< Letters to Atticus

To Atticus at Athens

Rome, December 68 BC

All's well at your mother's,[1] and I keep an eye on her. I have undertaken to pay L. Cincius 20,400 sesterces[2] to your credit on the Ides of February. Pray see that I receive at the earliest possible opportunity what you say in your letters that you have bought and secured for me. I should also be very much obliged if you would, as you promised, think over the means of securing the library for me. My hope of getting the one enjoyment which I care for, when I come to retire, depends entirely on your kindness.


  1. The mother of Atticus lived to be ninety, dying in B.C. 33, not long before Atticus himself, who at her funeral declared that "he had never been reconciled to her, for he had never had a word of dispute with her" (Nep. Att. 17).
  2. This sum is for the works of art purchased for the writer by Atticus.

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