< Littell's Living Age
No. 2349. — July 6, 1889.
- What the Revolution of 1789 did, by Frederic Harrison, Fortnightly Review
- The French Revolution and War, by Wolsely, Fortnightly Review
- In a Cleft Stick, Cornhill Magazine
- Elizabeth of Valois and the Tragedy of Don Carlos – Part II., by Lamington, Blackwood's Magazine
- The Last of the Southeys, Cornhill Magazine
- On the Riviera, Blackwood's Magazine
- England’s Climatic Phenomena, by Lymington, National Review
- Dr. Nansen’s Journey Across Greenland, Nature
- Visit to the Sultan, Paris Figaro
- To One Dead, by E. Nesbit, Argosy
- A "Discarded" Suit, Cornhill Magazine
- In Vain!, by Lily Haynes, Academy
- An Autumn Lyric, by Lebrecht Dreves, translated by Florence Henniker, Blackwood's Magazine
No. 2350. — July 13, 1889.
- The Savage Club, by E. J. Goodman, Contemporary Review
- A Queer Patron, by R. Hayward, Belgravia
- The Roman Family, by E. Strachan Morgan, National Review
- George Crabbe, by George Saintsbury, Macmillan's Magazine
- Sardina and its Wild Sheep, by E. N. Buxton, Nineteenth Century
- Dr. Johnson and Charles Lamb, by P. W. Roose, Temple Bar
- Mount Athos in 1889, by J. P. Mahaffy, Murray's Magazine
- Not Quite Lost, Chamber's Magazine
- Delos, by Rennell Rodd, Murray's Magazine
- The Spectrum, by Cosmo Monkhouse, Academy
- "Venite", by Arthur L. Salmon, Good Words
- "There was intoxication in the air", Academy
No. 2352. — July 20, 1889.
- Dr. Johnson as a Radical, by George Birbeck Hill, Contemporary Review
- A Fool's Task, Cornhill Magazine
- The Women of Spain, by Emilia Pardo Bazan, Fortnightly Review
- The "Rejected Address", by Percy Fitzgerald, Gentleman's Magazine
- An Italian Nun of the Seventeenth Century, by Alfred J. Alexander, National Review
- Bush Life in New Zealand, by J. Lawson, Gentleman's Magazine
- La Lisardiere, Spectator
- South-African Cannibals, Cape Times
- June, by John Hutton, Sunday Magazine
- The Old Love and the New, by A. Lang, Blackwood's Magazine
- Song: to the Winds, by Sidney A. Alexander, English Illustrated Magazine
- A Speech of Emperor Nero
No. 2353. — July 27, 1889.
- Sidney, Earl of Godolphin, Edinburgh Review
- A Few More Words on the Hawaiians and Father Damien, by Edward Clifford, Nineteenth Century
- Dicky Dawkins: or, The Bookmaker of the Outer Ring, by Jack the Shepherd, Blackwood's Magazine
- Holland and her Literature in the Seventeenth Century, by George Edmundson, Macmillan's Magazine
- Samuel Rogers, by John Dennis, Leisure Hour
- Recent Conversations in a Studio - Part II., by W. W. Story, Blackwood's Magazine
- The Wife of Moliere, by Gerald Moriarty, Gentleman's Magazine
- The Cyclopean Eye, by H. Savile Clarke, St. James's Gazette
- The Patition of the Earth, by Friedrich Schiller, translated by Theodore Martin, Blackwood's Magazine
- Buried Treasures, by Marie Hedderwick Browne, Chamber's Journal
- Bismarck No. 2.
No. 2354. — August 3, 1889.
- Felix Mendelssohn and his Music, London Quarterly Review
- The Madness of Father Filipe, by Wilfrank Hubbard, Macmillan's Magazine
- The Ruby Mines of Burma, by Robert Gordon, Asiatic Quarterly Review
- Sir Charles Danvers - Part III., by Mary Cholmondeley, the author of "The Danvers Jewels", Temple Bar
- Dr. Johnson on Modern Poetry, by William Watson, National Review
- The Potato's Place in History, Cornhill Magazine
- Int he Balkans with Prince Ferdinand, by J. D. Bouchier, Fortnightly Review
- When the Children are at Rest, by Sarah Doudney, Sunday Magazine
- Summer, All The Year Round
- "Forsan et haec Olim Meminisse Juvabit", by John Jervis Beresford, M.A.
- Triolets, All The Year Round
- Effect of Earthquackes on Animals, Nature
- Opium in China
No. 2355. — August 10, 1889.
- Edward Fitzgerald, by Edmund Gosse, Fortnightly Review
- Sir Charles Danvers - Part IV., by Mary Cholmondeley, the author of "The Danvers Jewels", Temple Bar
- The Primitive Home of the Aryans, by A. H. Sayce, Contemporary Review
- Mr. Dandelow: a Story Half Told, by Augustus Jessopp, Nineteenth Century
- Handel: his Early Years, by L. E., Temple Bar
- The Great Indian Desert, by Horace Bell, Asiatic Quarterly Review
- George Sand at an English School, by J. G. Alger, National Review
- Discovery of an Assyrian Library 3,500 Years Old, by Professor Sayce
- Fungi, Month
- A Ballad of St. Swithun's Day, by Emily H. Hickley, Leisure Hour
- O Wistful Eyes!, All The Year Round
- In Secret Places, by Isabella Fyvie Mayo, Good Words
- A Rival to Delagoa Bay, Engineering
No. 2356. — August 17, 1889.
- The Ethics of Punishment, by W. S. Lilly, Fortnightly Review
- Sir Charles Danvers - Part V., by Mary Cholmondeley, the author of "The Danvers Jewels", Temple Bar
- Isfan to Bushire, by Colonel Mark Sever Bell, V.C., A.D.C., Royal EngineersBlackwood's Magazine
- Giordano Bruno and New Italy, by Karl Blind, Nineteenth Century
- Strange Food, Cornhill Magazine
- Old Venice, by Carvarnon, Murray's Magazine
- The Marriage of the Chinese Emperor, by W. H. Wilkinson, Asiatic Quarterly Review
- Pilgrims to Mecca, Cornhill Magazine
- Young Windebank, by Margaret L. Woods
- July Dawn, Leisure Hour
- To the Forgotten Dead, by Margaret L. Woods
- To Nina (in June), by B. L. Tollemache, Academy
- Hidden Treasure in Allahabad
No. 2357. — August 24, 1889.
- William Gifford, by Cyril A. Waters, National Review
- How H.M. the Shah Travels in Persia, by J. Theodore Bent, Fortnightly Review
- The Hill-Tribes of Chittagong, by C. T. Buckland, Macmillan's Magazine
- Mrs. Fenton; a Sketch - Part I., by W. E. Norris, Longman's Magazine
- Goethe and the French Revolution, by Edward Bowden, Fortnightly Review
- A House Beautiful, by Mary E. Palgrave, Leisure Hour
- Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Temple Bar
- The National Sport of Virginia, by Horace Hutchinson, Longman's Magazine
- Concerning Cobwebs, Swiss Cross
- The Low Death-rate in London, Lancet
- Meadow-Sweet, by Frances Wynne, Longman's Magazine
- A Warning to New Worlds, by May Kendall, Longman's Magazine
- "Love and the Maiden", by F. T. Marzials
- Sunset, by George Morine
- Leprosy and the State, Lancet
No. 2358. — August 31, 1889.
- Old Age, Quarterly Review
- Old Age, Spectator
- Sir Charles Danvers - Part VI., by Mary Cholmondeley, Temple Bar
- Phœnician Affinities of Ithaca, by Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Nineteenth Century
- A Frenchman's Impressions of London in the Seventeenth Century, by Arthur Irwin Dasent, National Review
- The Cruise of the Chrysalis (a Nine-ton Yawl) over the North Sea to Holland, and through Holland, Friesland, and on the Zuyder Zee, by G. Christopher Davies, Blackwood's Magazine
- Old College Days in Calcutta, by C. T. Buckland, Longman's Magazine
- Land League Ballads, by C. J. Hamilton, National Review
- Claret, Universal Review
- Sword-fish Fishing, Saturday Review
- The Lime-blossom after Rain, by George Holmes, Spectator
- The Ringed Dotterel, by E. S., Spectator
- In Happy Days, by Sir Edwin Arnold,
- Chinese Zoological Myths
No. 2359. — September 7, 1889.
- The Papacy: a Revelation and a Prophecy, Contemporary Review
- The Papacy, Spectator
- Sir Charles Danvers - Part VII., by Mary Cholmondeley, Temple Bar
- The French in Germany, by F. Heinr. Geffcken, Nineteenth Century
- In Macedonia, by D. G. Hogarth, Macmillan's Magazine
- Seen and Lost, by W. H. Hudson, Longman's Magazine
- A Modern Novelist, Macmillan's Magazine
- Giordano Bruno and New Italy, by Walter Pater, Fortnightly Review
- After Victor Hugo, by C. E. Meetkerke, Belgravia
- "Spring's messenger we hail", by Michael Field
- Les Trois Hussards, by G. Nadaud
- Vates, by Charles Sayle, Blackwood's Magazine
- London Fogs
No. 2360. — September 14, 1889.
- Mr. Wallace on Darwinism, by George J. Romanes, F.R.S., Contemporary Review
- Patience, Cornhill Magazine
- William Cowper, by J. C. Bailey, Macmillan's Magazine
- In Praise of the Carnots, by M., Murray's Magazine
- Some Few Thackerayana, by D. D., National Review
- Hippolytus Veiled, by Walter Pater, Macmillan's Magazine
- The Civil List and Grants to the Royal Family, by Henry Dunckley, Contemporary Review
- Orlando Bridgman Hyman, by an old pupil, Macmillan's Magazine
- Grudger's Clerk, by Ashton Clair
- Dream Visions, by Francis Nicholson
- On the Death of a Child, by Felicia Hemans
- Song – a Memory, by Alexander Grant, Chamber's Journal
- So Long Ago, by C. W. B., Blackwood's Magazine
- Lepers in Bombay, British Medical Journal
- The Oxyden Rays in the Solar Spectrum, Science and Art
No. 2361. — September 21, 1889.
- The Duke of Coburg's Memoirs, Quarterly Review
- Naomi, by Sheldon Clarke, Murray's Magazine
- The Works of Hendrik Ibsen, by Walter Frewen Lord, Nineteenth Century
- Apropos of Samuel Rogers, by G. B., Temple Bar
- The French Revolutionary Calender, by Francis Hitchman, National Review
- The Art of Conversation, by Ribblesdale, Nineteenth Century
- French and English, Blackwood's Magazine
- A Poet's Eightieth Birthday, by Alfred Austin, Spectator
- A Sibylline Leaf, by Helen Taylor, Children's Hymns
- "We have no words with which to tell", by George Douglas, Academy
- Musical Overstrain, Lancet
- The Adventages of the Conscription in France, by P. G. Hamerton, in "French and English", Macmillan's Magazine
No. 2362. — September 28, 1889.
- Matthew Arnold, by Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, New Review
- Only a Joke, by Fabian Bland, Longman's Magazine
- Roger Bacon, by W. L. Courtney, Fortnightly Review
- The Minister of Kindrach - Part I., Murray's Magazine
- A Glimpse into a Jesuit Novitiate, by M. H. Dziewicki, Blackwood's Magazine
- The Cottager at Home, by Mary Cholmondeley, Murray's Magazine
- Emerson in Concord, Saturday Review
- The White Comyn: an Old Tragedy, Spectator
- Angel Heralds of the Christ, by Felicia Hemans
- Twilight, by Mary Groghegan, Chamber's Journal
- A Day in June, All The Year Round
- The Dial's Shadow, Chamber's Journal
- The Hut of the Black Swamp, by Henry Kendall, Leaves from an Australian Forest
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