Novels for children
Psammead series
- Five Children and It (1902) (Illustrated by H. R. Millar)
- The Phoenix and the Carpet (1904) (Illustrated by H. R. Millar) (no index)
- The Story of the Amulet (1906) (Illustrated by H. R. Millar) (no index) IA
House of Arden series
- The House of Arden (1908) (Illustrated by H. R. Millar) (no index)
- Harding's Luck (Illustrated by H. R. Millar) (1909)
The Bastables series
- The Story of the Treasure Seekers (Illustrated by H. R. Millar) (1899)
- The Wouldbegoods (1901) (Illustrated by Reginald B. Birch)
- The New Treasure Seekers (1904) Illustrated by Gordon Browne and Lewis Baumer) (no index)
- The Complete History of Bastable Family (1928) [1]
Other children's novels
- The Railway Children (1905) (transcription project)
- The Enchanted Castle (1907) (Illustrated by H. R. Millar)
- The Magic City (1910) (Illustrated by H. R. Millar) (external scan)
- The Wonderful Garden, or The Three C.'s (1911) (Illustrated by H. R. Millar) Librivox audiobook
- Wet Magic (1913) (Illustrated by H. R. Millar)
Stories and story collections for children
- Miss Mischief (1894)
- Tales of the Clock (1895) aka Tick Tock, Tales of the Clock
- The Children's Shakespeare (1897) (external scan)
- Royal Children of English History (1897) non-fiction Project Gutenberg Librivox audiobook
- Alfred the Great — Prince Arthur — Henry the Third — The First Prince of Wales — Edward the Black Prince — Henry the Fifth and the Baby King
- The Book of Dogs (1898)
- Pussy and Doggy Tales (1899) Project Gutenberg; Librivox audiobook
- PUSSY TALES: Too Clever by Half — The White Persian — A Powerful Friend — A Silly Question — The Selfish Pussy — Meddlesome Pussy — Nine Lives
DOGGY TALES: Tinker — Rats! — The Tables Turned — A Noble Dog — The Dyer's Dog — The Vain Setter
- PUSSY TALES: Too Clever by Half — The White Persian — A Powerful Friend — A Silly Question — The Selfish Pussy — Meddlesome Pussy — Nine Lives
- The Robber and the Burglar (1899)
- The Book of Dragons (1901) [2] (Illustrated by H. R. Millar and H. Granville Fell) (no index)
- The Book of Beasts — Uncle James, or The Purple Stranger — The Deliverers of Their Country — The Ice Dragon, or Do as You Are Told — The Island of the Nine Whirlpools — The Dragon Tamers — The Fiery Dragon, or The Heart of Stone and the Heart of Gold — Kind Little Edmund, or The Caves and the Cockatrice
- Nine Unlikely Tales (1901) (Illustrated by H. R. Millar and Claude A. Shepperson) (no index) (transcription project)
- The Cockatoucan — Whereyouwanttogoto — The Blue Mountain — The Prince, Two Mice, and Some Kitchen Maids — Melisande — Fortunatus Rex and Co. — The Sums That Came Right — The Town in the Library, in the Town in the Library — The Plush Usurper
- Melisande (included in Nine Unlikely Tales, 1901) (no index or source)
- The Revolt of the Toys and What Comes of Quarrelling (1902) (Illustrated by Ambrose Dudley) (picture book)
- The Rainbow Queen and Other Stories (1903)
- Playtime Stories (1903)
- The Story of Five Rebellious Dolls (1904) (Illustrated by E. Stuart Hardy) (picture book)
- Cat Tales (by Nesbit and Rosamund E. Nesbit Bland) (1904)
- Oswald Bastable and Others (1905) (Illustrated by H. R. Millar and C. E. Brock)
- OSWALD BASTABLE: An Object of Value and Virtue — The Runaways — The Arsenicators — The Enchanceried House
OTHERS: Molly, the Measles, and the Missing Will — Billy and William — The Twopenny Spell — Showing Off — The Ring and the Lamp — The Charmed Life — Billy the King — The Princess and the Cat — The White Horse — Sir Christopher Cockleshell — Muscadel
- OSWALD BASTABLE: An Object of Value and Virtue — The Runaways — The Arsenicators — The Enchanceried House
- Pug Peter, King of Mouseland (1905)
- Twenty Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (1907) IA
- The Old Nursery Stories (1908)
- The Magic World (1912) (Illustrated by H. R. Millar and Spencer Pryse) Project Gutenberg
- The Cat-hood of Maurice — The Mixed Mine — Accidental Magic — The Princess and the Hedge-pig — Septimus Septimusson — The White Cat — Belinda and Bellamant — Justnowland — The Related Muff — The Aunt and Amabel — Kenneth and the Carp — The Magician's Heart
- The Last of the Dragons (Included in The Complete Book of Dragons, 1975) (no index)
- Five of Us—and Madeline (1925) (pseudo novel; published posthumously)
- The Doll's House — The Young Detective — Tammy Lee's Jack — Running Away — The Sleuth Worm — The Coming of Madeline • (1907) — The Madness of Madeline — The Mysterious House in the Wood • (1909, as The House in the Wood) — The Dwellers • (1909) — The Criminals; or, The Stolen Elephant • (1908, as "The Stolen Elephant")
Novels for adults
- The Prophet's Mantle (1885) (as Fabian Bland)
- Something Wrong (1886) (as Fabian Bland)
- The Marden Mystery (1896) [3]
- The Secret of the Kyriels (1899) [4]
- The Red House (1902) (Illustrated by A. I. Kellar) (no index)
- The Incomplete Amorist (1906) Illustrated by Clarence F. Underwood (no index)
- Salome and the Head (1909) (Illustrated by Spenser Pryse) aka The House With No Address (external scan)
- Daphne in Fitzroy Street (1909) (Frontispiece by F. Graham Cootes)
- Dormant aka Rose Royal (1911)
- The Incredible Honeymoon (1921) IA
- The Lark (Nesbit) (1922)
Stories and story collections for adults
- Grim Tales (spring 1893) (horror stories) Librivox audiobook]
- The Ebony Frame — John Charrington's Wedding — Uncle Abraham's Romance — The Mystery of the Semi-detached — From the Dead — Man-size in Marble — The Mass for the Dead
- Something Wrong' (summer 1893) (horror stories)
- Hurst of Hurstoot — The Blue Rose — Not Exceeding £5 — Tim — The Linguist — A Woman's Vengeance — The Judgement — A Grand Piece of Work
- The Butler in Bohemia (with Oswald Barron) (1894)
- In Homespun (1896) (no index)
- The Bristol Bowl — Barring the Way — Grandsire Triples — A Death-Bed Confession — Her Marriage Lines — Acting for the Best — Guilty — Son and Heir — One Way of Love — Coals of Fire
- Tales Told in Twilight (anthology including a story by Nesbit) (1897) Univ. of Florida Digital Collections
- Thirteen Ways Home (1901)
- The Literary Sense (1903)
- The Unfaithful Lover — Rounding off a Scene — The Obvious — The Lie Absolute — The Girl with the Guitar — The Man with the Boots — The Second Best — The Holiday — The Force of Habit — The Brute — Dick, Tom, and Harry — Miss Eden's Baby — The Lover, the Girl, and the Onlooker — The Duel — Cinderella — With an E — Under the New Moon — The Love of Romance
- Man and Maid (1906) (no index)
- I. The Haunted Inheritance — II. The Power of Darkness — III. The Stranger who might have been Observed — IV. Rack and Thumbscrew — V. The Millionairess — VI. The Hermit of “The Yews” — VII. The Aunt and the Editor — VIII. Miss Mouse — IX. The Old Wife — X. The House of Silence — XI. The Girl at the Tobacconist’s — XII. While it is Yet Day — XIII. Alcibiades
- These Little Ones (1909)
- Fear (1910) (horror stories)
- I. The Five Senses — [sequence otherwise, and number, unknown] — In the Dark — The Violet Car —
- To the Adventurous (1923)
- To the Adventurous — The Unfought Duel — Recognition — The Kiss — The Test — The Lie Come True — The Glastonbury Scandal — The Girl at the Window — The Garden of truth — Love and Art — Saccharissa and the Candlesticks — A Woman's Vengeance — Romance — The Blue Rose — Not Exceeding £5 — Tim — The Linguist — The Judgment, a Broadmoor Biography — The Pavilion
Short works from magazines
- Series
The Story of the Treasure Seekers
- "'Good Hunting'" (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine, 1898 April
- "The Divining Rod" (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine, 1898 July
- "Lord Tottenham" (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine, 1898 May
- "'Lo, the Poor Indian'" (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine, 1898 Aug
- "Castilian Amoroso" (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine, 1899 Aug
The Bastables
- "Being Detectives" (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine, 1899 May
- "The Circus " (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine, Sept 1907
The Literary Sense The Pall Mall Magazine, 1903—
- The Unfaithful Lover Jan 1903
- The Second Best Feb 1903
- The Love of Romance March 1903
- Rounding of a Scene April 1903
- The Lie Absolute May 1903
- A Holiday June 1903
- The Obvious July 1903
- "The Romance of the Heart" (ss) Aug 1904 (in The Literary Sense as "Miss Dene's Baby")]
- From other magazines
- "Merely Strangers" (ss) Windsor Magazine, 1901-02 (in The Literary Sense as "With an E")
- "Unexceptionable References" (ss) Windsor Magazine, 1901-02 (in The Literary Sense as "Cinderella")
Five of us—and Madeline
- "Madeline, or, the Deed in the Wood" (ss) Pall Mall, Dec 1907
- "The Dwellers" (1909 April, McClure's)
- "The Stolen Elephant" (ss) Pall Mall, Dec 1908
- "The Dene Hole" (ss) Pall Mall, Apr 1909
- "The House in the Wood" (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine, Dec 1909
- Others
- "Hurst of Hurstcote" (ss) Temple Bar, 1893
- "The White Witch", (1893 Short Stories)
- "Jock and Saccharissa" (By E. Nesbit and Edgar Jepson), (1898–99, English Illustrated)
- "'G.H. and I'" (ss) Pall Mall, 1898 Dec
- "The Parrot and the Melodrama" (1899) 1899, McClure's
- "A Perfect Stranger" 1899, (Windsor Magazine)
- "The Letter in Brown Ink" (1899, Windsor Magazine)
- "The Haunted Inheritance" (ss) Saturday Evening Post, 1900 (included in Man and Maid, 1906)
- "The Lover, the Girl, and the Onlooker", (1902-03, Windsor)
- "By a Mere Accident," (1903–04, Windsor)
- "While It Is Yet Day," (1904–05, Windsor) (included in Man and Maid, 1906)
- "The Power of Darkness" (ss) Strand Magazine, 1905
- "The Portent of the Shadow" (ss) (aka The Shadow) The Index, 1905
- "The House of Silence", (1905–06, Windsor) (included in Man and Maid, 1906)
- "The Head" [as by Mrs. Hubert Bland] (ss) Strand Magazine, 1907
- "The Kiss", (1907, April, American)
- "How Jake Went Home" (ss) Red Book, April 1907
- "The Hammer and the Writing-desk" (ss) Pall Mall, Aug 1907
- "The Third Drug" a.k.a. "The Three Drugs" [as by E. Bland] (ss) Strand Magazine, 1908
- "In the Dark" (ss) Strand, 1908
- "Lucy", (1909, Windsor)
- "The Dene Hole" (ss) Pall Mall, Apr 1909 [Five of Us—and Madeline]
- "The Marble Child," (1910, Atlantic Magazine)
- "Saccharissa and the Candlesticks" (ss) 1910, Windsor Magazine (included in To the Adventurous, 1923)
- "Three Women" (ss) Ainslee's Magazine, Nov 1910
- "Number 17" (as by E. Bland) (ss) Strand Magazine, 1910
- "The New Samson" (as by E. Bland) (ss) Strand Magazine, 1910 (included in To the Adventurous, 1923)
- "With a Difference," (1912 Jan, Atlantic)
- "The Glastonbury Scandal" (ss) Red Book Magazine, Oct 1913
- "The Haunted House" (as by E. Bland) (ss) Strand Magazine, 1913
- "Homes and Housewives of the Future" (ar) Pall Mall Magazine, May 1914
- "The Pavilion" (ss) Strand Magazine, 1915 (included in To the Adventurous, 1923)
- "An Iconoclast in Stratford" (1921 June 11, Living Age (essay)
- "In the Dark" (ss) , Strand, 1923 (horror; not a reprint of the 1908 short story)
- Poems
- "The Ballad of the White Lady" (1894, English Illustrated)
- "At the Gate" (ss) Saturday Evening Post, 1900
- "When You loved Me First," Pall Mall 1903
- "The Last Appeal" Windsor Magazine, 1910
- "For Dolly, Who Does Not Learn Her Lessons" Windsor Magazine, 1910
- "The Skylark" Windsor Magazine, 1910
- Wings and the Child, or, The Building of Magic Cities (1913) Project Gutenberg
- Long Ago When I Was Young, (1966) serialised in Girl's Own Paper 1896–97.
- "The Time of Roses" (undated) (Victorian era 1890?)
- "Many Voices" (1885) *Incomplete* Project Gutenberg
- "Spring Songs and Sketches" (1887)
- "Lays and Legends" (1886) Project Gutenberg
- "Babes in the Wood" (1896) (story in verse) Univ. of Florida Digital Collections
- "The Lily and the Cross" (1887)
- "The Star of Bethlehem" (1887)
- "The Better Part and Other Poems" (1888)
- "Landscape and Song" (1888) Project Gutenberg
- "The Message of the Dove" 1888 story in verse IA
- All Round the Year (1888) Project Gutenberg
- "Leaves of Life" (1888) IA
- "Corals and Sea Songs" (1889)
- "Songs of Two Seasons" (1890)
- "The Pilot" (1891?) (story in verse) Univ. of Florida Digital Collections (copy inscribed 8 August 1891)
- "Sweet Lavender" (1892)
- "Rose Leaves" (1895)
- A Pomander of Verse (1894)
- Villegiature (1899)
- Songs of Love and Empire IA
- "To Wish You Every Joy" (1901)
- The Rainbow and the Rose (external scan)
- "Jesus in London" (1908)
- Ballads and Lyrics of Socialism (1883–1908) IA
- Ballads and Verses of the Spiritual Life (1911) IA
- "Garden Poems" (1912)
- "Many Voices" (1922) IA
Individual poems
- "A Year Ago" in Littell's Living Age, 132 (1701) (1877)
- "Love's Calendar" in Littell's Living Age, 137 (1768) (1878)
- "Day and Night" in The Yellow Book, 4 (1895), p. 234
Works about Nesbit
- "Bland, Mrs. Hubert ("E. Nesbit")," in A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature, by John William Cousin, London: J. M. Dent & Sons (1910)
- E. Nesbit, by Anthea Bell (1968)
- A Woman of Passion: the Life of E. Nesbit, by Julia Brigggs (1987)
- ↑ The Complete History is not the complete history. Some more stories about the Bastables are included in the 1905 story collection Oswald Bastable and Others. The Bastables also appear in the 1902 adult novel The Red House.
- ↑ Eight stories published 1899 in The Strand Magazine, the first seven as The Seven Dragons. The Book of Dragons was augmented by a ninth story, "The Last of the Dragons", and issued in 1972 as The Complete Book of Dragons, in 1975 as The Last of the Dragons and Some Others. The original title has been used since then, with the original contents augmented variously by "The Last of the Dragons" and material contemporary to the reissue. The title Seven Dragons and Other Stories has also been used for a Nesbit collection.
- ↑ Very rare; few if any copies have survived.
- ↑ Very rare; few if any copies have survived.

Some or all works by this author are in the public domain in the United States because they were published before January 1, 1927.
The author died in 1924, so works by this author are also in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 95 years or less. Works by this author may also be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.

Some or all works by this author are in the public domain in the United States because they were first published outside the United States (and not published in the U.S. within 30 days), and they were first published before 1989 without complying with U.S. copyright formalities (renewal and/or copyright notice) and they were in the public domain in their home country on the URAA date (January 1, 1996 for most countries).