Why Iron touched by a Loadstone acquires an opposite
verticity, and why iron touched by the true Northern side of a stone
turns to the North of the earth, by the true Southern side
to the South; and does not turn to the South when rubbed
by the Northern point of the stone, and when by
the Southern to the North, as all who have
written on the loadstone have
falsely supposed.

The page and line references given in these notes are in all cases first to the Latin edition of 1600, and secondly to the English edition of 1900.
203 ^ Page 125, line 24. Page 125, line 29. appositam.—All editions give this word, though the sense requires appositum.
204 ^ Page 128, line 9. Page 128, line 11. non nimis longum.—The editions of 1628 and 1633 read (wrongly) minus instead of nimis.