< Mimicry in Butterflies
- References to the plates are given in thicker type
- Acraea, taken by kestrel, 118;
- A. axina, 122;
- A. caldarena, 122;
- A. egina, 34, VI. 7;
- A. encedon, patterns of different forms in relation to those of Danais chrysippus, 29, 144;
- typical form of, IX. d;
- alcippina form of, IX. e;
- daira form of, IX. f;
- A. halali, 122;
- A. violae, 33 note;
- eaten by lizards, 108;
- attacked by birds, 110, 117
- Acraeinae, as models for African butterflies, 33
- Adaptation and Natural Selection, 61
- Adelpha, 54
- African butterflies, mimicry among, 28-36
- Alcidis agathyrsus, 27, 145, III. 1
- Aletis helcita, 36
- Amauris echeria, 30, 148, VIII. 7;
- A. hyalites, 30, VI. 2;
- A. niavius, 30, VIII. 6
- Amphidasys betularia, rapidity of increase in melanic sport of, 101
- Anosia plexippus (= Danais archippus), 113
- Anthomysa, 41
- Aporia agathon, 149
- Araschnia levana, seasonal dimorphism in, 130;
- typical form, VI. 10;
- prorsa form, VI. 9;
- porima form, VI. 8
- Archonias, 43, 56, 145;
- A. critias, XI. 10
- Argynnis diana, 47, XVI. 3;
- A. hyperbius, 29;
- as mimic of Danais plexippus, 52;
- in mimicry ring, 66, IV. 3, 4
- Artamus fuscus, 112
- Asilid flies, as enemies of butterflies, 106
- Athyma punctata, 53
- Bates, G. L., on contents of birds' stomachs, 113
- Bates, H. W., on mimicry, 9;
- on resemblances between unpalatable forms, 14;
- on initial variation in mimetic resemblance, 63;
- on S. American Pierines attacked by birds, 112
- Bateson, 3
- Belenois, 36
- Bingham, on birds eating butterflies, 110
- Birds, as enemies of butterflies, 109;
- stomach contents of, 113;
- feeding experiments with, 115;
- colour perception in, 119
- Bowater, on Amphidasys betularia, 102, 137 note
- Breeding experiments, with Hypolimnas dubius, 30;
- with Papilio polytes, 84;
- with Papilio memnon, 89;
- with Papilio dardanus, 90;
- with Pseudacraea eurytus, 128
- Bryant, on birds eating butterflies, 114
- Buchanga atra, 111
- Byblia ilithyia, 122
- Caduga tytia, 24, 51, II. 2
- Callamesia pieridoides, 56
- Calotes ophiomachus, 107;
- C. versicolor, 107
- Carpenter, on intermediates in Pseudacraea eurytus, 126;
- on breeding experiments with Pseudacraea eurytus, 128
- Castnia, as mimic, 39, XII. 4;
- scales of, 41, XV. 5
- Catopsilia, 121;
- C. florella, 111;
- C. pyranthe, 111
- Cerchneis rupicoloides, 118;
- C. naumanni, 117
- Cercopithecus pygerythrus, 121
- Charaxes athamas, 110
- Citronophila similis, 35
- Classification of butterflies, 18-21
- Colaenis telesiphe, 38, XI. 4
- Cyclosia hestinioides, III. 3
- Cymatophora or, establishment of melanic sport in, 102 note
- Cyrestis thyodamas, 110
- Danainae, characteristics of, 22;
- as models for Oriental butterflies,23;
- as models for African butterflies, 28
- Danais, 111, 145;
- D. archippus, 48;
- eaten by lizard, 108;
- rejected by bird, 113, XVI. 8;
- D. berenice, 48, XVI. 9;
- D. chrysippus, 23, 28;
- flight of, 55;
- in mimicry ring, 65;
- eaten by lizards, 108;
- eaten by Bee-eater, 111;
- eaten by Brown Shrike, 117;
- rejected by Kestrel, 118;
- rejected by baboon, 122;
- local variation in, 132;
- patterns overlapping with those of Acraea encedon, 144;
- alcippus form, IX. b;
- dorippus form, IX. c;
- typical form, IV. 1, VIII. 5;
- D. plexippus, as model for Argynnis hyperbius, 52;
- in mimicry ring, 65;
- eaten by Liothrix, 115 note, IV. 2;
- D. petiverana, 29, VI. 1;
- D. septentrionis, 23, 111, 112, I. 3;
- D. vulgaris, 150
- Darwin, on natural selection, 1;
- on adaptation, 5;
- on initial variation in mimetic resemblance, 63;
- on a difficulty of the mimicry theory, 65
- Defence in butterflies, 54
- Delias cathara, 56;
- D. eucharis, 28, 115, 116, II. 1
- de Meijere, on breeding Papilio memnon, 89
- de Vries, 3
- Dismorphia, as mimics of Ithomiinae, 38, 42;
- restricted range of many forms, 51;
- diversity of pattern in genus, 58;
- as Batesian mimics, 135;
- patterns parallel with those of Ithomiinae, 145;
- D. astynome, 151;
- D. avonia, 151;
- D. cretacea, 5, 8, 62, X. 1;
- D. orise, as mimic, 39, XII. 2;
- scales of, 40, XIV. 2;
- D. praxinoe, as mimic, 57, 62, X. 2, 3;
- as member of mimicry ring, 134
- Distasteful groups, characteristics of, 55
- Eltringham, 17 note, 32 note, 36 note
- Elymnias, patterns in genus compared with those of Danaidae, 59, 144;
- E. malelas, 24, II. 6, 7;
- E. phegea, 35, VII. 9;
- E. singhala, 25, I. 9;
- E. undularis, in mimicry ring, 66, 115 note, 116, IV. 5, 6
- Epicopeia polydora, 27, III. 5
- Equilibrium, conditions of in mixed population, 93
- Eresia, 134, 135
- Eugonia californica, 114
- Euphaedra ruspina, 36
- Euploea core, 25, 108, 110, 112, I. 10;
- E. mulciber, 24, 51, II. 4, 5;
- E. rhadamanthus, 24, 51, II. 8;
- E. rafflesii, 110
- Euploeinae, characteristics of, 22;
- as models for Oriental butterflies, 24;
- in relation to birds, 111, 112, 115 note
- Euripus halitherses, 24
- Feeding experiments, with Mantids, 105;
- with lizards, 107;
- with birds, 115;
- with mammals, 121
- Finn, on feeding experiments with lizards, 108;
- on feeding experiments with Indian birds, 115;
- on feeding experiments with a Tree-shrew, 121
- Flight, different in model and mimic, 55;
- difference of in Papilio polytes and its models, 82
- Fryer, on breeding Papilio polytes, 84;
- on relative abundance of females of Papilio polytes in Ceylon, 97;
- on birds eating "unpalatable" butterflies, 112
- Gerrhonotus infernalis, 108
- Haase, on mimicry, 16;
- on classification of Papilionidae, 25
- Hahnel, on S. American Pierines attacked by birds, 112
- Hardy, on conditions of equilibrium in a mixed population, 94
- Hearsy, on birds eating butterflies, 111
- Hebomoia, 110
- Heliconinae, as models for S. American butterflies, 38
- Heliconius, 145;
- H. eucrate, XV. 3;
- H. melpomene, as model, 42, 43, XI. 5;
- H. mirus, XV. 1;
- H. pardalinus, XV. 4;
- H. splendens, XV. 5;
- H. sulphurea, 43, XI. 1;
- H. telchinia, XV. 2;
- H. telesiphe, XI. 3
- Herpestes galera, 121
- Hess, on colour perception in birds, 119
- Hopkins, on pigment of Pierids, 150
- Hypolimnas dubius, polymorphism in, 30;
- as mimic of Danaines,30, VII. 8, 9;
- breeding experiments with, 30;
- var. mima compared with model, 148;
- patterns of in relation to models, 149;
- H. bolina, 25, 117, I. 5, 6;
- H. misippus, 25, 29,
- as model, 53;
- flight of, 55;
- in mimicry ring, 66, 116;
- eaten by Brown Shrike, 117;
- alcippoides form, IX. h;
- inaria form, IX. i;
- typical form, IV. 7, 8, IX. g
- Ideopsis daos, III. 4
- Initial variation, difficulty of, 63
- Insect enemies of butterflies, 105
- Intermediates, between different forms of Pseudacraea eurytus, 128;
- in relation to mimicry,129, 140
- Ithomiinae, characteristics of, 10;
- as models for S. American butterflies, 38
- Ituna, 39;
- I. ilione, 40, XIV. 4;
- I. phenarete, XII. 3
- Lanius cristatus, 117
- Limenitis albomaculata, 53;
- L. archippus, 49, 59, XVI. 6;
- L. arthemis, 47, 49, XVI. 4;
- L. astyanax, 47, XVI. 5;
- L. floridensis (= eros), 49, XVI. 7;
- L. proserpina, 47
- Lizards, as enemies of butterflies, 107
- Local varieties, in connection with mimicry, 132
- Lycaenidae, as mimics in Africa, 35
- Lycorea, 145
- McAtee, on feeding experiments with birds, 118
- Mammals, as enemies of butterflies, 121
- Manders, on feeding experiments with lizards, 107;
- with birds, 117
- Mantids, as enemies of butterflies, 105
- Marshall, on Müllerian mimicry, 72;
- on feeding experiments with Mantids, 105;
- on birds as enemies of butterflies, 107;
- on feeding experiments with S. African birds, 117;
- with monkeys, 121;
- on birds attacking Pierids, 150
- Mechanitis egaensis, XV. 9;
- M. elisa, XV. 6;
- M. lysimnia, 151, XV. 8;
- M. methona, XV. 10;
- M. saturata, as model for Dismorphia praxinoe, 57, 62;
- as member of mimicry ring, 134, XV. 7
- Melanic sports in moths, 101
- Melinaea, 135
- Melinda formosa, App. II
- Melittophagus swinhoei, 110
- Merops viridis, 111
- Merrifield, on seasonal dimorphism, 130
- Methona confusa, XII. 1, XIV. 1
- Migratory birds, suggested influence on mimicry of, 53
- Mimacraea, 35
- Mimetic resemblance, as induced through gradual slight changes, 64
- Mimic, occupying same station as model, 51;
- occupying station apart from model, 53;
- scarcer than model, 56;
- pattern of in relation to allies, 57
- Mimicry, Wallace's conditions of, 50;
- Batesian, 9;
- Müllerian, 14
- Mimicry rings, 65;
- in S. American butterflies, 134;
- and natural selection, 136
- Mimicry theory, difficulties of, 139
- Monkeys, as enemies of butterflies, 121
- Moths, mimicry in, 27, 36
- Moulton, on S. American mimicry rings, 134
- Müller, 14, 72
- Müllerian mimicry, 53, 57, 66;
- difficulties of, 72
- Mutation, see Sports
- Mylothris, 36
- Natural selection and mimicry, 10-12, 61, 92, 152
- Neal, on monkeys as enemies of butterflies, 123
- Nepheronia (= Pareronia) hippia, 116
- Neptis imitans, 24;
- N. nemetes, 54;
- N. kamarupa, 121
- North American butterflies, mimicry among, 45
- Norton, on rapidity of changes in mixed populations through natural selection, 94, App. I
- Oriental butterflies, mimicry among, 23
- Overlapping in patterns of different groups of butterflies, 144
- Papilio aristolochiae, as model for female of P. polytes, 13, 26, 52, 77;
- range of, 79;
- likeness to P. polytes, 80;
- characteristics of, 81;
- flight of, 82;
- eaten by lizards, 108;
- rejected by certain birds, 115, 116;
- disliked by Tree-shrew, 121, V. 5, 5a;
- P. agestor, 24, 51, II. 3;
- P. asterius, 46;
- P. bachus, App. II;
- P. bootes, 27, III. 6;
- P. brasidas, 29, VI. 4;
- P. chamissonia, 44, XIII. 2;
- P. clytia, 23, 25, 55, I. 7, 8;
- P. coon, 26, 89;
- P. cynorta, 35, 36, VII. 10;
- P. dardanus, investigated by Trimen, 14;
- mimicry in, 30;
- breeding experiments with, 90;
- polymorphic forms of in relation to models, 149 note;
- var. humbloti, 32;
- var. meriones, 32;
- ♀ cenea, 31, VIII. 4;
- ♀ dionysus, 31, 33;
- ♀ hippocoon, 31, VIII. 3;
- ♀ niavioides, 32, 33;
- ♀ planemoides, 31;
- ♀ ruspina, 33;
- ♀ trimeni, 31, 32, 33;
- ♀ trophonius, 31, 122, VIII. 2;
- P. delesserti, App. II;
- P. demoleus, 111, 121;
- P. echerioides, App. II;
- P. erithonius, 110;
- P. euterpinus, 42, 43;
- P. glaucus, 45;
- var. turnus, 46;
- P. hahneli, 39;
- P. hector, model for female of P. polytes, 13, 52, 78;
- range of, 79;
- characteristics of, 81;
- flight of, 82;
- eaten by lizards, 108;
- eaten by birds, 110, 117, V. 6, 6a;
- P. hippason, App. II;
- P. laglaizei, 27, 124, III. 2;
- P. leonidas, 29, VI. 3;
- P. lysithous, polymorphism in, 44;
- ♀ lysithous, XIII. 4;
- ♀ rurik, XIII. 5;
- ♀ pomponius, XIII. 6;
- P. macareus, 23, 111;
- P. memnon, 26, 89;
- P. mendax, 24, 51, II. 9;
- P. nephalion, 44, XIII. 1;
- P. osyris, XI. 8, 9;
- P. paradoxus, 25;
- P. pausanias, 43, XI. 2;
- P. perrhebus, 44, XIII. 3;
- P. philenor, as model, 45;
- taken by lizard, 108, XVI. 1;
- P. polytes, polymorphism in females of, 13, 75;
- mimic of Pharmacophagus Papilio, 26;
- habits of, 52, 124;
- often more abundant than models, 56;
- description of, 76-78;
- relative abundance of models in Ceylon, 79;
- breeding experiments with, 84;
- equilibrium among females of in Ceylon, 96;
- relative abundance of three forms of female of in Ceylon, 97;
- historical notes on abundance of forms of female in Ceylon, 98;
- origin of forms of female in, 125, 141;
- relation of polymorphic forms to models in, 149 note;
- preyed on by Wood-Swallow, 112;
- feeding experiments with, 116, V. 1-4, 1a-4a;
- P. polyxenus, 27;
- P. rex, App. II;
- P. ridleyanus, 34, 36, VI. 6;
- P. sarpedon, 110;
- P. troilus, 45, XVI. 2;
- P. xenocles, 23, 111, I. 4;
- P. zagreus, 43, X. 8
- Papilionidae, as mimics of Oriental models, 23-25;
- of African models, 29, 30, 35;
- of S. American models, 43;
- of N. American models, 45
- Parallel patterns, in different butterfly groups, 144
- Pareronia, 145, 149;
- P. ceylanica, 23, 59, 116 note, I. 1, 2
- Pattern and physiological properties, possible connection between, 137
- Patterns, overlapping series of in different groups of butterflies, 145
- Pedaliodes, 135
- Pereute charops, 42, XI. 6, 7
- Pericopis, 39
- Perrhybris, as mimics of Ithomiines, coloration of male in P. malenka, 62;
- as members of mimicry rings, 134, 135;
- P. demophile, 151;
- P. lorena, 151;
- P. malenka, X. 4, 5, 6
- Pharmacophagus Swallow-tails, characteristics of, 22, App. II;
- as models for Oriental butterflies, 25;
- absence of in Africa, 35;
- as models in S. America, 43;
- as models in N. America, 45
- Phrissura, 36
- Phyciodes, 38, 54
- Physiological properties, possible connection of with pattern, 137
- Pieridae, as models for Oriental butterflies, 28;
- mimicry in African, 36;
- mimicry in S. American, 43;
- frequency of bird attacks on, 150
- Planema epaea, 35, VII. 5;
- P. macarista, sexual difference in, 34, VII. 1, 2;
- mimicked by Elymnias phegea, 35;
- by Pseudacraea eurytus, 126;
- P. poggei, as model for planemoides female of Papilio dardanus, 31;
- P. paragea, 126, VII. 4;
- P. tellus, 126, VII. 3
- Poison-eaters, see Pharmacophagus Swallow-tails
- Polymorphism, in females of mimicking species, 13;
- among females of P. dardanus, 30;
- among females of P. polytes, 75
- Population, conditions of equilibrium in mixed, 93
- Poulton, 17;
- on N. American mimetic butterflies, 45;
- on the "Transparency group," 41;
- on mimicry through agency of migratory birds, 53;
- on Hypolimnas misippus, 66 note;
- on the relation between mimetic forms of P. polytes, 90;
- on predaceous insects, 105;
- on relative proportion of different forms of Pseudacraea eurytus, 127;
- on local variation in D. chrysippus, 132
- Precis, 111, 122, 131;
- P. octavia, seasonal dimorphism in, 131, VI. 11, 12
- Prioneris, 110;
- P. sita, 28
- Pritchett, feeding experiments with lizards, 108
- Protective resemblance, 8
- Protogonius, as mimics of Ithomiines, 38;
- as members of mimicry rings, 134, 135, 138;
- P. tithoreides, X. 9
- Pseudacraea, 59, 144;
- P. boisduvali, 34, VI. 5;
- P. eurytus, relative proportion of different forms in, 127;
- polymorphism of in relation to model, 149 note;
- var. hobleyi as mimic of Planema macarista, 35, 127, VII. 6, 7;
- var. terra, as mimic of Planema tellus, 126, VII. 8;
- var. obscura as mimic of Planema paragea, 126
- Satyrinae, transparency in S. American, 42
- Sceleporus floridanus, 108
- Schaus, on birds as enemies of butterflies, 112
- Seasonal dimorphism, 130
- Seitz, 44, 52, 58
- Shelford, 56 note
- S. American butterflies, mimicry among, 38
- Sports, as foundation of mimetic resemblances, 70, 91, 143
- Sweet-peas, experiments on, 91
- Swynnerton, on contents of stomachs of birds, 114
- Telipna sanguinea, 36
- Terias brigitta, 35;
- T. hecabe, 110
- Thyridia, 40, XIV. 3
- Tithorea pseudonyma, X. 10
- "Transparency group," in S. America, 39
- Trimen, on mimicry in African butterflies, 13
- Tupaia ferruginea, 121
- Variation, difficulty of initial, 63
- Wade, on relative abundance of the three forms of P. polytes in Ceylon, 99
- Wallace, on mimicry in Oriental butterflies, 12;
- on the conditions of mimicry, 50;
- on the females of P. polytes, 76;
- on initial variation, 64
- Warning colours, 10, 11
- Weismann, 1, 2
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