< Letters to Atticus
To Atticus at Rome
Nares Lucanae, 8 April 58 BC
The reason for having come this journey is that there was no place where I could be independent except on Sica's estate,[1] especially till the bill is emended,[2] and at the same time because I find that from this spot I can reach Brundisium, if you were only with me, but without you I cannot stay in those parts owing to Autronius.[3] At present, as I said in my previous letter, if you will come to me, we shall be able to form a plan for the whole business. I know the journey is troublesome, but the whole Calamity is full of troubles. I Cannot write more, I am so heart-broken and dejected. Take Care of your health. From Nares Lucanae,[4] 8 April.
- ↑ A friend of Cicero's, of whose death at Brundisium we afterwards hear (Fam. 14.4.6).
- ↑ The bill originally named 500 miles as the distance from Italy Before passing it had to be put up in public three weeks (trinundinae), and meanwhile might be amended, and was amended to 400.
- ↑ P. Autronius Paetus, one of Catiline's confederates, who would injure Cicero if he could. Cicero would not be able to reach Epirus without coming within his reach; for he had been condemned for ambitus, and was in exile there or in Achaia. Illas partes=Epirus.
- ↑ Nares Lucanae (Monte Nero), near the River Silarus, and on the via Popilia (south-western branch of the Appia). Cicero has therefore come north again from Vibo, having given up the idea of Rhegium and Sicily, and making for Beneventum, and so by the via Appia for Brundisium.
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