Devra-Damo, Haramat,[1] Amba-Sanet, Tsai, Tsama, and Abba Garima, with many others of inferior note; and its general character is that of a range of hill-forts, or "ambas," intersected by deep gullies and highly cultivated plains.
To the east of Tigré proper lies the province of Agamé, a rich and fertile territory, owing in a great measure to its being situated on a level at a considerable elevation above the sea, which in the torrid climates generally insures these advantages. It has for its eastern frontier part of the lofty ridge of mountains which extends from Senafé to Taranta: and its strong holds bordering on the Taltal, together with its vicinity to the salt-plain, render it of great importance in the country. The chief town is Genata, and the smaller "gúltas" of Seraxo, Shihah, Calaut, Adegraat, Gullimuckida, Gunde Gunde, and Agro, are comprehended within its limits.
To the southward of Agamé a considerable number of petty districts are found in the neighbourhood of Senafé, which may properly be considered as forming a part of the province of Enderta, to which, in fact, they have for a long time been subordinate: these consist of Derra, Asme, Womburta, Désa, Muntille, and Monos, mountainous districts, forming by their position the eastern boundaries of Tigré. Besides these, Enderta embraces within its limits the territories of Moculla, Dirbah, Gambela, together with Upper and Lower Gibba, to which I shall add Wazza, Saharti, and Giralta, though these are sometimes enumerated among the distinct provinces. The capital of Enderta is Antálo,[2] a town admirably calculated by its position for the protection of the southern provinces against the Galla, on which account it has been selected for his residence by the Ras.
Below this province, to the south, lies a long strip of country, running in an east and west direction, called Wojjerat; the inhabitants of this district are celebrated for their conquest of the Doba, a tribe of negroes resid-