Abbott, Cavell, 266
Abbott, M.J., 366 Abernethy, George, 310, 311, 314 Adams, Charles, 314 Adams, John Quincy, 160 Adams, L., 268 Adams, P. L., 367 Adams, W. L., 81 Adams, William , 81 “Additional Note on Some Early Oregon Physicians,” by O. Larsell, 235–36 Agatz , Cora Wilson: "Journey Across the Plains in 1866," 163 Ainsley, H. C., 268 Aits, John, 90, 117, 183, 284 Albany, New York, 107 Albertson , Ralph
' " Survey o f ' Mutualistic Com - ) munities i n America , " 363 Albina Pioneers ' Association , 164 Albro , Mary Drain , 167 , 265 Alexander , Caleb , 102 , 103 Allen , A . Í . , 1 2 Allen , Wiley B . , 268 Allison , David Clark , 135 Alvarado , Juan Bautista , 1 5 , 1 8 , ) 22 Ambler , David , 8 8 American Board o f Commission ers for Foreign Missions - Pru dential Committee , 125 , 127 American Falls , 143 , 144 American Falls , Snake River , 285 American Fur Company , 213 , 215 American Society o f Civil Engi neers — Portland meeting , 362 Amusements , 3 Anderson , Ida E . , 8 4 Andrews , Francis Marion , 272 Angell , Homer D . , 134 , 167 Antelope , 280 , 286 “ Appeal o f the North West Com pany t o the British Government t o Forestall John Jacob Astor ' s Columbian Enterprise , " 363 Apperson , J . T . , 8 3 Appichemens , 9 3 Applegate , Jesse
Day With a Cow Column , 7 6 Apples , 179 , 180 , 187 , 241 , 245 Archivo General d e l a Nacion , Mexico , 263 Arnold , C . A . , 165 Arnold , James , 268 Ashley , William H . , 2 Astor , John Jacob , 163 Astor , Vincent , 269 Astoria , Oregon , 8 2 , 248 Athabaska Pass , 175 Atkinson , George H . , 3 0 8 , 310 , 311 , 312 , 314 Atkinson , N . B . , 312 Aurora community , 363 Austin , Susan G . , 167 Ayer , Winslow Bartlett , 367 Babcock , Avery , 3 2 , 3 3 Backus , Levi L . , 366 Bacon , Mary , 265 Bagley , Clarence B . , 139
Early Catholic Missions i n Old Oregon , 238 , 325 History o f Seattle , 139 Bagley , Daniel , 139 , 141 Bailey , . . . . . . . . , 156 Bailey , Ellen Letitia , 368 Bailey , John E . , 272 Bailey , Margaret J .
Grains , o r Passages i n the Life of Ruth Rover , 166 Baker , Oregon , 9 2 Bakers Bay , 248 , 249 , 334 , 337 , 341 , 343 , 344 , 346 , 351 Baldock , R . H .
“ Highway Design Applied t o the State System , ” 362 - 63 Baldwin , Mrs . L . E . , 8 3 Balfour , Mr . & Mrs . T . N . , 367 Banaha , Indian chief , 165 Banfield , T . H . , 135 Baptist Home Missionary Society , 318 Barber , Lawrence
“ Peacock Spit - Remnant o f the Columbia Bar , " 8 2 Barclay , Forbes , 229 , 365 Barker , Burt Brown , 365 Barker , Olive , 271 Barley , 3 8 , 4 1 , 4 3 , 181 Barnes , Ellis , 134 Barr , R . W . , 165 Barrn , William , 272 Basaltic rock , 348 Bassett , Alton John , 135 Batteau , 171 Bean , O . R . , 164 Beans , 180 371