by pincers, or Breasts in a dish
St. Agatha, V. M. Feb. 5
  1. Bull or Bulls
  1. Dragging a Saint over a stony place
St. Saturninus, May 2
  1. Candle
  1. In the hand
St. Genevieve, V. Jan. 3
  1. Cardinal
  1. With a lion near him, or the feet of a
    lion in his lap
St. Jerome, P. Sept. 30
  1. Carpenter's
  1. In the hand
St. Matthew, Ap. Sept.
21, St. Joseph, Mar. 19
or St. Jude, Ap. Oct. 28
  1. *Cauldron
  1. A Saint boiled in
St. John Port Lat. Ap.
May 6
  1. Chains
  1. A figure in prison, loaded with fetters
St. Peter ad Vincula,
Aug. 1
  1. Chains
  1. Or Manacles in a Saint's hand
St. Leonard, C. Nov. 6
  1. Chalice
  1. At the feet
St. Richard, Bp. April 3
  1. Chalice or Cup
  1. With a winged Serpent issuing from it
St. John, Ap. Dec. 27
  1. Child
  1. In the arms
St. Britius, Bp. Nov. 13[7]
  1. Child
  1. With a glory round the head, and a
    spoon in the hand, before a Bishop
St.Augustine, Bp. Aug. 28
  1. Children
  1. Three in a tub before a Bishop
St Nicholas, Bp. Dec. 6
  1. *Clubs
  1. Saints beaten with
St. Boniface, Abp. M.
June 5, St. Maccabea,
M. Aug. 1, &c. &c.
  1. Comb
  1. A wool-comb in the hand
St. Blaise, Bp. M. Feb. 3
  1. Confessional
  1. A Bishop seated in
St. Gothard, Bp. May 4
  1. Cross
  1. With single transverse bar
A Primate or Metropolitan
  1. Cross
  1. With triple bars
A Pope
  1. Cross
  1. Patée ✠
A Knight Hospitaler of
St. John of Jerusalem
  1. Cross
  1. Inverted, a Saint thus crucified
St. Peter, Ap. June 29
  1. Cross
  1. Saltier , a Saint leaning on
St. Andrew, Ap. Nov. 30
  1. Cross
  1. Saltier in background
St. Benignus, D. June 6
  1. Cross
  1. Like a T and a spear or double cross ‡
St. Philip, Ap. May 1
  1. He and St. Matthew are sometimes represented with clubs in their hands.
  2. Other martyrdoms are so represented, particularly St. John the Evangelist.
  3. Sometimes on this Book are the words "Radix Jesse floruit."
  4. Many Bishops and Saints are represented with Books.
  5. See Bed, supra.
  6. N.B. There is another Gertrude, V. Nov. 15.
  7. Simeon and the B. V. M. are thus represented.
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