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Abbott, Cavell, 266 Abbott, M. J., 366 Abernethy, George, 310, 311, 314 Adams, Charles, 314 Adams, John Quincy, 160 Adams, L., 268 Adams, P. L., 367 Adams, W. L., 81 Adams, William, 81 “Additional Note on Some Early Oregon Physicians,” by O. Larsell, 235-36 Agatz, Cora Wilson: "Journey Across the Plains in 1866, 163 Ainsley, H. C., 268 Aits, John, 90, 117, 183, 284 Albany, New York, 107 Albertson, Ralph:' "Survey of Mutualistic Communities in America," 363 Albina Pioneers' Association, 164 Albro, Mary Drain, 167, 265 Alexander, Caleb, 102, 103 Allen, A. Í., 12 Allen, Wiley B., 268 Allison, David Clark, 135 Alvarado, Juan Bautista, 15, 18, 22 Ambler, David, 88 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions-Prudential Committee, 125, 127 American Falls, 143, 144 American Falls, Snake River, 285 American Fur Company, 213, 215 American Society of Civil Engineers—Portland meeting, 362 Amusements, 3 Anderson, Ida E., 84 Andrews, Francis Marion, 272 Angell, Homer D., 134, 167 Antelope, 280, 286 “Appeal of the North West Company to the British Government to Forestall John Jacob Astor's Columbian Enterprise," 363 Apperson, J. T., 83 Appichemens, 93 Applegate, Jesse: Day With a Cow Column, 76 Apples, 179, 180, 187, 241, 245 Archivo General de la Nacion, Mexico, 263 Arnold, C. A., 165 Arnold, James, 268 Ashley, William H., 2 Astor, John Jacob, 163 Astor, Vincent, 269 Astoria, Oregon, 82, 248 Athabaska Pass, 175 Atkinson, George H., 308, 310, 311, 312, 314 Atkinson, N. B., 312 Aurora community, 363 Austin, Susan G., 167 Ayer, Winslow Bartlett, 367 Babcock, Avery, 32, 33 Backus, Levi L., 366 Bacon, Mary, 265 Bagley, Clarence B., 139: Early Catholic Missions in Old Oregon, 238, 325 History of Seattle, 139 Bagley, Daniel, 139, 141 Bailey, ........, 156 Bailey, Ellen Letitia, 368 Bailey, John E., 272 Bailey, Margaret J.: Grains, or Passages in the Life of Ruth Rover, 166 Baker, Oregon, 92 Bakers Bay, 248, 249, 334, 337, 341, 343, 344, 346, 351 Baldock, R. H.: “Highway Design Applied to the State System,” 362-63 Baldwin, Mrs. L. E., 83 Balfour, Mr. & Mrs. T. N., 367 Banaha, Indian chief, 165 Banfield, T. H., 135 Baptist Home Missionary Society, 318 Barber, Lawrence: “Peacock Spit-Remnant of the Columbia Bar," 82 Barclay, Forbes, 229, 365 Barker, Burt Brown, 365 Barker, Olive, 271 Barley, 38, 41, 43, 181 Barnes, Ellis, 134 Barr, R. W., 165 Barrn, William, 272 Basaltic rock, 348 Bassett, Alton John, 135 Batteau, 171 Bean, O. R., 164 Beans, 180 371
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INDEX 238 Bear River, 249, 276, 278, 279, Blanchard, Mrs. C. H., 83 345 Blanchet, Francois Norbert, 237, Bear River Mountains, 143, 146 Beard, E. N., 246 Blood, Orin T., 272 Beardsley, Arthur S.: Blue Mountains, 89, 94, 97, 148, “Code Making in Early Ore 149 gon," 77 Boise River, 89, 289, 331 Beattie, c. F., 314 Bolton, Herbert E., 361 Beaver, Herbert, 180, 183 Bond, Harvey S., 271 Beaver, Jane, 178, 180 Bonneville, B. L. E., 365 Beaver, see Navigation—vessels Bonneville dam, 363 Beaver Club, North West Com- | Bonney, Curtis, 267 pany, 163 Bonney, Jairus, 83, 267 Beck, Theodoric Romeyn, 106, 201 Bonney, Jarvis, see Bonney, Beckett, Wesley, 272 Jairus Beekman, B. B., 81, 364 Bonney, Ralph, 267 Beekman, Julia Hoffman, 40, 42 Bonney, Trueman, 267 Beekman essay contest: Books, 123, 224 1936, 266; 1937, 365 Booth, Robert Lorenzo, 84 Bees-in Oregon, 335 Booth, Sarah A., 272 Beeswax, 210 Borstel, Donald von, 82, 167 Beets, 180 Borthwick, Alice C., 272 Behneman, Harold, 266 Bostwick, Lee, 166 Belcher, Charles Thomas, 368 Botkin, Oscar F., 168 Belcher, Edward: Bowen, Gwladys: Narrative of a Voyage Round “Socially Speaking," 83 the World, 69 Brackett, Joseph, 204, 206 Belknap, Horace, 168 Bradford Island, 165 Belknap, W. C., 271, 366 Brents, Tom, 167 Belknap, Wilda Ketchum, 366 Bridger, James, 162, 222 Benn, Samuel, 163 Bridges: Bennett, Charles, 270 Ninemile bridge, Washington, Berg, Margaret O., 266 98; Paradise Creek, Umpqua Bernhardt, Alice, 265 River highway, 267; Philip Berreman, Joel V., 362 Harris bridge, Tualatin River, Bessell, Wesley Sherwood, 136 80 Bethune, ........, McLoughlin let Brock, Janet Warner, 368 ter, 59 Bronaugh, Earl C., 81 Bewley, Lorinda, 271, 357 Brooks, J. P., 309 Big Wood River, 289 Broughton, see Navigation-ves- Bigsby, J. J.: sels Shoe and Canoe, quoted, 6 Brown, Della Pickard, 167 Bilyeu, Mary Louise, 272 Brown, E. L., 83 Bingham, Hiram, 189 Brown, Ernest C., 271 Bingham Springs, 96, 97 Brown, Esther Stevens, 138, 154 Bird, Nathan H., 83 Brown, Freeman W., 83 Birnie, James, 349 Brown, Hiram, 138 Bishop, Charles P., 167 Brown, Hugh L., 369 Bishop, Mary C., 84 Brown, J. H., 268 Black, James H., 272 Brown, Joel L., 334 “Black Robes,” 5 Brown, Lucinda, 84 Blackberries, 241, 255, 258 Brown, Tabitha, 164 Blackburn, Mrs. A. B., 84 Brown, Mrs. Wallace, 267 Blackwood's Magazine, see News Brown, William W., 366 papers and magazines Brownton, H. S., 268 Blain, Wilson, 310 Bruns, E. F., 265 372
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INDEX Bryan, Enoch A., 262: 160-61; mentioned, 159, 309 Orient Meets Occident, review “Oregon History and Back- by L. M, Scott, 262 ground,” 163 Bryant, Elisha, 271 Carey, Matthew, 220 Bryant, Ira, 197, 200, 203, 206, Carey, Richard W., 272 212 Carson, John C., 211 Bryant, Louise, 84 Carson, Joseph K., 164 Bryant, William Cullen, 193 Carson, Kit, 162 Buchanan, Iva L.:. Carter, Angelina, 83 “Lumbering and Logging in the Carter, Franklin M., 271 Puget Sound Region in Ter- Carter, Joseph Lankton, 168 ritorial Days," 77 Carter, William, 156 Buchanan, Joseph' w., 366 Carter, William M., 366 Buffalo, 2, 263, 278, 280, 329, 333 Cartwright, E., 327 Bull, Vernon D., 134 Cascade Mountians, description, Bullock, Mary, 265 157 Bunyard, Jesse, 366 Case, Frances E. Stevens War- Burch, Joe P., 366 ren, 138, 139, 156 Burch, Mark A., 167 Case, Isaac W., 138 Burdett, James E., 271 Castoria (French Camp), Cali- Burnett, Thomas B., 366 fornia, 13 Burns, W. P., 314 Cathedral Rock, Columbia River, Burnt River, 91 302 Bush's pasture, Salem, 134 Catholic Ladder, 237 Business Historical Society Cats, 9 Bulletin, 163, 264 Cattanach, George, 272 Butler, Maggie, 167 Cattle, 9, 10, 28, 90, 91, 92, 99, Butter, 182, 190 181, 243-44, 245, 279, 286, 345 Byrd, Charles A., 366 Caufield, David, 168 Caufield, Raymond, 365 Cabbage, 180, 241, 246, 257, 259 Celilo Falls, photograph, 176 (fac- Cadboro, see Navigation—vessels ing) Cairns, Phillip, 272 Cemeteries: “Calamity Jane." 366 Goodrich cemetery, Dayton, 80; Caldwell, George W., 81, 265 Trout cemetery, Tillamook, 80 California Joe, by J. E. Milner, Chabot, George C., 368 mentioned, 273 Chadwell, Oregon, 85 Camas, 94, 123 Chamberlain, Ellen, 83 Camp Bidwell, 303, 305 Chamberlain, Mrs. George E., 84 Campbell, Samuel L., 322 Champoeg-Founders Day, 164 Canadian Historical Review, see Champoeg Park, 81 Newspapers and magazines Chandler, C., 322 Candalaria Heights, Salem, 134 Chandler, George W., 320, 321 Canemah, 257 Chandler, Perry F., 165 Cannon, Miles, 89 Chaney, Ralph W., 268 Canoe Indians, 175 Chapin, Jane Lewis, editor: Cape Alava, Washington, 307 "McLoughlin Letters, 1827-49," Cape Blanco, Oregon, 307 45-75 Cape Disappointment, 249, 260, “Letters of Dr. John McLough- 351 lin," 293-300 Capendale, Mrs. ........, Fort Van- Chase, O. A.: couver, 178, 180 “Design of Coast Highway Caples, Harriet Gilson, 367 Bridges," 363 Carey, Charles H., 364: Chase, Thomas J., 322 General History of Oregon, vol. Cheadle, Richmond, 317, 318 II, review by L. M. Scott, Cheese, 182, 190 373
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INDEX Chehalis River, 151 Cole, Constance, 76 Chenook, 249 Coleman, D. C., 350 Chenook River, 249 Colonel Allan, see Navigation- Cherries, 97, 98, 245, 346 vessels Cherry, Mary Olysa, 326 Columbia, see Navigation vessels Chilstrom, Mary Stokes, 84 Columbia River, 174, 301 Chittenden, Hiram Martin: Columbia River Gorge, submerged History of the American Fur forest, 363 Trade, quoted, 7-8, 9 Columbia River valley, 95, 97 Chittick, Victor L. 0., 264 Colvig, William A., 84 Christian, John L.: “Coming of the White Women, “Samuel Benn,” 163 1836. by T. C. Elliott, 87-101; Christian Register, see Newspa 171-91; 275-90 pers and magazines Condon, Thomas, 164 Church, Walter E., 133 Cone, R. S., 323' Churches: Connard, Mrs. John, Sr., 268 Baptist, 76, 268, 318; Congre Coon, Delia, 368 gational, 353; Épiscopal, 166; Cooper, Daniel Jackson, 167, 366 Free Methodist, 268; Presby Coos Bay-Marine biology labor- terian, 268; Roman Catholic, atory, 82 81, 366 Coos County, 306 Churchill, Claire Warner: Coos Head Park reservation, 82 John McLoughlin, Patriarch of Corbett, Emma Ruggles, 272 the Northwest, by R. C. Corbett, Helen Ladd, 272 Johnson, review, 76 Corbett, Henry W., 270, 272 Cincinnati, see Eola Cordley, A. B., 368 Clackamas County courthouse, Corn, 43, 122, 336 81, 82 Cornelius, Lavina Powell, 84 Claggett, Nancy, 83 Corney, Peter, 10 Clark, Dan E.: Cottonwood Creek, 302 Express and Stagecoach Days Courts-Lafayette precinct, Yam- in California, by 0. O. Win hill County, 165 ther, review, 262-63 Covington, Indiana, 24, 27, 28, 30, Clark, Eunice Ann, 272 31, 32, 37, 41, 44 Clark, Harvey, 272, 312 Cowie, R., 177 Clark, Hiram, 310 Cowlitz, see Navigation-vessels Clark, James, 367 Cows, 335 Clarke, John, 329, 330, 332 Cox, Arthur W., 367 Clark, Nancy, 367 Cox, Horace M., 167 Clark, Nettie Tice, 24 Cox, Margaret Breeding, 272 Clark, Robert Carlton, 78, 364: Crab apples, 241 “Diplomatic Mission of Sir Crabtree, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, 83 John Rose, 1871," 264 Crain, Mrs. John, 29 Clatsop county, 306 Crain, Joseph, 28, 41, 43 Claypool, Helen C., 366 Cranberries, 241, 351 Clearwater River, 333 Crater Lake, 276 Cline, George W., 368 Crawford, Etta D., 83 Cochran, Minerva Caroline, 272 Crawford, James W., 265 Cockelreas, Ed S., 272 Crawford, Medorem, 83 Coe, ........, 156 Crawford, Robert H., 271, 366 Coffman, Samuel Rice, 272 Crescent City, California, 37, 38 Cohen, Samuel F.: Cressman, L. S., 166: “Martial Law in Washington Tribal Distribution in Washing- Territory," 264 ton, by Leslie Spier, review, Cokeville, Wyoming, 276, 277, 278 361-62 Cogswell, John, 83 Crocodile, 270 374
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INDEX Croisan, E. M., 265 . 1 : 347, 349; Asiatic cholera, 210- Croke, Father ........, 81 11, 212, 214, 218; bowel com- Crosby, Clanrick, 83 plaint, 108; camp fever, 355; Cross, Christian L., 368 cholera, 146, 154; diarrhoea, Crow, C. C., 167 146, 211, 340; fever, intermit- Cucumbers, 180, 242 tent, 229; fever and ague, 41, Cullen, John W., 265, 270 43, 183; hollow horn in cattle, Culver, Margaret Tice, 24 146; King's evil, 293; lung in- Currin, George G., 271, 368 flamation, 123; malaria, 219, Curry County, 306 221; measles, 232, 356; moun- tain fever, 340; pulmonary Dake, H, C., 166 troubles, 109; scarlatina, 229; Dalton, E. Ć., 135 yellow fever, 219, 220, 221 Darby, Capt........., Columbia, 179 Diven, F. S., 272 D'Arcy, Marianne H.: Dobie, Edith: "Early Oregon Schools," quot- “Party History in British Col- ed, 320 umbia, 1903-1933," 163 Dart, Anson, 159 Doland, William P., 155 Daughters of the American Revo- Donnell, M. Z., 267 lution, markers, 80 Dorion, Marie, 171 Davenport, Florinda Geer, 266 Dorris, Emma Hoffman, 84 Davenport, Homer, 266 Dorris, George A., 368 Davenport, John, 335 Davenport, Timothy, 266 Douglas, Amelia Connolly, 171, 179, 188 Davenport family, 83 Davey, Juliette, 272 Douglas, Edward M., 306 Douglas, James, 15, 23, 178, 179 Davidson, Elijah J., 271 Davidson, George, 253 Douglas, Jesse S., 164 Douglas County, 306 Davis, ........, marries, 146 Douthit, Mary Osborn, editor: Davis, Harold L.: Souvenir of Western Women, Honey in the Horn, 163 315, 320 Davison, Andrew, 25, 26, 27, 29, Down, Robert Horace: 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 40, 41 History of the Silverton Coun- Day, William Peyton, 136 try, 76 De Bush, Burchard Woodson, 272 Downing, John, 272 Delamater, John, 106, 205-06, 236 Downing, Sarah Patton, 84 De Lashmutt, Edmond, 366 D'Elia, Mrs. Henry M., 167 Downing Land, 272 Downs, Samuel Usmar, 168 Demers, Modeste, 237 Drayton, Joseph, 101 Denny, John Austin, 84 Drury, Clifford M., 166: Denny, 0. N., 82 Henry Harmon Spalding, re- Depenning, Jacob E., 272 view by T. C. Elliott, 161-62; De Poe, Robert, 365 mentioned, 235; quoted, 108, Depoe Bay, name, 365 109, 128 Depot Charley, Indian, 365 Drury, Rachel Walker, 272 Des Chutes, 114 Ducks, 243 Despain, Jeremiah B., 366 Duley, Irene, 268 Devers, A. H., 81 Duncan, Emma, 84 Dewberries, 241 Duncan, Robert M., 134 Dick, Marquis Eleanor, 84 Dunckley, William Herbert, 272 Dickens, R., 323 Dunn, Mrs. G. W., 271 Dickinson, John H., 167 Duquisne, Loyala, 326 Dictionary of American Biogra- Duwamish River, 343-44 phy, vol. XVIII, review, 78 Dye, Eva Emery, 167, 309 Dillon, William H., 167 Diseases: Eagle, see Navigation-vessels ague, 152, 183, 336, 337, 344,1 Eastman, Daniel Ward, 204, 206 375
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INDEX Easter Sunday, first observance Eyre, T. T.: in Idaho, 7 “Bees in Oregon and Washing- Eaton, James, 268 ton,” mentioned, 335 Ebert, Tabitha Clarke, 272 Eby, Stephen M., 168 Failing, Jane C., 82 Edwards, Mary Handsaker, 368 Failing, Mary, 365 Edwards, Philip Leget, 14 Failing, Olivia Henderson, 367 Eells, C., 225 "Fairfield Medical School and Eells, Myron: Some Early Oregon Physi- Marcus Whitman, 227 cians,” by O. Larsell, 102-10 Ehrenberg, Herman, 264 Fanning, Levi J., 271 Elelam River, 250, 251 Fanno Creek, 366 Eliot, Thomas Lamb, 77-78, 168 Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C., Elk, 286 167 Elliott, T. C., 78, 367: Farnham, Thomas J., 69: “The Coming of the White Wo- Travels, 223 men, 1836,” 87-101; 171-91; Faubion, Nina Lane, 270 Fauntleroy, Captain ........, Mult- 275-90 nomah, 157 Henry Harmon Spalding, by C. Federal Writers Program, W. P. M. Drury, review, 161-62 “New Portrait of Dr. McLough- A., 80 Ferguson, Belle, 83, 166 lin," 291-92 “Religion Among Ferrell, Mr. and Mrs. D. H., 269 the Flat- heads," 1-8 Ferschweiler, Joe, 268 “Some Highlights in Historical Ferschweiler family reunion, 268 Fieldsted, Captain ........, 260 Research," mentioned, 364 Figs, 180 Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J., 167 Figueroa, Jose, 11-12 Embree, Henry, 168 Finch, James Kip, 78 Emerson, Charles L.: Finlayson, Duncan, 53, 60, 64 This is Oregon, review by Lew Fisher, E. T., 322-23 is A. McArthur, 162 Fisher, Ezra, 317, 318, 319, 320, Emigrant Point, 289 321, 322: Endart, Clara L., 366 Correspondence, 310, 317, 318, Engdahl, Carl, 134 319, 321, 322, 325 English, Eliza Morgan, 84 Fisher, Henry, 168 Eola-schoolhouse, 367 Fisher, Lucy Jane, 320 Erb, Mrs. Fred C.: Fisher, Mary, 366 Fisher, Walter, 134 "West of the Lolo Trail,” 165 Fiske, Vivian Percy, 167, 272 Erie Canal, 211 Fitzmaurice, Maurice, 368 Ermatinger, Francis, 13, 19, 20- Fitzpatrick, Thomas, 277 21 Fivemile Rapids, Columbia River, Esom, ........, 45, 46 175 Estabrook, Ethan, 19 Flagg, Emanuel H., 368 Eustice, Grace Trullinger, 267 Flathead Lake, 6. Evans, David, 272 Fleas, 176-77 Everding, Therese W., 167 Flegel, Austin, 164 Everett, Mr. and Mrs. H. E., 167 Fontenelle, Lucien, 8, 215, 218, Everson, William G., 167 219, 222 “Evolution of a Lament,” men Forbes, J. A., 13, 22, 23 tioned, 2 Forbes Barclay house, Oregon “Expenses of Mission Journey, City, 365 1836," 127-29 Ford, Nathaniel, 270 Express and Stagecoach Days in Forests, submerged, 363 California, by 0. 0. Winther, Forts: review by Dan E. Clark, 262-63 Boise, 88, 89, 143, 144, 145, 146, 376
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INDEX 331, 332; Bridger, 276; Colville, l Gatch, Thomas M., 236 7; George, 9, 10, 249, 337; Hall, Gatke, Robert Moulton: 88, 143, 146, 277, 282, 283, 285; Life and Letters of Mrs. Jason Laramie, 143, 147, 148, 216; Nez Lee, by Theressa Gay, re- Perces, 87, 98, 101, picture, 98 view, 361 (facing); Okanogan, 4; Simp Gauld, Isabella, 81, 364 son, 78; Stevens, 80, 165; Sti Gay, George, 365 kine, 68; Vancouver, 3, 10, 13, Gay, Theressa: 15, 20, 23, 45, 69, 101, 111, 171, Life and Letters of Mrs. Jason 252-53, photograph, 179 (fac- Lee, review by R. M. Gatke, ing); Victoria, 23; Walla Wal- 361 la, 3, 90, 98, 99, 100, 111, 171, Gearin, Matilda Raleigh, 84 302, 332, picture, 87, 171 (fac- ing); Warner, 305; William, Geer, Mrs. C. C., 266, 269 283, 289, 294, 295, 296 Geese, 243 General History of Oregon, vol. Fosseau, L., 267 II, review by L. M. Scott, 160-61 Fossils : ailanthu, or tree of Heaven, Geneva, New York, 107 166; gingko tree, 166; Mexican | Geological Society of the Oregon cedar, 166; Oregon grape, 166; Country, 164 Pliocene, Deschutes gorge, 268 Geology, Oregon, 268 Foster, Philip, 336 Ghent, W. J., 78 Fox, ........, 153 Gibbon, John Murray: Fox, Mrs. Thomas J., 365 Steel of Empire, review by J. Frain, Mart, 82 A. Jonasson, 77 Franciscovich, F. M., 134 Gilbert, Harold Simeon, 83 Fraser, Alexander, 45, 54 Gilkey, J. A., 368 Fraser, J. M., 54, 55 Gilman, Samuel L., 166, 272 Fraser, John, nephew of John Mc- Glenn, William, 83 Loughlin, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 58, Glennon, Frank, 81 59, 65, 66, 70, 72, 74, 75, 298 Glenn's Ferry, 284, 288 Fraser, Mary, 50 Goats, 181 Fraser, Simon, 45, 48, 49, 53, 54, Goddard, Hendrick Hudson, 271 55, 56, 58, 61, 67-68, 293-98 Goodwin, Moses E., 366 French, Mr. and Mrs. F. M., 83 Gooseberries, 279, 342 French Camp, Hudson's Bay Com- Gordon, Nellie Dawson, 272 pany, 13, 22 Goucher, E. E., 84 French Prairie, 345 Gould, Carl F., 135 Fretland, Elizabeth, 168 Goulet, Frederick, 273 Frizzel, Polly Ann, 272 Gower, R. H. G. Leveson, see Lev- Fulkerson, J. N., 323 eson Gower, R. H. G. Fulton, Charles Franklin, 368 Graham, William L., 134 Fur seals—fishery, 363 Grande Dalles, Columbia River, Fur trade: 175 American, 2, 7; beaver, 10, 12, Grande Ronde, 92, 93, 94 14, 16; freemen, 5; mountain Grande Ronde River, 93, 94 men, 7; otter, 12, 16; rendez- Grant, Beatrice A., 273 vous, 2, 3; skins, 18, 97; Yerba Grant, Sophronia Kitner, 271 Buena, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 Grant, Ulysses S., 167 Grapes, 179, 180, 185, 187, 241 Gairdner, Meredith, 227-28 Grasshoppers, 40 Gallaher, Ruth A., 142 Graves, Edward B., 271 Gammie, George, 367 Graves, Mrs. Edward B., 271 Ganong, Joseph W., 168 Graves, Thomas J., 271 Garrett, John D., 322 Gray, Claude M., 270 Gary, George, 310 Gray, William Henry, 88, 92, 98, Gasquet, Louis, 22 184, 224, 225: 377
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INDEX Easter Sunday, first observance Eyre, T. T.: in Idaho, 7 “Bees in Oregon and Washing- Eaton, James, 268 ton,” mentioned, 335 Ebert, Tabitha Clarke, 272 Eby, Stephen M., 168 Failing, Jane C., 82 Edwards, Mary Handsaker, 368 Failing, Mary, 365 Edwards, Philip Leget, 14 Failing, Olivia Henderson, 367 Eells, C., 225 “Fairfield Medical School and Eells, Myron: Some Early Oregon Physi- Marcus Whitman, 227 cians,” by O. Larsell, 102-10 Ehrenberg, Herman, 264 Fanning, Levi J., 271 Elelam River, 250, 251 Fanno Creek, 366 Eliot. Thomas Lamb, 77-78, 168 Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C., Elk, 286 167 Elliott, T. C., 78, 367: Farnham, Thomas J., 69: “The Coming of the White Wo- Travels, 223 men, 1836,” 87-101; 171-91; Faubion, Nina Lane, 270 275-90 Fauntleroy, Captain ........, Mult- Henry Harmon Spalding, by C. nomah, 157 M, Drury, review, 161-62 Federal Writers Program, W. P. “New Portrait of Dr. McLough- A., 80 lin," 291-92 Ferguson, Belle, 83, 166 “Religion Among the Ferrell, Mr. and Mrs. D. H., 269 Flat- heads," 1-8 Ferschweiler, Joe, 268 “Some Highlights in Historical Ferschweiler family reunion, 268 Fieldsted, Captain ........, 260 Research,” mentioned, 364 Figs, 180 Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J., 167 Figueroa, Jose, 11-12 Embree, Henry, 168 Finch, James Kip, 78 Emerson, Charles L.: Finlayson, Duncan, 53, 60, 64 This is Oregon, review by Lew-| Fisher, E. T., 322-23 is A. McArthur, 162 Fisher, Ezra, 317, 318, 319, 320, Emigrant Point, 289 321, 322: Endart, Clara L., 366 Correspondence, 310, 317, 318, Engdahl, Carl, 134 319, 321, 322, 325 English, Eliza Morgan, 84 Fisher, Henry, 168 Eola-schoolhouse, 367 Fisher, Lucy Jane, 320 Erb, Mrs. Fred C.: Fisher, Mary, 366 Fisher, Walter, 134 "West of the Lolo Trail,” 165 Fiske, Vivian Percy, 167, 272 Erie Canal, 211 Fitzmaurice, Maurice, 368 Ermatinger, Francis, 13, 19, 20 Fitzpatrick, Thomas, 277 Fivemile Rapids, Columbia River, Esom, ........, 45, 46 175 Estabrook, Ethan, 19 Flagg, Emanuel H., 368 Eustice, Grace Trullinger, 267 Flathead Lake, 6 Evans, David, 272 Fleas, 176-77 Everding, Therese W., 167 Flegel, Austin, 164 Everett, Mr. and Mrs. H. E., 167 Fontenelle, Lucien, 8, 215, 218, Everson, William G., 167 219, 222 “Evolution of a Lament," men Forbes, J. A., 13, 22, 23 tioned, 2 Forbes Barclay house, Oregon “Expenses of Mission Journey, City; 365 1836," 127-29 Ford, Nathaniel, 270 Express and Stagecoach Days in Forests, submerged, 363 California, by 0. 0. Winther, Forts: review by Dan E. Clark, 262-63 Boise, 88, 89, 143, 144, 145, 146, 21 376
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INDEX 361 331, 332; Bridger, 276; Colville, 1 Gatch, Thomas M., 236 7: George. 9, 10, 249, 337; Hall. | Gatke. Robert Moulton: 88, 143, 146, 277, 282, 283, 285; || Life and Letters of Mrs. Jason Laramie, 143, 147, 148, 216; Nez Lee, by Theressa Gay, re- Perces, 87, 98, 101, picture, 98 view, 361 (facing); Okanogan, 4; Simp Gauld, Isabella, 81, 364 son, 78; Stevens, 80, 165; Sti- | Gay, George, 365 kine, 68; Vancouver, 3, 10, 13, Gay, Theressa : 15, 20, 23, 45, 69, 101, 111, 171, Life and Letters of Mrs. Jason 252-53, photograph, 179 (fac- Lee, review by R. M. Gatke, ing); Victoria, 23; Walla Wal- | la, 3, 90, 98, 99, 100, 111, 171, 302, 332, picture, 87, 171 (fac- Gearin, Matilda Raleigh, 84 ing); Warner, 305; William, Geer, Mrs. C. C., 266, 269 283, 289, 294, 295, 296 Geese, 243 Fosseau, L., 267 General History of Oregon, vol. Fossils: II, review by L. M. Scott, 160-61 ailanthu, or tree of Heaven, Geneva, New York, 107 166; gingko tree, 166; Mexican Geological Society of the Oregon Country, 164 cedar, 166; Oregon grape, 166; Pliocene, Deschutes gorge, 268 Geology, Oregon, 268 Foster, Philip, 336 Ghent, W. J., 78 Fox, ........, 153 Gibbon, John Murray: Fox, Mrs. Thomas J., 365 Steel of Empire, review by J. Frain, Mart, 82 A. Jonasson, 77 Franciscovich, F. M., 134 Gilbert, Harold Simeon, 83 Fraser, Alexander, 45, 54 Gilkey, J. A., 368 Fraser, J. M., 54, 55 Gilman, Samuel L., 166, 272 Fraser, John, nephew of John Mc- Glenn, William, 83 Loughlin, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 58, Glennon, Frank, 81 59, 65, 66, 70, 72, 74, 75, 298 Glenn's Ferry, 284, 288 Fraser, Mary, 50 Goats, 181 Fraser, Simon, 45, 48, 49, 53, 54, Goddard, Hendrick Hudson, 271 55, 56, 58, 61, 67-68, 293-98 Goodwin, Moses E., 366 French, Mr. and Mrs. F. M., 83 Gooseberries, 279, 342 French Camp, Hudson's Bay Com- Gordon, Nellie Dawson, 272 pany, 13, 22 Goucher, E. E., 84 French Prairie, 345 Gould, Carl F., 135 Fretland, Elizabeth, 168 Goulet, Frederick, 273 Frizzel, Polly Ann, 272 Gower, R. H. G. Leveson, see Lev- Fulkerson, J. N., 323 eson Gower, R. H. G. Fulton, Charles Franklin, 368 Graham, William L., 134 Fur seals—fishery, 363 Grande Dalles, Columbia River, Fur trade: 175 American, 2, 7; beaver, 10, 12, Grande Ronde, 92, 93, 94 14, 16; freemen, 5; mountain Grande Ronde River, 93, 94 men, 7; otter, 12, 16; rendez- Grant, Beatrice A., 273 vous, 2, 3; skins, 18, 97; Yerba Grant, Sophronia Ritner, 271 Buena, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 Grant, Ulysses S., 167 Grapes, 179, 180, 185, 187, 241 Gairdner, Meredith, 227-28 Grasshoppers, 40 Gallaher, Ruth A., 142 Graves, Edward B., 271 Gammie, George, 367 Graves, Mrs. Edward B., 271 Ganong, Joseph W., 168 Graves, Thomas J., 271 Garrett, John D., 322 Gray, Claude M., 270 Gary, George, 310 Gray, William Henry, 88, 92, 98, Gasquet, Louis, 22 184, 224, 225: 377
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INDEX financial report, 129; Indian Hawaiians: diseases, 229, 230; History of at Oregon City, 309 Oregon, 179, 281; medical Hawthorn berries, 289 training, 102, 103, 106, 108;| Hay, 341 mission, 114, 121, 124, 125, Hayden planetarium, 166 127; Whitman party, 281 Hazel nuts, 241 Grays Bay, 248 Hazleton, Emmaline, 368 Grays Harbor, 260, 334, 337 Hazlett, Lewis, 355 Greene, Bertha Evans, 368 Hedges, Joseph E., 365 Green, Sterling F.: Henderson, Junius: “History of Oregon's First Man “Non-Marine Mollusca of Ore Traced in Columbia Gorge," gon and Washington-Sup- Oregon Journal, 166 plement,” 264 Green River, Wyoming, 276 Hendricks, Marquis de Lafayette, Green River Valley, 2 168 Greve, Nancy, 271 Hendricks, R. J., 267 Grimes, George, 167 Henkle, Abraham, 267 Grimm, Robert L., 266 Henkle, Charles I., 168 Grooms, William, 83 Henkle, Mrs. J. E., 271 Grounds, Frank P., 368 Henkle, Jacob, 267 Guiterrez, Padre ........, 11 Henneman, Philip Jacob, 84 Gwin, James L., 367 Henry, Alexander, 2 Henry Harmon Spalding, by C. M. Hadley, Arthur Twining, 105, 201 Drury, review by T. C. Elliott, Hadley, Hiram, 108 161-62 Hadley, James, 105, 201 Hagney, Mrs. George, 366 Hens, 181 Hailey, John, 167 Herkimer County Medical Society, 203 Haines, F. D.: “McKenzie's Winter Camp, Hiatt, Mary, 270 1812-13," 329-33 Hibbs, Mr. and Mrs. George H., Hale, .. .., 341 Hale, Lucretia Currin, 368 Hill, John, 82 Hall, Arnold Bennett, 273 Hill, Samuel, 270 Hall, Ellen Cheadle, 273 Hillebrand, A., 365 Hall, Etta Bonney, 267 Hiltebrand, Mrs. John, 268 Hall, Martha Wright, 267 Himes, George H., 81, 265 Hall, Reason B., 267 Hines, Charles, 366 Hallock, Moses, 192-93, 206 Hines, Mrs. E. J., 313 Hallowell, William, 47 Hines, Gustavus, 314 Halpin, Lester, 82 Hines, Harvey K., 313, 314 Hamilton, Reppa Combs, 167 Historic records survey, 80 Hamlin, Jennie, 168 Hodgdon, Mary, 270 Hankey, Henry L., 84 Hodge, Edwin T., 82, 164, 166 Hannah-Arnold clan, 267-68 Hodge, Frederick Webb, 336 Hansicken, Charles, 28 Hodgson, Francis D., 314, 315 Hanson, Ole, 168 Hodgson, Mary, 315 Harding, L. O., 365 Hoffman, Julia, see Beekman, Harlow, Mahlin H., 271 Julia Hoffman Harrell, Queen V., 368 Hoffman, May, 36, 39, 40, 42 Harris, Philip, 80 Hoffman, William, 35, 36, 39, 40, Hartman, E. M., 366 42, 43 Harvey, Auletta, 273 Hogg Pass Railroad, 270 Hastings, Loren B., 367 Hogs, 182, 336 Hatch, Peter H., 309, 314 Hogue, Ebenezer, 271 Hauxhurst, Webley, 80 Holbrook, Amory, 314, 315 167 378
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INDEX Holbrook, Stewart H.: Hyde, C. F., 134 “Horse Car to Trackless Trolley —56 Years,” 366 Idaho Spalding Centennial Asso- Hollister, James, 35, 39 ciation, 165 Holman, Charles, 30 Idleman, H. L., 81 Holman, Frederick V., 240 Immigrants : Holman, George F., 240 Newell-Meek-Ermatinger party, Holman, J. S., 323 89 Holman, Kate, 240 “Impressions and Observations of Holman, Rufus, 81. 164 the Journal Man," 83; 166-67; Holmes, Gerald A., 136 271; 366 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 205, 222 Indian Citizen, see Newspapers Holt, Mary England, 368 and magazines Holt, Walter A., 273 Indian War Veterans of the North Holtgreive, Charles E., 167 Pacific, 265 Hopkins, Charles, 83 Indiana History Bulletin, 78 Horses, 335: California, 10; McKenzie's par- Indians: ty, 330; Whitman party, 92 canoes, 88; chiefs, Nez Perce, 3; Horton, Dexter, 139, 343, 344 councils, Cayuse and Walla Hospitals, 227, 228 Walla, 3; diseases, 230; lan- Hot Lake, Oregon, 93 guage, Nez Perce, 122; living Housman, Robert L.: conditions, 112-13; picto- "Boy Editors of Frontier Mon- graphs, 365 tana," 264 personal - Howard, C. A., 164 Kootenay Pelly 5; Spokane Howard, w. D. M., 23 Garry, 5 Howatson, Joseph H., 168 religion, Flathead, 1-8 Howell, Ralph H., 271 reservations- Howlett, Sarah Elizabeth, 168 Grand Ronde, 365; policy, 160 Howse, Joseph, 6 160 Hoyt, Richard, 157 schools- Hudson's Bay Company: Missionary Society School, Red River, 4, 6 California, 9-23; dairy, 182; tewats, 231, 233 Nez Percés Indians, 3; Radis- trade, Klamaths, 82 son suit, 78; Spanish brigades, tribes- 12, 16; traders, 4; Winnipeg, 78 Blackfeet, 7, 280, 283; Cay- “Hudson's Bay Company in Cali- fornia,” by Alice B. Maloney, use, 2, 94, 122, 123, 124, 184, 9-23 186; Clackamas, 336; Dig- gers, 287; Flatheads, 2, 4, Huffman, Gordon Leroy, 267 124, 277, 280; Iroquois, 5; Huffman, Nellie, 267 Nez Perces, 2, 184, 186, 277, Hufford, Walter, 165 284, 331; Bend d'Oreille, 4; Hulbert, A. B.: Salish, 362; Sahaptin, 362; Oregon Crusade, quoted, 109-10 Shoshone, 331; Snake, 277; Hulburt, Alden S., 84 Spokanes, 2, 4; Walla Wal- Humboldt Bay, 16 las, 2 Humbug Creek, California, 31 villages, Columbia Basin, 163 Humphrey, Captain, 19 wars- Humphrey, N. B., 367 Bannock, 1878, 367; Nez Hungry Harbor, see Depoe Bay Perces, 77, 163; Rogue River, Hunsaker, Arminta, 315 33; Yakima, 160 Hunt, Benjamin, 271 Ingram, Mitchell, 167 Hunt, Wilson Price, 93, 329 International Boundary Commis- Huntley, Charles Edward, 271 sion, 6 Huston, James T., 366 Irrigation, Fort Walla Walla, 100 379
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INDEX 77 77 365 Irving, William, 156 Kamiah, 333 Irwin, Rebecca Gates, 84 Kamm, Jacob, 167 Isaac Todd, see Navigation-ves Kandle, Mr. and Mrs. M. E., 167 sels Kanesville, 140 Isticas, Indian, see Sticus Karcher, Walter T., 136 Keady, W. F., 271 Jackson, Mrs. C. S., 365 Keally, Francis, 130, 136 Jackson, David, 2 Keene, Jennie, 167 Jackson County, 304 Keezer, Charles F., 354 Jacksonville, Oregon, 33, 34, 37, Keezer, Dexter Merriam, 82-83 38, 40, 41, 42 Keil, William, 363 Jacoby, George W., 136 Keith, ........: James, John H., 167 fur trader, 53, 54 Jeffers, Joseph, 318 Keizer, Estella Pugh, 167 Jeffery, Nautilla King, 166 Keizer, Thomas D., 167 Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. C. J., 83 Keizur, Marcus L., 167 Jensen, Merrill, 77 Kelley, Hall J., 11-12 Joab Powell, Homespun Mission Kellogg, Theodore M., 83 ary, by M. Leona Nichols, re Kelly, Albert, 267 view by E. Ruth Rockwood, 76 Kelly, Catherine Abbott, 168 Kelly, Clinton, 267 Johansen, Dorothy 0., 264: Kelly, Edward J., 267 “Simeon G. Reed Collection of Kelly, Gilmer, 267 Letters and Private Papers,” || Kelly, James K., 314 Kelly, John W.: “Nez Perce War: The Battles “When Oregon Went Berserk,” at Cottonwood Creek," 163 John, Indian, see Aits, John Kelly, Thomas, 267 John McLoughlin, Patriarch of Kelsey, Emma, 142, 150 the Northwest, by Robert C. Kendall, Thomas S., 163 Johnson, review by C. W. Chur- Kennedy, Cynthia Eliza, 84 chill, 76 Kennedy, G. W.: Johnson, F., 323 Johnson, Hannah, 167 Pioneer Campfire, 76 Johnson, Hezekiah, 310, 318, 322 Kenney, Rosa Ulrich, 271 Johnson, James, 323 Kenney, Thomas J., 271 Johnson, John Cogswell, 366 Kentuck, Indian, 284 Johnson, Julia, 323 Kester, C. M., 323 Johnson, Robert C., 270, 365: Keys, Sarah, 264 John McLoughlin, Patriarch of Kimball, Lucy Ardell, 270 the Northwest, review, 76 Kincaid, H. R., 81, 83 Johnson, Rose West, 83, 166 Kincaid, Webster, 81 Johnson, W. A., 134 King, Edward A., 273 Johnson, Walter, 168 Kinney, Alfred C., 267, 366 Johnson, William, 83 Kinney, Robert C., 267 Johnson, William C., 322 Kinney, Samuel, 267 Johnston, Laura L., 84 Kinsey, Mary Belshaw, 84 Jonasson, Jonas A.: Kinsman, ........, 140, 143 Steel of Empire, by John Mur- | Kirkpatrick, E. W., 134 ray Gibson, review, 77 Kistner, Philip, 366 Jones, Arthur C.: · Kitson, Rachel, 267 "Medicine and Medical Prac- | Klamath River, 303 tices among the Indians of Kleeman, Otto Karl, 168 the Northwest," quoted, 231 | Knighton, H. M., 248 Jones, Frank B., 271 Kohn, Dorena Jacobs, 273 Kohr, J. W., 83 Kamanistiquia, 293 Kosenberg, Karl W., 136 380
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INDEX sels Labbe, William, 168 "Letter of Catherine Sager Prin- Ladd, Dela D., 84 gle,” 354-60 Ladd, w. S., 350 "Letters of Charles Stevens,” edi- Ladd, Mrs. William, 83 ted by E. Ruth Rockwood, 137- Ladd Canyon, 93 59; 241-61; 334-53 Lady Clerk, see Navigation-ves “Letters of John R. Tice,” edited by J. F. Santee, 24-44 LaFramboise, Michel, 11, 12, 13, Leveson Gower, R. H. G.: 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22 “Journeys of Sir George Simp- Laird, Floy, editor: son," 263 "Reminiscences of Francis M. Lewis, Á. R., 267 Redfield, Chief Joseph's Lewis, David R., 267 War,” 77 Lewis, George R., 135 Lake, J. H., 135 Lewis, Mrs. James, 267 LaLakes, Mary, 84 Lewis, Joe, 233, 356, 357, 359 Lambert, Albert Weston, 368 Lewis, Mary, 267 Lambert, J. H., 245 Lewis River, McKenzie party, 330, L'Ami, Č. E., 78 331, 332 Lanahim, Clallam, chief, 270 Lewiston centennial celebration, Lane, Joseph, 160, 256, 261 165 Lane, Nat, 27 Libraries: Lane County, 306 Hudsons Bay Company, 78; Lange, Erwin F.: Oregon State Library, 166; Li- "Oregon City Private Schools, brary Association of Portland, 1843-59," 308-28 82 Lang Syne Society, 81 Life and Letters of Mrs. Jason Lapwai, mission press, 165 Lee, by Theressa Gay, review Larkin, Thomas O., 20, 22, 23 by R. M. Gatke, 361 Larsell, Olaf: Lillard, Charles T., 366 “An Additional Note on Some Lime stone, 348 Early Oregon Physicians,” | Lincoln, Elizabeth, 311 235-36 Lincoln County, 306 “Fairfield Medical School and Lindbeck, A. L., 166 Some Early Oregon Physi- Linn, Lewis F., 347 cians," 102-10 Linn City, Oregon, 347 “Whitman: The Good Doctor,” | Liquor: 217-34 aguardiente, in fur trade, 16; Latourette, L. D. C., 308, 322 California mines, 31; Indians, Latourette, Lyman L., 268 68, 73 112, 113; Madeira wine, Lawrence, Donald B.: 156; whiskey, Ewing Young “Submerged Forest of the Col still, 14; wine, Fort Vancouver, umbia River Gorge," 363 185 Lawrence, Inez Crockett, 271 Little Cove, see Depoe Bay Lawson, George, 32, 42 Littleton, La Vern, 266 Lawson, ........, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, Llama, see Navigation-vessels 39 Lockley, Fred: Layton, Elizabeth Engle, 368 "Impressions and Observations Lebec, Pierre, 13 of the Journal Man," 83; 166- Lee, Albert H., 83 67; 271; 366 Lee, Anna Maria Pittman, 361 Lockwood, Sumner Fremont, 271 Lee, Daniel, 180-81 Loggan, John E., 366 Lee, Jason, 1, 91, 172 Lone Tree, Oregon trail land- Leibbrand, Rose, 365 mark, 91, 92 Lenox, D. L., 322 Long, Samuel G., 84 Lent, Oscar E., 366 Long Creek, 366 Leonard, H. C., 83 Loomis, John, 365 381
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INDEX Looney, Jesse, 368 McKee, Paul B., 83 Looney, Norris H., 368 McKee, Sarah Ann, 167 Love, Mr. and Mrs. James W., 269 McKenzie, Donald, '101, 329, 330, Love, Lewis P., 368 331, 332 Lovejoy, Asa Lawrence, 310 McKenzie, John, 45, 46 Lucas, Martin A., 366 McKenzie, Roderic, 63, 68, 74, 296 Luelling, Henderson, 245 McKenzie, Bethune & Co., 45 Luelling, Seth, 245 “McKenzie's Winter Camp, 1812- Lumber, California, 10 13," by F. D. Haines, 329-33 Lumbering industry, 77 McKernan, Harriet, 366 Lyman, George D.: McKinlay, Archibald, 101 John Marsh, Pioneer, quoted, McKinneli, Henry, 36, 39 16-17 McLaughlin, G. W., 268 Lyman, H. S.: McLaughlin, Joseph, 268 History of Oregon, quoted, 217 McLaughlin, R. L., 268 Lyman, Horace, 353 McLaughlin, Robert, 268 Lyons, Annie, 270 McLean, J. A., 135 McLellan, Sally, 266 McAlexander, Ulysses Grant, 368 McLeod, Alexander Roderick, 11, McAlpine, Mr. and Mrs. J. S., 167 13 McArthur, Harriet Nesmith, 150, McLeod. John. 88, 89, 91, 92, 96, 167, 364, 368 97, 98, 99, 111, 173, 276, 277, McArthur, Lewis A., 364: 279, 280, 281, 284, 285, 286, 287, Oregon Geographic Names, 13, 288, 289 35 McLeod's Lake, California, 13 “The Oregon State Boundary," McLoughlin, David, brother of 301-07 John, 291, 292, 295, 296, 298, 364 This is Oregon, by C. L. Emer McLoughlin, David, son of John, son, review, 162 McCann, Mr. and Mrs. J. A., 83 45, 57, 59, 62, 64, 67, 70, 75 McCloud's River, name, 11 McLoughlin, Eliza, daughter of McCluskey, John, 271 John, 45, 47 McCollock, C. H., 164 McLoughlin, John, 76: McCornack, Mrs. Kenneth, 265 California fur trade, 10, 15, 20, McCornack, Mary Elizabeth, 368 21; Catholic ladder, 238; chief McDonald, Davis S., 167 factor, 3, 4; daguerreotype, McDonald, Finnan, 4-5 291; letters, 45-75; 293-300; McDonald, Ranald, 270 miniature, 364; religion, 4; McDougall, Alexander, D., 271 school land donated, 311, 318, McDougall, Duncan, 329 325; Whitman party, 171, 179, McElroy, T. F., 244 184, 186, 188, *189, 191, 218; McGilivray, William, 294, 295-96, Young cattle company, 14; por- 297 trait, 291 (facing) McGonigal, Wesley, 31, 40 McLoughlin, John, junior, 45, 46, McGowan, Archie, 366 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, McGowan, Irenus, 84 66, 69, 71, 72, 299-300 McGowan, N. M., 268 McLoughlin, Marguerite Wadin McIntyre, John T., 265 McKay, Edward Donald, 85 McKay, 171, 178, 179, 185, 188 McKay, Douglas, 134 McLoughlin House, Oregon City, Mackay, John, 227, 366 45, 269, 365 McKay, Malcolm, 85 “McLoughlin Letters,” edited by McKay, Thomas, 19, 102, 103, J. L. Chapin, 45-75; 293-300 107-08, 279, 284, 288, 289 McLoughlin Memorial Associa- McKay, William Cameron, 102, tion, 365 103, 106, 107, 108, 236 McMillan, Lelia M., 268 McKean, Douglas, 82 McMinnville, Oregon, 269 382
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INDEX McMurtrie, Douglas C.; Mattoon, Charles Hiram, 323: History of Printing in the Baptist Annals of Oregon, 76, United States, 264 317 McNary, John H., 368 Mattoon, Leander, 366 McNary, Lawrence A., 273, 364 Maxwell. Ben, 270, 365 MacNaughton, E. B., 135, 364 Mayes, James D., 168 McNaughton, James, 201 Meacham, Mr. and Mrs. Chaun- McNemee, A. J., 168 cey, 269 McPherson, Murdoch M., 264 “Medical Education of Dr. Whit- McTavish, ........, 297 man," by Frederick C. Waite, McTavish, Dugald, 23 192-216 McTavish, John George, 329 Medical societies, 196 McVay, James A., 366 Medical Society of the Southern McWilliams, ........, 156 District of New York, 198 Magers, James, 323 Medical Society of the Western Major, Daniel G., 305 District of New York, 199 Major's Initial Point, 305, 306 Medicine: Malchew, Adolph, 273 blood letting, 208; calomel, 208, Malheur River, 91 218, 219, 225, 226; capsicum, Maloney, Alice B.: 218; castor oil, 218, 219; educa- “Hudson's Bay Company in tion, 196; ginger, 218; Indian California,” 9-23 steam bath, 231, 232; ipecac, Mann, Lincoln L., 85 218; jalap, 218, 219, 225; laud- Manning, Harriet Noonan, 273 anum, 219, mustard, 218; opi- Manufactures : um, 218, 219; pennyroyal tea, iron-Oregon, 82; Oregon and 232; phosphate of lime, 294; Washington, 338, 339 pills, 208; quinine, 208; rhu- Manuscripts, 79 barb, 218; sorrel poultice, 293; "March of Progress,” pageant at vaccination, 103, 208 Tillamook, 269 Medley, John S., 85 “Marguerite Wadin McKay Mc- Meek, Helen Mar, 357 Loughlin," by T. C. Elliott, Meek, Joseph L., 162, 357 mentioned, 178 Meek, Stephen A. D., 265 Markham, Jasper, 369 Meek, William, 245 Meeks cut-off, 350 Marks, John, 366 Marsh, Harold D., 265 Meeker, Ezra : Marsh, John, 16, 21 Ventures and Adventures, 145 Marshall, G. A., 135 Mellus, Henry, 23 Marthaler, John, 273 Melons, 180, 185, 242 Martin, Charles, 164 Mercer, Aaron, 139, 141, 343 Martin, Charles H., 133 Mercer, Thomas, 139, 141, 340, Marts, Mr. and Mrs. James A., 343 Merk, Frederick: Masiker, Carson C., 85 Fur Trade and Empire, 10 Mason, Mrs. R. B., 267 Merriam, Harold G., 264 Massey, Eona, 267 Merrill, E, C., 265 Merrill, Francis, 366 Masters, Joseph G.: Merrill, Frank, 271 Story of the Far West, review Merritt, Charles E., 167 by A. S. Taylor, 162-63 Merritt, Mrs. Charles E., 167 Mather, Moses, 107 Mesplie, Father, The Dalles mis- Matlock, William T., 322 sion, 267 Matthews, Aurelia L. Stevens, Meteorites, 166 138, 142 Methodist Episcopal Conference, Matthews, Courtland, 165 Oregon City, 313, 314 Matthews, H. A., 138 Michell, Jane Byrd, 83 367 383
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INDEX Micheltorena, Manuel, 20, 22, 23 80-81; Paradise Creek Bridge, Michillimacinac, 3 267 Miller, Abe, 366 Moody, Ralph, 164 Miller, Mrs. C. S., 167 Moore, Amanda Brown, 369 Miller, Charles, 41, 42 Moore, Barbara Hartman, 366 Miller, Cinncinatus H., 270: Moore, Joseph G., 366 "From Benoni,” mentioned, 165 Moore, Robert, 167, 347 Miller, Isaac, 41, 42 Morgan, Esther Ann Hill, 82 Miller, James, 270 Morrison, ........, architect, 311 Miller, Juanita, 270 Morrow, Dan, 366 Miller, Robert A., 265 Morton, A. S.: Miller, Thor, 266 “North West Company's Col- Miller. William C., 366 umbian Enterprise," 363 Mills: Mosquitoes, 243, 285 grist mills, 36, 39, 182; saw Moss, Sidney, 309 mills, 179, 255, 257 Mount, Guy, 365 Milner, Joe E., 273 Mount, Rebecca Stevens, 168 Milner Rapids, 329 Mount Hood, 95, 149, 157, 158, 251 Milwaukie, Oregon, 347 Mount Jefferson, 348 Minerals: Mount Rainier, 149, 153, 157 coal, 26, 343-44; gold, 160 Mount Saint Helens, 95, 149, 157, 158: Mines and mining: sketch, 250 (facing) drifting, 31; gold, 31, 261, 351 Mowry, W. A.: Minnesota Historical Society: Marcus Whitman, 227 Copying Manuscript, 79 Mules, 10, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, Mission press, 165 42, 92, 339 Missions: Mullan, John: Cayuse, 1; Congregational, 1; Report of the Construction of Lapwai, 87, 186, 367; Metho- a Military Road, 89 dist, 1, 12; Nez Perces, 1; Pres- Multnomah Amateur Athletic byterian, 1; Waiilatpu, 78, 87, Club, 82 100, 186, 266, 367; Whitman Munkers, Thomas Jefferson, 83 Spalding, 165 Munro, Henry, 294, 297 Missoula country, 6 Murphy, James C., 168 Muskmellon, 98, 100 Mitchell, J. L., 268 Mitchell, McKinley, 85 Mussey, R. D., 229, 230 Modeste, see Navigation—vessels Myers, Louise, 168 Moffatt, H. G., 54, 57, 61, 62, 63 “Myths after Astor," by Kenneth W. Porter, 163 Mofras, Duflot de: Exploration, 17, 18, 19 Naches Pass, 348 Molter, Mrs. W. A., 365 Natanson, George, 269 Money, Halifax currency, 56-57, Navigation-vessels: 60, 62 Beaver, 10, 13, 265, 365; Belle, Montgomery, Richard G., 266, 364 257, 350; Broughton, 13; Cad- Montgomery, Iowa, 142 boro, 10, 13; Canemah, 257; Monuments and memorials: Cascades, 265; Cohansey, 352; Astor column, Astoria, 269; Colonel Allan, 10; Columbia, Catholic mission, The Dalles, steamer, 150, 154, 346, 349; 267; Davenport "riding whip Columbia, Hudson's Bay Com- tree," 266; Fort Stevens, 80, pany, 9, 10, 13, 15, 179, 180, 181, 165; Greenwood Cemetery, 189; Confidence, 137; Cowlitz, North Bonneville, 165; Haux 13, 19; Eagle, 247, 338, 350; hurst grave, 80; historical Fashion, 350; Fremont, 349; markers, 78; Marion County Georgiana, 257, 265; Iowa, Civil War Veterans' markers, I wrecked, 265; Isaac Todd, 9, 10; 384
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INDEX James P. Flint, 246-47; Lady Historical Quarterly, 264; Lew- Clerk, 48; Little Eagle, 156, iston Morning Tribune, 165; 157; Llama, 10, 13; Lot Whit Missouri Historical Review, comb, 154, 244, 247, 252, 349: | 264; Oregon Argus, 81; Oregon Merithew, 246, Mindoro, 246; City Enterprise, 269, 316; Ore- Modeste, 20; Multnomah, 157, gon Farmer, 335; Oregon Free 349; Neriade, 13, 179, 180, 181, Press, 364; Oregon Spectator, 182; Orbit, 366; Petona, 257; 81, 310; Oregon State Journal, Peytonia, 349; Portland, 257, 81; Oregon Statesman, 81; Ore- 347, 350; Sacramento, 15; Sea gon Weekly Times, 156; Paci- Gull, 27; Shoalwater, 257; fic Northwest Quarterly, 77, Spray, 350; Vancouver, 13; 163, 264; People's Friend, 36; Vandalia, 246 Seattle Times, quoted, 24; Unit- Neagle, ........, teacher to John Mc ed Empire, 163; Western Star, Loughlin, Jr., 46 156 Necrology, 84-85; 168-69; 272-73; Newton, Gamaliel, 167 368-69 Nichols, M. Leona: Neff, Lillian, 164 Joab Powell, Homespun Mis- Nelson, J. C., 166 sionary, review by E. R. Neriade, see Navigation—vessels Rockwood, 76-77 Nesbit, Maude E., 105, 108, 109, Ninemile Rapids, 175 110 Nolan, Michael T., 85 Nesmith, James W., 150, 217, 368 North West Company, 9, 16, 293 Neuberger, Richard L., 270 Norton, D, A., 134 “New Portrait of Dr. McLough North Powder, Oregon, 93 lin,” by T. C. Elliott, 291-92 Noyes, Josiah, 103-04, 199 New York State Medical So- | Nursery: ciety, 201 fruit trees, 245, 246; Puget Newbill, N. A., 369 Sound, 346 Newell, G. P., 322 Nute, Grace Lee: News and comment, 80-83; 164- Copying Manuscripts, 79 “Two Documents from Radis- 67; 265-71; 364-67 son's Suit Against the Com- Newspapers and magazines: pany," review, 78 Agricultural History, 163;| Nyssa, Oregon, 304 American Historical Review, 73; Arizona Historical Review, Oar, Alfred, 271 264; Beaver, 78, 163; Black Oatfield, Minerva Thessing, 265 wood's Magazine, 162; Blue Oats, 41, 43, 181, 242, 342 Mountain Eagle, 165; Califor Oats, wild, 253 nia Historical Quarterly, 11, Octogenarian Club, First Presby- 15; Canadian Historical Re terian Church, Portland, 164 view, 78, 263, 264, 363; Canyon Ogden, Peter Skene, 11, 359 City Journal, 165; Christian Ogilby, ........, 296 Advocate, 354, 360; Christian olds, Peter P., 271 Register, 77; Civil Engineering, Olinger, H, H., 135 362; Columbian, 244; Essex In Oliphant, J. Orin, 163 stitute Historical Collections, Olympia, Washington, 153, 260, 363; Evangelical Repository, 341, 348 163; Evening Astorian Budget, O'Neil, Marion : 82; Frontier and Midland, 264; “Maritime Activities," 10 Geographical Review, 363; Onions, 242, 283 Gresham Outlook, 166; Harney Ontario, Oregon, 270 County newspapers, 366; Her Oregon: miston Herald, 366; Indian Cit boundaries, 301-07 izen, 165; Iowa Journal of His capitol- tory and Politics, 363; Kansas architecture, 130-33, 135-36; 385
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INDEX 317 picture, (facing) 134; recon Whitman party, 99, 100, 101 struction commission, 135; Pambrun, Mrs. Pierre Chrysol- site, 133-35 ogue, 172 description, 162; history, 365 Paquet, Oliver L., 85 provisional government- Parker, A, L., 83 education, 308 Parker, Judah, 271 Oregon Baptist Education Society, Parker, P. C., 366 Parker, Samuel, 92, 180, 183, 212- Oregon City, Oregon, 27, 347, 349: 13, 284: council proceedings, 316; edu Journal of an Exploring Tour, cation, 308-28; falls, 339; school 68, 223 lands, 311, 317 Parrish, J. L., 366 “Oregon City Private Schools, Parrish, Philip H., 166: 1873-59," by Erwin F. Lange, “Two Brave Women,” Oregon- 308-28 ian, 166 Oregon grape, 241 Partlow, ........, 25, 27, 28, 29 Oregon Historical Society, 364 Oregon Medical Society, first Patterson, H. S.: "54° 40' or Fight," 263 president, 366 Oregon Pioneer Association, 265 Patton, William J., 85 “Oregon State Boundary" by Paxson, G. S.: Lewis A. McArthur, 301-07 "Construction of Coast High- Oregon state fair, 269, 366 way Bridges," 363 Oregon state militia: Paxton, Nancy, 164 company E, 1st regiment, 367 Payne, Delia, 271 Oregon state printing department, Peaches, 179, 241, 245, 346 82 Peacock Spit, 82' “Oregon's New Capitol," by Pearne, Thomas H., 314 Charles A. Sprague, 130-36 Pears, 179, 245, 346 Orient Meets Occident, by Enoch Pearson, Walter E., 134 A. Bryan, review by L. M. Peas, 122, 180, 181, 283 Scott, 262 Pee-kin, see White Headed Eagle, Osborn, Mrs. George H., 166 Otter Crest state park, 81 Pelton, Ellen, 83 Owen, Andrew Jesse, 271 Pend d'Oreille River, 7 Owens, George, 273 Pennoyer, Sylvester, 168 Owens, Thomas, 273 People's Friend, see Newspapers Owyhee River, 301, 302, 304 and magazines Oysters, 244, 249, 255, 343, 351 Perrine, Fred S., 364, 365 Perry, Elizabeth, 267 Pacific Mail Steamship Company, Perry, Francis, 267 349 Perry, George W., 267 Pacific Power and Light Com Perry, N. A., 267 pany, 83 Perry, Roy A., 267 Packard, ........, 156 Peterson, Ernest W., 270 Packard, E. L., 82 Pettygrove, B. F., 366 Packard, F. R.: Peytonia, see Navigation-vessels History of Medicine in the Unit Pheasants, Chinese, 82, 243 ed States, quoted, 220, 221 Phelps, Effie Frances Íice, 24 Paddock, Harriet, 369 Phelps, Margaret, 24 Painter, Zulette, 167 Phillips, Clarence D., 164 Palladino, L. B.: Pierre's Hole, 7 Indian and White in the North Pigeons, 181 west, mentioned, 5 Pike, John, 139 Palmer, Harry, 270 Pine, M. L., 323 Pambrun, Pierre Chrysologue, Pine Creek, 97, 98 173, 184, 190: Pipes, Nellie B., 110: 292 386
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INDEX “Protestant Ladder," 237-40 147; 1853, 252, 350; flour, 142, Pipes, Wade H., 367 143, 144, 147, 150, 157; 1852, Pishmores, (saddle cloth) 93 29; 1853, 246, 252, 346, 350; Pitsaw, 114 1854, 39; ham, 147; 1852, 29; Pittenger, Emma C., 273 laundry, 150; logs, 157; milk, Plums, 180, 241, 245, 346 1852, 29; 1853, 346, 351; molas- Point Adams, 249 ses, 1852, 29; mules, 1852, 34; Point Successful, Lewis River, 332 oats, 139; 1852, 242; onions, Political parties, British Colum 147; 1852, 242; oysters, 252, bia, 163 260; pickles, 1852, 29; pork, Pommow's Fork, Bear River, 279 147; pork, pickled, 346; postage, Pond, Elizabeth Parrot, 273 1852, 30, 32; potatoes, 147, 150, Pope, Charles, Junior, 314 156, 157, 249, 252, 346, 350, 360; Pope, Sarah A., 273 sausage, 1852, 29; sugar, 142; Pope, Thomas, 314 1852, 29; tin water cans, 142; Pope, W. H., 273 wash tubs, 147; wheat, 1853-54, Port Orford, 26, 27, 37, 351 34, 36, 37, 39, 41, 360 Port Townsend, Washington, 366 Prince, Mary Slavin, 273 Porter, Kenneth W.: Pringle, Catherine Sager, letter, “Myths after Astor," 163 354-60 Porter, Robert L., 190-91 Pringle, Clark Spencer, 354 Portland, Oregon, 347, 353: Pringle, Kate Virginia, 360 description, 147; social life, 83;| Printing, history, 264 Tice letters, 25, 27, 32, 39 Printing press, 81 “Portland Leads Way in Power Proebstel, Louisa Nye, 166, 167 Development,” Oregon Journal, Program of Conditions to Govern 270-71 a Competition for Selection of Portland Rose Society, 270 an Architect for the Oregon Post, J. Andrew, 324 Capitol Building, 163 Post, J. D., 321, 322, 323, 324 “Protestant Ladder," by Nellie B. Postage prices, 30, 32 Pipes, 237-40 Potatoes, 122, 181, 241, 242, 249, Protestant Ladder, picture, (fac- 257, 259 ing) 237 Potter, Rockwell H., 266 Puget Sound, 151, 152-53, 154, Poultry, North West Company, 9 159, 337, 338, 346 Powder River Valley, 91, 92, 93, Puget Sound Agricultural Com- 172 pany, 67 Powell, Joab, 76-77, 268 Pugh, William P., 167 Powers, Alfred, 80, 364 Pumpkins, 242 Prairie chickens, 243 Pusterla, Attilio, 269 Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, 3 Quince, 241, 346 Pratt, A, F., 164 Pratt, Harry Noyes, 13 Rae, Eloisa Maria McLoughlin, Prentiss, George A., 273 71, 178, 180 Presswood, J., 268 Rae,' William Glen, 10, 17, 18, 19, Price, Kirk, 367 21, 22, 71, 178 Prices : Railroads: advertising, 156, 157; bacon, Canadian National, 77; Cana- 142; beans, 1852, 29; beef, 145, dian Pacific, 77; Great North- 147, 157; 1852, 29; 1853, 252, ern, 77; Hogg Pass project, 346; butter, 147, 150; 1852, 29; 270; Northern Pacific, 77; 1853, 252, 344, 346, 350; cab transcontinental, 262; Union bage, 156; 1853, 246; cattle, Pacific-Oregon Short Line, 276 145; cheese, 142, 150, 344, 346, Raley, James Henry, 369 350; chickens, 1853, 252, 350;| Ramsey, Frank, 268 coffee, 1852, 29; corn, 139; eggs, Rankin, Mary Jane, 85 387
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INDEX Raspberries, 241, 258 Robins, Thomas M.: Ray, Verne F.: "Improving the Columbia for "Native Villages and Groupings Navigation,” 362 of the Columbia Basin," 163 Robinson, Hazel Tice, 24 Raymond, Edward H.: Rock Creek Gorge-pictographs, "The Fur-Seal Fishery and Sa 365 lem," 363 Rockey, Mrs. A. E., 365 Raymond, G. W., 138 Rockwood, E. Ruth: Raymond, Mary E. Stevens, 138 Joab Powell ... by M. L. Nich- Read, James S., 320, 321 ols, review, 76-77 Redding, Lucetta, 25, 32 "Letters of Charles Stevens," Reddington, Nellie Meacham, 83 137-59; 241-61; 334-53 Redfield, Francis M., 77 Rocky Mountain Fur Company, 2, Reed, John, 270, 329 7,8 Reed, John G., 85 Rodgers, Andrew, 358, 359 Reed, Simeon G., 77, 264, 270, Roe, F. G., 263 366-66 Roff, S. M., 366, 367 Reed, Walter, 221 Rogers, Clark, 166 Reed and Bioren, 352 Rogers, Walter, 268 Reese, Mrs. H. Edgar, 102, 110 Root, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, 367 “Religion Among the Flatheads,” Root, Margaret Nicholson,' 85 by T. C. Elliott, 1-8 Rose, John, 264 Rendezvous, Green River, 88, 93, Ross, Alexander, 101: 111, 113, 286, 289 Adventures of First Settlers, Rennie, Alex, 134 quoted, 329, 331 Reviews, 76-79; 160-63; 262-64; Fur Traders, quoted, 352 361-63 Ross, Charles, 167 Revolution of July, 1830, France, Rottenbelly, Nez Perces chief, 92, 51 93, 284 Richard, Indian boy with Whit see also Tack-en-su-a-tis man, 90, 92, 183 Rowen, Thomas R., 166 Richards, Leverett G., 270 Rowland, L. L., 366 Richardson, Mrs. ........, Moss Ho Roy, Mrs. L. E., 366 tel, 309 Royal, Captain, Neriade, 179 Richardson, Alonzo K., 271, 273, Royer, Mary Ingram, 167 366 Ruble, Marion, 85 Richardson, Flora Savage, 271 Rumbaugh, E., 166 Richardson, Hannah Linville, 85 Rumbaugh, Joseph, 367 Richardson, Mrs. John Y., 365 Rush, Benjamin, 197 Richardson, Rhoda Harris, 85 Rushville, New York, 197, 204 Rickreall, 270 Russel, Ronald: Riddle, C. D.: “The Northwest's First Steam- "Construction Plant at Grand ship,” 365 Coulee Dam,” 362 Russell, Charles J. W., 260 Ridgley, John Nelson, 83 Russell, Elizabeth Davis, 168 Riggs, Mildred Bedwell, 85 Russell, Gertrude Pennoyer, 168 Riley, Frank Branch, 81 Russell, William, 367 Rinehart, Amanda Glenn, 83 Russian American Company, 14 Rinker, Geraldine, 266 Russians, 11, 14 Risdon, D. M., 83 Ruxton, George Frederick, 162 Roads, trails, etc.: Sacajawea, 171 Coyote Ridge trail, 97; Lolo Sacramento, see Navigation-ves- trail, 322; Naches Pass road, sels 154 Sacramento City, California, 28 Robbs, Mrs. William A., 273 Saddles, 93 Roberts, William, 314, 354, 360 | Sage hens, 243 388
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INDEX Sagebrush, 148, 282, 265, 286 ! Minnville, 323; Berkshire Medi- Sager, Catherine, see Pringle, cal, 205; Bowdoin Medical, 205; Catherine Sager Clackamas County Female Sem Sager, Elizabeta Maria, 354, 355, inary, 310-13, 314, 320; College 360 of Physicians and Surgeons of Sager, Francis, 354, 359 the Southern District of New Sager, Frederie, 354, 360 York, 198-99; College of Physi Sager, Hannah Loisa, 356, 359 cians and Surgeons of the West- Sager, Henrietta Naomi, 334, 355, ern District of New York, ce 356, 360 Fairfield (below); Dartmouth Sager, Henry, 354 199, 205; Edinburgh, 54; Bols Sager, John, 351, 359 schoolhouse, 367; Fairfield Aca Sager, Matilda Jane, 354-55, 359, demy, 102-10, 199, 200, 2014 360 205, 206, 235; pieture, 10 (iae Sager, Naomi, 354 ing); Fairfield Medical School Sahale stick, see Catholie Ladder see Fairfield Academy; Geners Saint Anns, Canada, 204 College, Medical Institute, 235: St. Clair, H. L., 166 Indian Industrial School, Fon Saint Helens, Oregon, 248, 269, est Grove, 165; Jefferson Insti 349 tute, 323; Lane Theological Saint Louis, 3 Seminary, 235; Linñeld Cat Saint Paul, 325 lege, Melinnville, &, 23; da Salal berries, 343, 347 Gill College, 54; Maple Lane Salem, Oregon, 254, 348 schoolOregon City district Saling, I. E, 366 268; medical schools, 196, New Saling, Malinda Morton, 366 York Academy of Medicine, Salmon, 92, 144, 153, 246, 105; Olin Academy, 8 , 289: Oregon City—private schon fishing, 177; packing, 335; Tice 308-28; Oregon City College letters, 27; varieties, 242 and University, 317-23; Oregon Salmon berries, 257, 343 City Seminary, 313-16; Pacific Salmon Falls, 144, 146 University, 164, 353; Portland Salmon fishery, Snake Falls, 287 Academy, 82, 316; Post's schon Salt, 100 324; Rickreall Academy, $: San Francisco, California, 15 Syracuse University, 103 luni Sand Island, 306 Tualatin Academy, 319; I'mn Sandy, Oregon, 158 qua Academy, 316; Universitar Sandy Pioneer Association, 265 of Idaho, Southern Brand Santa Fe, Dixon expedition, 65 163; Western Reserve Medical Santee, J. F., editor: School, 106, 205; Willaments “Letters of John R. Tice,” 24-44 University, 133-34, 236, SIA Santiam River, 348 Williams College, 193, 104 : Saubert, Emma, 265 Willoughby Medical SCAN Saunders, Joseph, 323 106, 108, 236; Young Lada Saunders, L. W., 358 Academy, Sisters of NORN Sauvie Island, 247 Dame, 325-27 Sawyer, R. W., 135 Schroeder, Charles Edward, si Sayre, Donald, 266 Schrum, Nicholas, 167 Schools and colleges: Sconce, Thomas H., 85 curriculum, 308, 310, 312, 315, Scott, Leslie M., 81, 164; 320-21, 326, 327, 328; terms, General History of Oregon, pol length of, 308, 310, 312, 313, II, by C. H. Cary, review, 315, 320, 327; text books, 309, 160-61 312, 319; tuition, 308, 310, 312, Orient Meets Oursidant, dr 313, 315, 320, 321, 323, 327-28, 367; Baptist College at Mc-| Sea Gull, see Navigation resses Enoch A. Bryan, review, 20 389
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INDEX Seals, 243 Smith, Jedediah Strong, 2, 7, 11, Seattle, Washington, 343 162 Sedgwick Woman's Relief Corps, Smith, John James, 369 Salem, 80 Smith, John U., 369 Sellwood, John, 271 Smith, Livingston, 136 Service berries, 282, 283 Smith, Mary Stanley, 273 Settlemeier, George, 246, 268 Smith, Mary Venable, 85 Settlemier, E. E., 268 Smith, Nathan, 103, 104 Shahaptin nation, 329 Smith, Sarah, Oregon City teach- Shahaptin River, 329, 331, 333 er, 311-12 Shannon, Wesley, 83 Smith, Sydney, 369 Shasta, California, 29 Smith, William E.: Shattuck, Erasmus D., 312, 313, “Grave of Sarah Keys on the 321 Oregon Trail,” 264 Sheak, Ida Castle, 271 Snake fort, 277, 284, 289 Sheep, 181 Snake River, 91, 285, 288, 301, Shellfish, 153: 302, 304, 331, 332, 333 clams, 92; oysters, 244, Snakes, 336 255, 343, 351 Snell, Earl, 164, 166 Shepherd, Cyrus, 183 Snider, Mr. and Mrs. N., 83 Sherar, Joseph H., 82, 167 Snohomish River, 344 Shoalwater Bay, 150, 154, Snow, Lucien, 350 245, 246, 247, 255, 260, 334, Snow, 245 337, 338, 340-41 Society for Promoting Popular Shoudy, William H., 139, 155, Education in the West, 311 156, 247 Soda Springs, Idaho, 143, 148, Simmons, Emma Jones, 369 276, 281, 282 Simon, Joseph, 81 Sommer, Ernest A., 168 Simpson, Aemilius, 10 Sons and Daughters of Indian Simpson, George: War Vterans, 265 fur trade, 3; Hudson's Bay Sons and Daughters of Oregon Company, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20; Pioneers, 81, 267: journal quoted, 3, 4; jour- annual meeting, 1936, 265 neys, 263; McLoughlin, 46, Sons of Veterans, Owen Summers 47, 48, 62, 63, 71, 72, 73 Camp, Portland, 80 Singing school, 43 South Pass, 276 Singleton, Nancy Drain, 266 Southwick, Helen S., 167 Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Spalding, Eliza Hart, 1, 87, 166, 325 171, 173, 174, 186, 223, 224, 230, Sitting Bull, Indian Chief, 78 266, 275, 288, 356 Siuslaw Pioneer Association, 265 Spalding, Henry Harmon, 87, 161, Skeeters, Isaac, 271 173, 174, 186, 275, 356: Skinner, Alonzo A., 256, 261, 310 bill of exchange, 125; centen- Slacum, William A., 13-14 nial, 1, 266; Fairfield, 235; Slater, James H., 369 financial report, 128-29; In- Smith, A. B., 225 dian diseases, 229, 230, 232; Smith, Mrs. Ben, 164 letters, 111-21, 235; medical Smith, Bertha Slater, 369 training, 102, 103, 106, 108; Smith, Charles M., 369 Protestant Ladder, 238 Smith, Delavan, 367 Spalding, Lyman, 103, 104, 105, Smith, Delazon, 367 106 Smith, Elizabeth Crawford, 271, "Spalding and Whitman Letters, 366 1837," 111-26 Smith, Emma Backus, 366 Spalding centennial, 269 Smith, Mrs. Hamlin, 83 Spaniards, California fur trade, Smith, Hiram, 144-45 11 390
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INDEX Spencer, Omar C., 364 Mary E. Sperry, William, 322 Stevens, Timothy, 137 Spier, Leslie: Stevenson, Robert O., 366 Tribal Distribution in Washing- Steward, George Harrison, 268 ton, review by L. S. Cress- Steward, Robert Mills, 268 man, 361-62 Stewart, Charles L., 264 Spokane Forks, 5 Stewart, Claiborne H., 369 Spokane Garry, Indian youth, 161 Stewart, Laura Riley, 168-69 Sprague, Charles A.: Stewart, W. M.: "Oregon's New Capitol,” 130-36 “David Thompson's Surveys in Squashes, 242 the North-West," 363 Stewart, William R., 165 Squires, Josephine Kilgore, 369 Stadman, Anna, 273 Sticus, Indian who warns Whit- Starker, T. J., 82 man, 233, 357 Starkweather, Harvey G., 81, 266 Stilaguamish River, 344 Starr, George M., 271 Still, Mr. and Mrs. H. E., 83 Starr, Hattie, 271 Stone, Louise Myra, 169 Starr, Silas, 366 Stone, Martha A., 369 Steach, Isadora, 366 Stone, Mary La Fleur Pluard, 369 Steamboats, 257 Stearns, David S., 81, 265 Stone, Witmer, 78 Stearns, Ella S., 270 Stonehenge replica, 270 Stearns, J. O., 81, 265 Storan, Emily, 273 Stearns, John, 105 Story of the Far West, by J. G. Stearns, Loyal B., 273 Masters, review by A. Š. Tay- Stearns, Mrs. S. Š., 271 lor, 162-63 Steel of Empire, by J. M. Gibbon, Stover, Mary Bowman, 369 review by J. A. Jonasson, 77 Stranahan, C. Howard, 83 Steelhammer, Mr. and Mrs. A. G., Strawberries, 180, 241, 255, 257, 83 261 Steers, Ella, 366 Street cars, Portland, 366 Steiner, Richard M., 83 Strong, H. B., 217 Stevens, Miss ......., teacher, 258 Stuart, Robert, 78 Stevens, Ann Hopkinson, 137, 142, Sublette, William L., 2 145, 147, 150, 152, 156 Sublette cut-off, 276, 277 Stevens, Aurelia L., see Matthews, Sugar Grove, Pennsylvania, 204 Aurelia L. Sullivan, Maurice si: Stevens, Benjamin Franklin, 138- Travels of Jedediah Smith, 11 39, 142, 145, 156 Summerville, 94 Stevens, Birney, 138 Supplies: Stevens, Charles: black pudding (blood), 187; biography, 137-38, 139; letters, blankets, 181, 190; bread, moun- 137-59; 241-61; 334-53 tain, 283, 287; buffalo meat, Stevens, Esther, see Brown, Et 280, 283, 285; butter and cheese, ther Stevens 335; chairs, 284; clothing, 184; Stevens, Frances E.. see Case, feather beds, 181; flour, 182; Frances E. Stevens Warren food, 100, 144, 147, 153, 185, Stevens, Irving, 138, 143, 149-50, 283; fuel, 148; hoes, 123; medi- 156 cal supplies, 208, 209, oranges, Stevens, Isaac I., 165 150; rice, 286; salmon, 352; Stevens, J. C. 164 sheeting, 181; stools, 283; stove, Stevens, John, 137 190; tin ware, 190 Stevens, John F. 271 Surveys: Stevens, Levi: federal archives, WPA project, letters to, 240-58 164 Stevens, Mary E., u Raymond, Sutter, John, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22: 291
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INDEX Diary, 15, 16, 22 Tice, Lizzy, 24, 25, 27, 33, 34, 42 Sutter, John A., 78 Tice, Margaret Wright, 44 Swafford, Mrs. E. F., 167 Tierney, Frank: Swans, whistling, 243 "Printers Ink Also Pioneered," Swart, Bettylou, 81, 164 82 Symons, Thomas William, 78 Tillamook County, 306 Synhorst, Elizabeth, 369 Tillamook pageant, 269 Tin shops, Portland, 339 Tack-en-su-a-tis, 93, 114, 119 Tindall, James, 83 see also Rottenbelly Toads, 336 Talbot, John Beal, 83 Tobacco, 112 Talmadge, D. H.: Todd, Mrs. Oliver A., 265 “Looking Back 75 Years on Toll Gate, Oregon trail, 96, 97 Oregon's State Fair,” 366 Tolmie, William F., 178, 179 Tamahas, Indian, 233 Tomatoes, 180, 242 Tannery, 348 Townsend, David, 78 Taylor, Arthur Samuel: Townsend, John Kirk, 78, 99, 173, Story of the Far West, by 179 Joseph G. Masters, review, Tozier, Albert, 167 162-63 Trade and commerce: Taylor, Edward A., 369 hides, 18; lumber, 350; Mon- Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. E., 167 terey, California, 17-18; ship- Taylor, James, 310 ping, Oregon, 348; wheat, 18; Taylor, Samuel Francis, 369 wool, 18; tallow, 18 Temperance Society, 185 Transportation — Pacific North- Territorial Days celebration, Ore- west, 269 gon City, 269 Trees: Tharp, Jack, 366 almond, 346; apple, 346; cedar, Theaters, Civic theater movement, 242, 336; fig, 346; fir, 242, 336; 83 Kentucky coffee tree, 80; oak, Thimble berries, 343 242; Oregon, 82; pine, 242; vine This is Oregon, by C. L. Emerson, maple, 341 review by L. A. McArthur, 162 Triangle Mountain Club, 268 Thomas, A. C., 265 Tribal Distribution in Washing- Thomas, Walter Horstman, 135 ton, by Leslie Spier, review by Thompson, David, 6-7, 78, 363 L. S. Cressman, 361-62 Thompson, David P., 78 Trimble, William M., 366 Thompson, John A., 136 Trinity River, 28 Thompson's Prairie, 6 Trowbridge and Livingston, 130, Thornburgh, Ambers, 270 136 Thornton, J. Quinn, 78, 310 True, Sarah M., 85 Thornton, Mrs. N. M., 310 True, William, 85 Thrasher, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Trullinger, Daniel, 267 W., 367 Trullinger, Ed, 367 Thurston, E. A., 85 Trullinger, Elizabeth, 267 Thwaites, Reuben Gold: Trullinger, 1. C., 267 Early Western Travels, quoted, Tualatin Plains, 159 331 Turkeys, 181 Tice, Ann, 24-26, 33, 34, 36, 42 Turnbow, Joseph, 85 Tice, Elisa Elder, 24 Turnips, 181, 241, 283 Tice, Fred, brother of John R., T'Vault, William G., 25, 26 24, 25, 26, 27, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43 Twelvemile Creek, 305 Tice, Fred, son of John R., 24 Tygh Valley, 366 Tice, Jacob, 24 Tice, John Repleyea, 24-44 Ukiah, Oregon, 366 Tice, Kate, 24, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, Umatilla County, 366 Umatilla River, 94, 97, 337 42 392
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INDEX 263 iy Underwood, Isabella, 165 Early Settlers," Oregon Jour- United States: nal, 270 northern boundary, 6 Wallá Walla River, 98, 100, 330 University of the State of New Walla Walla Valley, 302 York, 198, 199, 200, 201 Wallace, N. G., 134 Wallula Gap, 172 Vale, Oregon, 91 Vallejo, Mariano Guadalupe, 12, Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, 83 14, 19 Warre and Vavasour expedition, Vancouver, see Navigation-ves-1 sels Warren, George, 138 Vancouver, British Columbia: Warren, Helen, 81 history, 163 Warren, William E., 369 Van Zele, c. J., 271 Wasco County Pioneers Associa- Vaughan, W. O., 165 Vedeler, Harold C.: tion, 164, 267 Washington-Oregon boundaries, “Historical Materials at the 301 Southern Branch of the Uni- Washington Historical Quarterly, versity of Idaho," 163 Vedeler, Harold C., Editor: see Pacific Northwest Quarter- “Reminiscences of Murdoch M. Washington Territory, 301, 302, McPherson,” 264 334 Veteran Steamboat Men of the West, 265 Water power, 338 Vey, Joseph, 273 Water supply, Oregon, 347-48 Victor, Frances Fuller, 167: Waterbury, James A., 366 River of the West, mentioned, 3 Waterman, John Orvis, 156 Viggers, Thomas, 83 Watson, Mary K., 169 Vining, May Hoffman, 40 Weapons: Vinson, James S., 167 cannon, Fort Walla Walla, 100; Virtue Flat, 91 knives, obsidian, 166 Voorhies, Mrs. Gordon, 135 Weatherford, M. Annette, 169 Weatherford, Mrs. William W., Wade, Anna Florence, 169 369 Wade, Louise Evans, 369 Weatherred, Edith Tozier, 265 Wade, Samuel, 169 Weaverville, California, 27, 29, Wadin, Jean Etienne, 178 Wadsworth, F. M., 83 Weber, Mary Bernard, 326 Wages: Webster, Alex H., 167 carpenters, 146-47, 257; chop Webster, Alice Revenue, 167 pers, 147; laborers, 147 Weister, Alice, 273 Waiilatpu, 222, 223 Welch and Hanna, 311 Wait, Aaron E., 314 Weld, David, 124, 190 Waite, Frederick C., 109, 266: Wells, W. B., 156 "Medical Education of Dr. Welty, Mrs. Clarence, 265 Whitman." 192-216 West, George, 85 Walgamott, C. S.; West, Josiah, 83 Six Decades Back, quoted, 144 Weston, R., 323 Walker, Alpharetta, 271 Weston, Oregon, 98 Walker, Elkanah, 225 Wharton, Wallace S., 82, 83 Walker, Ellen Clymer, 83 Wheat, 181, 242, 246, 249, 260, Walker, Hortense Oar, 271 342: Walker, Samuel T., 265 Tice letters, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41, Walla Walla, Washington: 42, 43; Waiilatpu, 122 Whitman centennial, 265, 266 | Wheeler, Frank P., 271, 367 . Whitman party, 277, 284, 286 Wheeler, Jason, 271 "Walla Walla Pays Tribute to l Wheeler, New York, 207
30 393
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INDEX Whitby, Mary Harris, 273 Willapa River, 244 Whitcomb, Lot, 145, 150, 152, 154, Williams, C. F., 165 334, 348, 368 Williams, “Old Bill,” 162 White, F. A., 328 Williams, Richard, 156 White, J. S., 322 Willis, Mary Marsh, 273 White, Joseph, 106, 200, 205 Willoughby, Westel, 105, 106, White, Joseph A., 25, 27, 32, 33, 200-01 39 Willson, William H., 132 “White Headed Eagle,” 291 Wilmot, M. L., 83 Whitehouse, Morris H., 133 Wilson, Clementine L., 273 Whiting, D. C., 366 Wilson, Clifford P., 163 Whitman, Alice Clarissa, 124 Wilson, F. W., 166 Whitman. Fred W., 268 Wilson, Frank Emerson, 83 Whitman, Freedom, 192, 193, 206 Wilson, Fred W., 265 Whitman, Marcus, 87, 101, 275, Wilson, James, 249 280, 281: Wilson, Lida Davidson, 85 bill of exchange, 125; centen- Wilson, Samuel, 83 nial celebration, 1, 265-66; Wind River Mountains, 143 character, 217; financial re- Winters, Lee, 271 port, 128-29; Hallock school, I Winther, Oscar Osburn, 262, 269: 193, 197; letters, 111, 121- Express and Stagecoach Days 125, 238; massacre, 233, 357- in California, review by Dan 58; medical care of Indians, E. Clark, 262-63 356; medical diploma, 203; “Highlights in the History of medical practice, 204, 217-34; Oregon," 362 medical training, 102, 103, Wishram, 174, 175 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 192- Wisner, B. B., 109 216; Sager children, 354, Withycombe, Thomas, 273 355, 356; Thornton school, Wolf Creek Tavern, 270 310 Wolfard, Lake D., 169 Whitman, Narcissa Prentiss, 1, Wolves, 97 87, 166, 171-91, 223, 233, 275, Woman's Missionary Society, 356, 357, 358, 359: Central Presbyterian Church, centennial celebration, 265-66; Portland, 367 journal, 88-100, 172-91, 277 Wood, James Abner, 273, 369 90 Wood, Sydney King, 169 Whitman, Sarah, 192, 193 Wooddy, Mattie Kirby, 85 Whitman centennial, 78, 265-66, Woodington, Rosella, 167 269, 367 Woodward, Samuel L., 83, 369 Whitman Saved Oregon, story, Woodward, Tyler, 83 Work, John, ii 161 “Whitman: The Good Doctor," by Wrecker's Cove, see Depoe Boy Wright, Anson, 169 0. Larsell, 217-34 Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Fred, 167 Whitmarsh, Lewis, 143 Wright, J. B., 83 Whitmarsh, Samuel, 143 Wright, Mrs. L. M., 267 Whittlesey, Mrs. C. W., 268 Wright, Margaret, see Tice, Mar- Whortleberries, 241, 343 garet Wright Wilcox, Frank, 35, 36, 38, 39 Wright, Reuben, 366 Wiley, J. W., 244 Wyatt, William, 167 Wiley, Nat L., 167 Wyeth, Nathaniel, 101, 282, 283 Wilkes, Charles, 18 Wykoff, J. Lynn, 166 Wilkes expedition, 83 Willamette Baptist Association: Yaquina Bay, 270 schools, 322 Yaquina City, 365 Willamette City, Oregon, 347 Yarham, E. R.: Willamette River, 83 "Vancouver's Romance," 163 394
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INDEX Yerba Buena, 15 52, 53 York factory, 78 Yreka, California, 36 Young, Ewing, 11, 14 de Young and Moscowitz, 136 Zahniser, A. H., 271 Young Men's Society, Montreal,! Zimmerman, Peter, 134
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THE Oregon Historical Quarterly VOLUME XXXVII DECEMBER, 1936 NUMBER 4 Issued four times yearly, in March, June, September and December. The Quarterly disavows responsibility for the positions taken by contributors to its pages. UWUN RICAL STOR PEACE pouco Soo AND WUUUUUU OREO RIEN SO INCORPO » 17.1898. OSH TED DECEN CEMBER 12 0000 mara mom CONTENTS Pages T.C. ELLIOTT—The Coming of the White Women, Part III........ 275 T.C. ELLIOTT-New Portrait of Dr. McLoughlin. 291 JANE LEWIS CHAPIN-Letters of Dr. John McLoughlin............... 293 LEWIS A. MCARTHUR-Oregon State Boundary.......... 301 ERWIN F. LANGE-Oregon City Private Schools, 1843-59.............. 308 F. D. HAINES—McKenzie's Winter Camp, 1812-13......... 329 E. RUTH ROCKWOOD—Letters of Charles Stevens.............. 334 LETTER OF CATHERINE SAGER PRINGLE.. 354 REVIEWS 361 NEWS AND COMMENT............. 364 NECROLOGY ....... 368 INDEX, VOLUME XXXVII. 371 Publication office, 215 South Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. Executive office, Public Auditorium Bldg., 235 Southwest Market Street, Portland, Ore- gon. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Salem, Oregon. Issued quarterly. Subscription price, $2.00 a year. Nellie B. Pipes, Editor.
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CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS NUMBER T. C. ELLIOTT, Walla Walla, Washington, who edits the journal of Mrs. Whitman, has expert knowledge of early trails into Oregon. JANE LEWIS CHAPIN, is curator of McLoughlin House, Oregon City. LEWIS A. MCARTHUR, Portland, is an authority on early surveys and topography in Oregon. ERWIN F. LANGE, teaches at Clatskanie High School. His article is part of a thesis prepared for the school of education, University of Oregon. F. D. HAINES, Berkeley, California, is doing advanced work in history at the University of California. His special field at present is the Nez Perce tribe. E. Ruth ROCKWOOD is head of the reference department of the Port- land public library. ROBERT MOULTON GATKE is on the faculty of Willamette University, Salem. L. S. CRESSMAN is in the department of anthropology, University of Oregon.
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PUBLICATIONS OF THE OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOURCES OF THE HISTORY OF OREGON Vol. 1, No. 1. JOURNAL OF MEDOREM CRAWFORD, edited by F. G. Young. An account of the trip of Medorem Crawford across the plains with the Oregon Pioneers of 1842. Published at Eugene, Oregon, in 1897, 26 pp. Paper covers.... ....$ 2.50 Vol. 1, No. 2. THE INDIAN COUNCIL AT WALLA WALLA, May and June, 1855, A JOURNAL, by Col. Lawrence Kip. Edited by F. G. Young. Published at Eugene, Oregon, in 1897. 28 pp. Paper covers ...... 2.50 Vol. 1, Nos. 3-6 inclusive. THE CORRESPONDENCE AND JOURNALS OF CAPTAIN NATHANIEL J. WYETH, 1831-6, edited by F. G. Young. A record of two expeditions for the occupation of the Oregon Country, with maps, introduction and index. Pub- lished at Eugene, Oregon, in 1899. 262 pp. Paper covers...... 7.50 THE OREGON CONSTITUTION and Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention of 1857, edited by Charles Henry Carey. Published at Salem, Oregon, 1926. 8vo. 543 pp. Cloth binding 5.00 OREGON HISTORICAL QUARTERLY VOLUME I, 1900...... $12.00 (on sale only in complete volumes; separate numbers not available.) VOLUMES II-XV, 1901-14...... ..$4.00 or $1.00 a number VOLUMES XVI-XXXVI, 1915-35.. 3.00 or .75 a number VOLUME XXXVII, 1936 2.00 or 50 a number A 10% discount will be allowed libraries purchasing a complete set.
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THE OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY Organized December 17, 1898 CHARLES H. CAREY .. - President B. B. BEEKMAN - - -- - - - - - Vice-President LEWIS A. MCARTHUR Secretary E. B MACNAUGHTON - - - -- ---- Treasurer GEORGE H. HIMES, Curator NELLIE B. PIPES, Librarian and Editor of Oregon Historical Quarterly DIRECTORS THE GOVERNOR OF OREGON, ex-officio, CHARLES H. MARTIN THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, exc-officio, C. A. HOWARD Term Expires at Annual Meeting in October, 1937 CHARLES H. CAREY, B. B. BEEKMAN D. S. STEARNS, HENRY E. REED Term Expires at Annual Meeting in October, 1938 LESLIE M. SCOTT. ROBERT C. CLARK MRS. ISAAC L. PATTERSON, ROBERT J. HENDRICKS Term Expires at Annual Meeting in October, 1939 T. C. ELLIOTT, E. B. MACNAUGHTON ROBERT W. SAWYER, NANCY DRAIN SINGLETON Term Expires at Annual Meeting in October, 1940 LEWIS A. MCARTHUR, FRED S. PERRINE OMAR C. SPENCER, ALFRED POWERS Members of the Oregon Historical Society receive the Oregon Historica) Quarterly, Annual and contributing members pay dues of $2 a year. Contributing members pay an initial fee of $50. Life members pay $100 and no annual dues. Application for membership, renewal of membership or purchase of the Oregon Historical Quarterly and other publications of the society should be sent to: IRENE UPSON, Assistant Secretary Public Auditorium, 235 Southwest Market Street, Portland, Oregon. Articles for publication in the Oregon Historical Quarterly and corre- spondence relative thereto should be addressed to: NELLIE B. PIPES, Editor Public Auditorium, 235 Southwest Market Street, Portland, Oregon.