< Jamaica Anansi Stories


1. Jamaica references.
Bates, JAFL[1] 9 Creole Folk-lore from Jamaica; I. Proverbs; II. Nancy stories; by William C. Bates. JAFL 9:38-42; 121-126. 1896.
Bell Obeah, by H. J. Bell. London 1889.
Cundall FL[2] 15, 16 Folk-lore of the Negroes of Jamaica, by Frank Cundall. FL 15:87-94; 206-214; 450-456; 16:68-77. 1904, 1905.
Jekyll Jamaica Song and Story, by Walter Jekyll, with an introduction by Alice Werner. Publications Folk-Lore Society 55, London, 1907.
Lewis Journal of a West India Proprietor (1815-1817), by Matthew Gregory Lewis. London, 1834.
Milne-Home Mama's Black Nurse Stories, by Mrs. M. P. Milne-Home. Edinburgh & London, 1890.
Musgrave, FLR[3] 3 pt. 1 Ananci Stories, furnished by W. A. S. Musgrave. FLR 3, pt. 1; 53-54. London, 1880.
Newell, JAFL 9 Abstracts from Milne-Home, by W. W. Newell. JAFL 9:126-128. 1896.
Robinson, FL 4 Obeah Worship in East and West Indies: in Jamaica, by May Robinson. 207-213. 1893.
Smith Anancy Stories, by Pamela Coleman Smith. New York, 1899.
Smith, JAFL 9 Two Negro Stories from Jamaica, by Pamela Coleman Smith. 278.
Trowbridge, JAFL 9 Negro Customs and Folk-stories of Jamaica, by Ada Wilson Trowbridge. 279-287. 1896.
Udal, FL 26 Obeah in the West Indies, by J. S. Udal. 253-295. London, 1915.
[^1.  Journal of American Folk-Lore (New York.)

^2.  Folk-Lore. (London.)

^3.  Folk-Lore Record. (London.)]

Wake, FLJ 1 Ananci Stories (abstracts from Lewis), by C. Staniland Wake. FLJ 1: 280-292. London, 1883.
Wona Selection of Ananci Stories, by Wona (Mrs. Charles Wilson). Kingston, 1899.

2. General References.
Arcin La Guinée française, by André Arcin, Paris, 1907.
Backus, JAFL 11 Animal Tales from North Carolina, by Emma M. Backus. JAFL 11:284-291, 1898,
Backus, JAFL 12 Tales of the Rabbit from Georgia Negroes, by Emma M. Backus. JAFL 12:108-115. 1899.
Backus, JAFL 13 Folk-tales from Georgia, by Emma M. Backus, JAFL 13:19-32. 1900.
Backus, JAFL 25 Negro Tales from Georgia, collected by Mrs. Backus & Mrs. Leitner. 125-136. 1912.
Barker West African Folk-tales, by W. H. Barker & Cecilia Sinclair. London, 1917.
Basset, 1 Contes Populaires Berbères, by Réné Basset. Collection de Contes et de Chansons Populaires 12, Paris, 1887.
Basset, 2 Nouveaux Contes Berbères, by Réné Basset. Collection de Contes et de Chansons Populaires 23, Paris, 1897.
Bérenger-Féraud Contes Populaires de la Senegambia. by L. J. B. Bérenger-Féraud. Collection de Contes et de Chansons Populaires 9, Paris, 1885.
Bleek Reynard the Fox in South Africa; or Hottentot Fables and Tales, by Wilhelm Heinrich Imanuel Bleek. London, 1864.
Bleek, Bushman Specimens of Bushman Folk-lore, by W. H. I. Bleek, edited by Lucy C. Lloyd, with an introduction by George McCall Theal. London, 1911.
Boas, JAFL 25 Notes on Mexican Folk-lore, by Franz Boas. JAFL 25:204-260. 1912.
Boas and Simango, JAFL 35 Tales and Proverbs of the Vandau of Portuguese S. Africa. JAFL 35:151-204.
Bolte und Polívka Anmerkungen zu den Kinder-und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1913-1918.
Bundy, JAFL 32. Folk-tales from Liberia, by Richard C. Bundy. JAFL 32. 406-427. 1919.
Callaway Nursery Tales, Traditions and History of the Zulus, by H. Callaway. London 1868.
Chatelain Folk-tales of Angola, by Héli Chatelain. MAFLS[1] 1. 1894.
Christensen Afro-American Folk-lore. Told around cabin fires of the Sea Islands of South Carolina, by A. M. H. Christensen. Boston, 1892.
Cleare, JAFL 30 Four Folk-tales from Fortune Islands, Bahamas, by W. T. Cleare. JAFL 30:228--229. 1917.
Cronise and Ward Cunnie Rabbit, Mr. Spider and the other Beef. West African Folk-tales, by Florence M. Cronise and Henry W. Ward. London & New York, 1903.
Dayrell Folk-stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa, by Elphinstone Dayrell, with an introduction by Andrew Lang. London, 1910.
Dähnhardt Natursagen, by Oskar Dähnhardt, Leipzig, 1907-1912.
Dennett Notes on the Folk-lore of the Fjort (French Congo), by R. E. Dennett. Publications Folk Lore Society 41, London, 1897.
Edwards Bahama Songs and Stories, by Charles L. Edwards. MAFLS 3, 1895.
Ellis, Tshi The Tshi-speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa, by Alfred Burdon Ellis. London, 1887.
Ellis, Ewe The Ewe-speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa. London, 1890.
Ellis, Yoruba The Yoruba-speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa. London, 1894.
Elmslie FL 3 Folk-lore Tales of Central Africa (Nyassaland), by D. Elmslie. FL 3:92-110. 1892.
Ernst, VBGAEU 20 Tio Tigre and Tio Conejo (Venezuela), by A. Ernst. Verh. Berlin Ges. Anthrop., Ethn. u. Urgesch. 20:274-278.
[^2.  Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society. (New York.)]
Espinosa, JAFL 24, 27 New-Mexican Spanish Folk-lore, by Aurelio M. Espinosa. JAFL 24:397-444; 27:119-147. 1911, 1914.
Espinosa, JAFL 27 Comparative Notes on Spanish Folk-tales, JAFL 27:211-231, 1914.
Espinosa, JAFL 27 Folk-tales of the Tepecanos, collected by J. Alden Mason, edited by Aurelio M. Espinosa. JAFL 27: 148-210. 1914.
Espinosa, JAFL 28 Folk-tales from Oaxaca, collected by Paul Radin, edited by Aurelio Espinosa. JAFL 28:390-408. 1915.
Ferrand Contes Populaires Malgaches, by Gabriel Ferrand. Collection de Contes et de Chansons Populaires 19, Paris, 1893.
Fortier Louisiana Folk-tales in the French Dialect and English Translation, by Alcée Fortier. MAFLS 2, 1895.
Frobenius Volksmärchen der Kabylen, by Leo Frobenius, Jena, 1921.
Frazer, FLJ 7 A South African Red Riding-Hood, by J. S. Frazer. FLJ 7:167-168.
Harris, Friends Uncle Remus and His Friends. Boston & New York, 1892.
Harris, Nights Nights with Uncle Remus. Boston & New York, 1911.
Harris, Uncle Remus Uncle Remus, His Songs and His Sayings, by Joel Chandler Harris. New York & London, 1919.
Hartt Amazonian Tortoise Myths, by Charles F. Hartt. Rio de Janeiro, 1875.
Hollis, Masai The Masai, Their Language and Folk-lore, by A. C. Hollis. Oxford, 1905.
Hollis, Nandi The Nandi, Their Language and Folk-lore. Oxford, 1909.
Jacottet Treasury of Basuto Lore, by E. Jacottet. Part 1. Folk-tales of the Basuto, South Africa & London, 1908.
Johnston, JAFL 9 Two Negro Tales (Louisiana), by Mrs. William Preston Johnston. JAFL 9:194-198. 1896.
Jones Negro Myths from the Georgia Coast, by C. C. Jones, Boston & New York, 1888.
Junod Les Chants et I-es Contes des Ba-Ronga de la Baie de Delagoa, by Henri A. Junod. Lausanne, 1897.
Klunziger Upper Egypt, by Karl B. Klunziger. New York, 1878.
Koch-Grünberg Vom Roroim zum Orinoco, by Theodor Koch-Grünberg, Berlin, 1916.
Koelle African Native Literature, or Proverbs, Fables and Historical Fragments in the Kanuri or Bornu Language (and translation) by S. W. Koelle. London, 1854.
Krug, JAFL 25, 32 Bulu Tales from Kamerun, West Africa, by Adolph N. Krug. JAFL 25:106-124, 1912.
Kunst, JAFL 28 Some Animal Fables of the Chuh Indians (Guatemala), by J. Kunst. JAFL 28:353. 1915.
Lee, JAFL 5 Some Negro Lore from Baltimore, by Collins Lee. JAFL 5:110-112. 1892.
Lenz Araukanische Märchen und Erzählungen, by Dr. Rudolf Lenz. Valparaiso, 1896.
Lenz, Estudios Estudios Araucanos, by Dr. Rudolph Lenz. Anales de la Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile 1895-97.
MacDonald Africana, by Duff MacDonald. London, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, 1882.
Mason, JAFL 27 Folk-tales of the Tepecanos, by J. Alden Mason, edited by A. M. Espinosa, JAFL 27:148-210. 1914.
Mechling, JAFL 25 Stories from Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, by W. H. Mechling. JAFL 25:199-203. 1912.
Mechling JAFL 29 Stories and Songs from the Southern Atlantic Coastal Region of Mexico, by W. H. Mechling. JAFL 29:547-558. 1916.
Nassau Where Animals Talk. West African Folk-lore Tales, by Robert H. Nassau. Boston, 1912.
Nassau, JAFL 28 Batanga Tales. JAFL 28:24-51. 1915. (Text in JAFL 30:262-268.)
Parsons, Andros Island Folk-tales of Andros Island, Bahamas, by Elsie Clews Parsons. MAFLS 13, 1918.
Parsons, Sea Islands Folk-lore of the Sea Islands, South Carolina, by Elsie Clews Parsons. MAFLS 16, 1923.
Parsons, JAFL 30 Tales from Guilford County, North Carolina, JAFL 30:168-200. 1917.
Parsons, JAFL 30 Tales from Maryland and Pennsylvania. JAFL 30:209-217. 1917.
Parsons, JAFL 30. Ten Folk-tales from the Cape Verde Islands. JAFL 30:230-238. 1917.
Parsons FL 28, 29, 30 The Provenience of Certain Negro Folk-tales FL 28:408-414; 29:206-218; 30:227-234. London, 1917, 1918, 1919.
Parsons, JAFL 32 Folk-tales from Students in Tuskegee Institute, Alabama; Folk-tales from Students in the Georgia State College, (edited). JAFL 32: 397-405. 1919.
Penard, JAFL 30 Surinam Folk-tales, by A. P. & T. E. Penard. JAFL 30:239-250. 1917.
Radin, JAFL 28 Folk-tales from Oaxaca, collected by Paul Radin, edited by Espinosa JAFL 28:390-408. 1915.
Rattray Hausa Folk-lore, customs, proverbs, collected and transliterated, by R. S. Rattray, with a preface by R. R. Marett. 2 Vol. Oxford, 1913.
Rattray, Chinyanje Some Folk-lore Stories and Songs in Chinyanje, by R. S. Rattray, London, 1907.
Recinos, JAFL 31 Cuentos Populares de Guatemala, by Adrian Recinos. JAFL 31:472-487. 1918.
Renel Contes de Madagascar, by Charles Renel. Collection de Contes et de Chansons Populaires 37, 38, Paris, 1910.
Rivière Contes Populaires de la Kabylie du Djvrdjvra, by J. Rivière. Collection de Contes et de Chansons Populaires 4, Paris, 1882.
Saurière Cuentos populares araucanos y chilenos, S. de Saurière, Revista de Folklore Chileño, 7:1-282, Santiago de Chile, 1918.
Schwab, JAFL 27, 32 Bulu Folk-tales, by George Schwab. JAFL 27:266-288; 32:428-437. 1914, 1919.
Smiley, JAFL 32 Folk-lore from Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Florida, by Portia Smiley. JAFL 32:357-383. 1919.
Smith Brazil, the Amazons and the Coast, by Herbert Smith. New York, 1879.
Steere Swahili Tales as Told by Natives of Zanzibar, by Edward Steere. London, 1889.
Stewart, JAFL 32 Seven Folk-tales from the Sea-islands, South Carolina, by Sadie E. Stewart. JAFL 32:394-396. 1919.
Theal Kaffir Folk-lore, by George McCall Theal. London, 1882.
Torrend Specimens of Bantu Folk-lore from Northern Rhodesia, by J. Torrend. London & New York, 1921.
Tremearne Hausa Superstitions and Customs, by A. J. N. Tremearne. London, 1913.
Tremearne, Tailed Head-hunters Tailed Head-hunters of Nigeria, by A. J. N. Tremearne, London, 1912.
Tremearne FL 21, 22 Fifty Hausa Folk-tales, by A. J. N. Tremearne. FL. 21:199-215; 351-365; 487-503. 22:60-73; 218-228; 341-348; 457-473. 1910 & 1911.
Weeks, FL 12. Stories and other Notes from the Upper Congo, by John H. Weeks. FL 12:181-189. 1901.
Weeks, FL 20 Leopard in the Maise-farm; a Lower Congo Folk-tale. FL 20:209-211. 1909.
Zeltner Contes du Senegal et du Niger, by Fr. De Zeltner. Collection de Contes et de Chansons Populaires 40, Paris, 1913.

3. Riddle References.
Andros Island [Parsons] Riddles from Andros Island (Bahamas), by Elsie Clews Parsons, JAFL 30: 275-277. 1917.
Argyleshire [Maclagen] Games and Diversions of Argyleshire, by R, C. Maclagen. PFLS[1] 47: 179-184.1901.
Canadian [Waugh and Wintemberg] Canadian Folk-lore from Ontario, by F. W. Waugh and W. J. and K. H, Wintemberg. JAFL 31:63--72; 123-124; 133. 1918.
Catalan [Briz] Endevinallas Populares Catalanas, by F. P. Briz. Barcelona, 1882.
Dorsetshire: Notes and Queries Dorsetshire Riddles. Notes and Queries, 3rd series 9:50. 1866.
[^1.  Publication of the Folk-Lore Society. (London.)]
Eastern Bantu [Seidel] Geschichten und Lieder der Afrikaner, by A. Seidel, 176-309. Berlin, 1899.
England, Nursery Rhymes of [Halliwell] Nursery Rhymes of England, by J. O. Halliwell, Percy Society 4:91-97. London 1842.
English: Booke of Merry Riddles [Halliwell] Booke of Merry Riddles, by J. 0. Halliwell 1629. Literature of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. London, 1851.
English: Fashionable Puzzler Fashionable Puzzler or Book of Riddles, selected: with remarks on riddles by Mrs. Barbauld. New York, 1835.
English: New Collection New Collection of Enigmas, Charades, Transpositions. London, 1791.
English: Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales [Halliwell] Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales, by J. O. Halliwell. 1848.
English: Puniana Puniana, edited by the Hon. Hugh Rowley. London, 1872.
English: Puzzles Old and New Puzzles Old and New, by Professor Hoffman. London and New York, undated.
English: Riddler (New Haven) The Riddler: Paradoxes and Puzzles (paper). New Haven, 1835.
English: Riddler (Boston) The Riddler. No. 4 Cornhill, Boston (paper, undated).
Guilford County [Parsons] Negro Riddles from Guilford County, North Carolina, by Elsie Clews Parsons. JAFL 30:201-207. 1917.
Hausa [Tremearne] Hausa Superstitions and Customs, by A. J. N. Tremearne, 58-60. London, 1913.
Holme Riddles [Tupper] Holme Riddles: 1640, by Frederick Tupper. Publications of the Modern Language Association, New Series 9: 211-272. 1903.
Irish [McCall] Folk-lore Riddles: Irish and Anglo-Irish, by P. J. McCall. Journal of the National Literature Society of Ireland 1 pt. 2.
Lancashire, Notes and Queries Household Riddles, Notes and Queries, 3rd series, 9:86.
Lincolnshire: Notes and Queries Lincolnshire Riddles. Notes and Queries, 3rd series 8:502-504. 1:865.
Mexican [Boas] Notes on Mexican Folk-lore, by Franz Boas. JAFL 25:227-231. 1912.
Mexican [Recinos] Riddles from Mexico, by A. Recinos. JAFL 31:537-549. 1918.
Nandi [Hollis] The Nandi: their Language and Folk-lore, by A. C. Hollis, 133-151. Oxford, 1909.
New Mexican Spanish [Espinosa] New Mexican Spanish Folk-lore: Riddles, by A. M. Espinosa. JAFL 28:319-352: 31:363-364. 1915, 1918.
New Orleans (Perkins) Riddles from Negro School children in New-Orleans, La., by A. E. Perkins. JAFL 35: 105-115.
Pennsylvania Dutch [Stoudt] Pennsylvania German Riddles and Nursery Rhymes, by Ino. Baer Stoudt, JAFL 19: 113-121. 1906.
Porto Rican [Mason] Porto Rican Folk-lore: Riddles, by J. A. Mason. JAFL 29: 423-504. 1916.
Scotland, Popular Rhymes of [Chambers] Popular Rhymes of Scotland, by Robert Chambers. London and Edinburgh, 1841.
Suaheli [Velten] Hundert Suaheli-Rätsel, by C. Velten. Mitteilungen des Seminars fur Orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin: Afrikanische Studien 1-11. Berlin, 1904.
Suahili [Steere] Swahili Tales as told by Natives of Zanzibar, by Edward Steere, 419-421. London, 1889.
Welsh-Gypsy [Sampson] Fifty Welsh-Gypsy Folk-riddles, by John Sampson. Journal of the Gypsy-lore Society 5: 241. 1911.
West Highlands [Campbell] Popular Tales of the West Highlands, by J. F. Campbell, 2:406-423, London, 1890.
Yorkshire: Notes and Queries Yorkshire Riddles, by Baring Gould. Notes and Queries, 3rd series 8: 325. 1865.
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