For works with similar titles, see Letter.
Book 1 - Book 2 - Book 3 - Book 4 - Book 5 - Book 6 - Book 7 - Book 8 - Book 9 - Book 10 - Book 11 - Book 12 - Book 13 - Book 14 - Book 15 - Book 16 |
Book 1
- 1.1: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, 13 January 56 BC
- 1.2: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, 15 January 56 BC
- 1.3: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, January 56 BC
- 1.4: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, January 56 BC
- 1.5: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, February 56 BC
- 1.5b: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, February 56 BC
- 1.6: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, February 56 BC
- 1.7: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, October 56 BC
- 1.8: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, January 55 BC
- 1.9: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, October 54 BC
- 1.10: To L. Valerius in Cilicia, from Rome, 54 BC
Book 2
- 2.1: To C. Scribonius Curio in Asia, from Rome, January or February 53 BC
- 2.2: To C. Scribonius Curio in Asia, from Rome, ?February 53 BC
- 2.3: To C. Scribonius Curio in Asia, from Rome, ?February 53 BC
- 2.4: To C. Scribonius Curio in Asia, from Rome, ?May 53 BC
- 2.5: To C. Scribonius Curio in Asia, from Rome, ?June 53 BC
- 2.6: To C. Scribonius Curio arrived in Italy, from Rome, ?July 53 BC
- 2.7: To C. Scribonius Curio in Rome, from Cilicia, 10 December 51 BC
- 2.8: To M. Caelius Rufus at Rome, from Athens, 6 July 51 BC
- 2.9: To M. Caelius Rufus
- 2.10: To M. Caelius Rufus at Rome, from Pindenissus, 26 November 51 BC
- 2.11: To M. Caelius Rufus, from Laodicea, 4 April 50 BC
- 2.12: To M. Caelius Rufus, from Cilicia, c. 26 June 50 BC
- 2.13: To M. Caelius Rufus
- 2.14: To M. Caelius Rufus
- 2.15: To M. Caelius Rufus
- 2.16: To M. Caelius Rufus
- 2.17: To Cn. Sallustius (Proquaestor in Syria )
- 2.18: To Q. Minucius Thermus (Propraetor of Asia)
- 2.19: To C. Caelius Caldus (appointed quaestor for Cilicia)
Book 3
- 3.1: To Ap. Claudius Pulcher in Cilicia, from Rome, 52 BC
- 3.2: To Ap. Claudius Pulcher, in Cilicia, from Rome, before May 51 BC
- 3.3: To Ap. Claudius Pulcher, in Cilicia, from Brundisium, 24 May 51 BC
- 3.4: To Ap. Claudius Pulcher, in Cilicia, from Brundisium, 5 June 51 BC
- 3.5: To Ap. Claudius Pulcher, in Cilicia, from Tralles, 28 July 51 BC
- 3.6: To Ap. Claudius Pulcher, at Tarsus, with the army in Cappadocia, 29 August 51 BC
- 3.7: To Ap. Claudius Pulcher, at Rome, Laodicea, February 51 BC
- 3.8: To Ap. Claudius Pulcher, at Rome, from Cilicia, 8 October 51 BC
- 3.9: To Ap. Claudius Pulcher, at Rome, from Laodicea, February
- 3.10: To Ap. Claudius Pulcher, at Rome, from Laodicea, May
- 3.11: To Ap. Claudius Pulcher, at Rome, from Cilicia, June
- 3.12: To Ap. Claudius Pulcher, at Rome, from Sida, 3 August
- 3.13: To Ap. Claudius Pulcher, at Rome, from Asia, August
Book 4
- 4.1: To Servius Sulpicius Rufus, at Rome, from Cumae, late April 49
- 4.2: To Servius Sulpicius Rufus, at Rome, from Cumae, 28 April 49
- 4.3: To Servius Sulpicius Rufus, in Achaea, from Rome, October or November 49
- 4.4: To Servius Sulpicius Rufus, in Achaea, from Rome, October 49
- 4.5: Servius Sulpicius Rufus in Athens, to Cicero, at Astura March 45
- 4.6: To Servius Sulpicius Rufus, in Achaea, from Ficulea, April
- 4.7: To M. Claudius Marcellus, at Mitylene, from Rome, September
- 4.8: To M. Claudius Marcellus, at Mitylene, from Rome, September
- 4.9: To M. Claudius Marcellus, at Mitylene, from Rome, September
- 4.10: To M. Claudius Marcellus, at Mitylene, from Rome, January 45
- 4.11: M. Claudius Marcellus at Mitylene, to Cicero, at Rome, October 45
- 4.12: Servius Sulpicius Rufus in Athens, to Cicero, at Tusculum, 31 May 45
- 4.13: To P. Nigidius Figulus (in exile), from Rome, September
- 4.14: To Cn. Plancius, in Corcyra, from Rome, January 45
- 4.15: To Cn. Plancius, in Corcyra, from Rome, September
Book 5
- 5.1 (S XIII): From Q. Metellus Celer in Cisalpine Gaul, to Cicero, 62 BC
- 5.2 (S XIV): To Q. Metellus Celer in Cisalpine Gaul, from Rome, 62 BC
- 5.3: To Cicero, from Q. Metellus Nepos in Spain 56 BC
- 5.4 To Q. Metellus Nepos the Consul at Rome, from Dyrrhachium, January 57 BC
- 5.5: To C. Antonius in Macedonia, from Rome, January 61 BC
- 5.6 (S XV): To P. Sestius in Macedonia, from Rome, December 62 BC
- 5.7 (S XII): To Cn. Pompeius Magnus, from Rome, 62 BC
- 5.8: To M. Licinius Crassus on his way to Syria, from Rome, January 54 BC
- 5.9
- 5.10
- 5.11
- 5.12: To L. Lucceius, from Arpinum, April 56 BC
- 5.13
- 5.14
- 5.15
- 5.16
- 5.17: To P. Sittius in exile, from Rome, 52 BC
- 5.18: To T. Fadius in exile, from Rome, 52 BC
- 5.19
- 5.20
- 5.21
Book 6
- 6.1
- 6.2
- 6.3
- 6.4
- 6.5
- 6.6
- 6.7
- 6.8
- 6.9
- 6.10
- 6.11
- 6.12
- 6.13
- 6.14
- 6.15
- 6.16
- 6.17
- 6.18
- 6.19
- 6.20
- 6.21
- 6.22
Book 7
- 7.1: To M. Marius at Cumae, from Rome, October 55 BC
- 7.2: To M. Marius in Campania, from Rome, December 52 BC
- 7.3
- 7.4
- 7.5: To Julius Caesar in Gaul, from Rome, February 54 BC
- 7.6: To C. Trebatius Testa in Gaul, from Cumae, April 54 BC
- 7.7: To C. Trebatius Testa on his way to Gaul, from Cumae, April or May 54 BC
- 7.8: To C. Trebatius Testa in Gaul, from Rome, June 54 BC
- 7.9: To C. Trebatius Testa in Gaul, from Rome, September 54 BC
- 7.10: To C. Trebatius Testa in Gaul, from Rome, November 54 BC
- F 7.11: To C. Trebatius Testa in Gaul, from Rome, January or February 53 BC
- 7.12: To C. Trebatius Testa in Gaul, from Rome, ?February 53 BC
- 7.13: To C. Trebatius Testa in Gaul, from Rome, 4 March 53 BC
- 7.14: To C. Trebatius Testa in Gaul, from Rome, ?March 53 BC
- 7.15: To C. Trebatius Testa in Gaul, from Rome, 53 BC
- 7.16: To C. Trebatius Testa in Gaul, from Rome, November 54 BC
- 7.17: To C. Trebatius Testa in Gaul, from Rome, September 54 BC
- 7.18: To C. Trebatius Testa in Gaul, from a villa in the Ager Pomptinus, 8 April 53 BC
- 7.19
- 7.20
- 7.21
- 7.22
- 7.23: To M. Fadius Gallus, from Rome, May 55 BC
- 7.24
- 7.25
- 7.26: To M. Fadius Gallus at Rome, from Tusculum, 57 BC
- 7.27: To T. Fadius Gallus, in exile, from Rome, March 52 BC
- 7.28
- 7.29
- 7.30
- 7.31
- 7.32: To P. Volumnius Eutrapelus at Rome, from Cilicia, December 51 BC
- 7.33
Book 8
- 8.1: From M. Caelius Rufus in Rome, to Cicero on his journey to Cilicia, 24 May-1 June 51 BC
- 8.2: From M. Caelius Rufus in Rome, to Cicero on his journey, June 51 BC
- 8.3: From M. Caelius Rufus in Rome, to Cicero on his way to Cilicia, June 51 BC
- 8.4: From M. Caelius Rufus in Rome, to Cicero in Cilicia, 1 August 51 BC
- 8.5: From M. Caelius Rufus in Rome, to Cicero in Cilicia, August 51 BC
- 8.6
- 8.7
- 8.8: From M. Caelius Rufus in Rome, to Cicero in Cilicia, October 51 BC
- 8.9: From M. Caelius Rufus in Rome, to Cicero in Cilicia, 2 September 51 BC
- 8.10
- 8.11
- 8.12
- 8.13
- 8.14
- 8.15
- 8.16
- 8.17
Book 9
- 9.1
- 9.2
- 9.3
- 9.4
- 9.5
- 9.6
- 9.7
- 9.8
- 9.9
- 9.10
- 9.11
- 9.12
- 9.13
- 9.14
- 9.15
- 9.16
- 9.17
- 9.18
- 9.19
- 9.20
- 9.21
- 9.22
- 9.23
- 9.24
- 9.25: To L. Papirius Paetus, from Laodicea, March 50 BC
- 9.26
Book 10
- 10.1
- 10.2
- 10.3
- 10.4
- 10.5
- 10.6
- 10.7
- 10.8
- 10.9
- 10.10
- 10.11
- 10.12
- 10.13
- 10.14
- 10.15
- 10.16
- 10.17
- 10.18
- 10.19
- 10.20
- 10.21
- 10.22
- 10.23
- 10.24
- 10.25
- 10.26
- 10.27
- 10.28
- 10.29
- 10.30
- 10.31
- 10.32
- 10.33
- 10.34
- 10.35
Book 11
Book 12
Book 13
- 13.1: To C. Memmius in exile at Mitylene, from Athens, July 51 BC
- 13.6a: To Q. Valerius Orca, proconsul of Africa, from Rome, May 56 BC
- 13.6b: To Q. Valerius Orca, proconsul of Africa, from Rome, May 56 BC
- F 13.9: To P. Furius Crassipes, quaestor of Bithynia, from Cilicia, 51 BC
- 13.42: To L. Culleolus in Illyricum, from Rome, 59 BC
- 13.40: To Q. Ancharius, proconsul of Macedonia, from Rome, 55 BC
- 13.41: To L. Culleolus in Illyricum, from Rome, 59 BC
- 13.49: To M. Curius, a proconsul, from Rome, 54 BC
- 13.53: To Q. Minucius Thermus, propraetor of Asia, from Cilicia, 51 BC
- 13.55: To Q. Minucius Thermus, in Asia, from Cilicia, 51 BC
- 13.56: To Q. Minucius Thermus, in Asia, from Cilicia, 51 BC
- 13.60: To C. Munatius in a province, from Rome, 54 BC
- 13.61: To P Silius Nerva, propraetor of Bithynia and Pontus, from Cilicia, 51 BC
- 13.62: To P Silius Nerva in Bithynia, from Cilicia, 51 BC
- 13.64: To P Silius Nerva in Bithynia, from Cilicia, 51 BC
- 13.65: To P Silius Nerva, propraetor of Bithynia and Pontus, from Cilicia, 51 BC
- 13.73: To Q. Philippus, proconsul of Asia, from Rome, 54 BC
- 13.74: To Q. Philippus, proconsul of Asia, from Rome, 55 BC
- 13.75: To T. Titius, a legatus, from Rome, 53 BC
- 13.76:
- 13.77:
- 13.78:
Book 14
- 14.1: To Terentia at Rome, from Thessalonica and Dyrrhachium, 28 November, 58 BC
- 14.2: To Terentia at Rome, from Thessalonica, 5 October, 58 BC
- 14.3: To Terentia at Rome, from Thessalonica, 29 November, 58 BC
- 14.4: To Terentia at Rome, from Brundisium, 29 April, 58 BC
- 14.5: To Terentia at Rome, from Athens, 16 October, 50 BC
Book 15
- 15.1: To the Magistrates & Senate, from Cilicia, 18 September 51 BC
- 15.2: To the Magistrates & Senate, from Cybistra, September 51 BC
- 15.3: To M. Porcius Cato at Rome, from Iconium, 28 August 51 BC
- 15.4: To M. Porcius Cato at Rome, from Cilicia, January 50 BC
- 15.5: From M. Porcius Cato at Rome, to Cicero in Cilicia, June 50 BC
- 15.6: To M. Porcius Cato at Rome, from Asia, September 50 BC
- 15.7: To C. Claudius Marcellus the consul-designate, from Lycaonia, September 51 BC
- 15.8: To C. Claudius Marcellus Augur, from Lycaonia, September 51 BC
- 15.9: To M. Claudius Marcellus, from Lycaonia, September 51 BC
- 15.13: To L. Aemilius Paullus , from Lycaonia, September 51 BC
Book 16
- 16.1: To Tiro, ill at Patrae, on the voyage from Patrae to Alyzia, 3 November 50 BC
- 16.4: To Tiro at Patrae, from Leucas, 7 November 50 BC
- 16.6: To Tiro at Patrae, from Actium, 7 November 50 BC
- 16.10: To Tiro, from Cumae, 19 May 54 BC
- 16.13: To Tiro, from Cumae, 10 April 54 BC
- 16.14: To Tiro, from Cumae, 11 April 54 BC
- 16.15: To Tiro, from Cumae, 12 April 54 BC
- 16.16: From Quintus in Gaul, to Cicero, 53 BC
Cicero chronologically:
85 BC | 81 BC | 80BC | 76 BC | 70 BC | 69 BC | 68 BC | 67 BC | 66 BC | 65 BC | 64 BC | 63 BC | 62 BC | 61 BC | 60 BC | 59 BC | 58 BC | 57 BC | 56 BC | 55 BC | 54 BC | 53 BC | 52 BC | 51 BC | 50 BC | 49 BC | 48 BC | 47 BC | 46 BC | 45 BC | 44 BC | 43 BC |

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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