WEIRD TALES EDWIN BAIRD, Editor Published monthly by Rural Publishing Corporation, 934 North Clark Street, Chicago, Ill. Application made for entry at the postoffice at Chicago, Ill., as second class matter. Single copies, 25 cents: subscription, $3 a year in the United States, $3.50 in Canada. The publishers are not responsible for the loss of unsolicited manuscripts in transit, by fire, or otherwise, although every precaution is made with such material. All manuscripts should be typewritten and must be accompanied by stamped and self-addressed envelopes. The contents of this magazine are fully protected by copyright, and publishers are cautioned against using the same, either in whole or in part. Copyright 1923, by the Rural Publishing Corporation. VOLUME 1 25 Cents NUMBER 1 Contents for March, 1923 TWENTY-TWO REMARKABLE SHORT STORIES
A story of blood-curdling realism, with a smashing surprise at the end.
A soul-gripping story of terror.
An uncommon tale that will cling to your memory for many a day.
A "spooky" tale with a grim background.
An amazing yarn of weird adventure in the frozen North.
Showing how fear can drive a strong man to the verge of insanity.
What two hours in a prison "solitary" did to a man.
A brief story powerfully written.
An unusual tale of a terrifying monster.
A queer little story about San Francisco.
The singular experience of Allen Defoe.
A new conclusion to Edgar Allen Poe’s "Cask of Amontillado."
Chet Burke's strange adventures in a haunted house.
An odd, fantastic little story of the Stone Age.
An anonymous author submits a startling answer to the question, "What comes after death?"
A tale with an eerie thrill.
An eccentric doctor creates a frightful living thing.
A "creepy" tale that ends in a shuddering, breathtaking way.
The strange secret of a lonely woman.
An out-of-the-ordinary story.
A grim tale with a terrifying end.
A Jungle tale that is somehow "different." THREE UNUSUAL NOVELETTES
An astounding yarn that will hold you spellbound and make you breathe fast with a new mental sensation.
A Remarkable short novel by a master of "gooseflesh" fiction.
Craigie is at his best here. A STRANGE NOVEL IN TWO PARTS
Don't start this story late at night.
Also a number of odd facts and queer fancies, crowded in for good measure For Advertising Rates in WEIRD TALES apply to YOUNG & WARD, |