The original letter

Original Text

Darlyng thowght I haue skant laysor yet remēbryng my pmes
I thowthe it go cōuenyent to certefy yow brevely in what case oure
affaires stande/ as tochyng a loggyng for yow we have gotton
won by my lord cardinall menys the lyke weroff colde nott have
bene fond her abowght for all causys as thys berar shall more
shew yow/ as tochyng oure other affayres I enswre yow ther
can be no more dōne/ nor more diligence usyd/ nor all maner
off dangers better bothe forsene and pvidyd for/ so thatt I trust
it shall be heraffter to bothe our cōforte/ the specialltes weroff
wer bothe to long to be wryttyn/ and hardly by messenger to be declaryd
wherfore tyll your repayre hyder I kepe sūthynge in store trusty[n]g
it shall nott be long to for I have causyd my lord your fader
to make hys p[ro]visions w[i]t[h] spede/ and thus for lake off tyme derlyng
I make an ende off my letter/ wryttyn w[i]t[h] the hand off hym
whyche I wolde wer yours/ H.R

Nenmoins q[u]il nappertiente pas a vng gentylle hom[m]e pur prendre
sa dame au lieu de s[er]vante tout foyse ensuyvant vos desires volen
tiers le vous ontroyroy si per cela vous puisset revere moins ingrate
en la plase per vous choysye q[ue] aves este en la plase par moy don[n]ee
en vous merciant tres cordiallement quel vous plete encors avoire
quelque sovenace de moy. B.N.R.I. de R.O.M.V.E.Z. Henry R.

Approximate Modern Translation

Darling, though I have scant leisure yet remembering my promise

I thought it go convenient to certify you briefly as to how our

affairs stand. As touching a lodging for you we have gotten

one through my Lord Cardinal[1]'s means, the like of which could not have

been found around here, for all causes, as this bearer shall more

show you. As touching our other affairs I assure you there

can be no more done, nor more diligence used, nor all manner

of dangers better both forseen and provided for, so that I trust

it shall be hereafter to both our comfort, the specialties whereof

were both too long to be written, and hardly to be sent through a messenger.

Wherefore till your coming here, I keep something in store trusting

it shall not be long to, for I have caused my lord, your father[2],

to make his provisions with speed, and thus for lack of time darling,

I make an end of my letter, written with the hand of him who wishes he were yours, H.R.


  1. Likely a reference to Cardinal Wolsey, a personal friend of Henry's
  2. Anne Boleyn's father was Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire
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