See How Easily You Can
Learn to Dance This
New Way
If you can do the step illustrated in the chart on the right, there is no reason why you cannot easily and quickly master all of the latest steps through Arthur Murray's method of teaching dancing right your own home.
No matter how skeptical you may be about being able to learn to dance by mail, this new course will quickly prove to you that you can easily learn without a teacher on the ground to direct your steps—and without music or partner—right at home.
Even if you don't know one dance step from another, these new diagrams and simple instructions will enable you to learn any of the newest dances in an amazingly short time. You don't need to leave your own room—it isn't necessary to go to a dancing class—or to pay large fees for private instruction. All you need to do is to follow the instructions as shown on the diagrams, practice the steps a few times to fix them in your memory and there is no reason why you should not be able to dance on any floor, to either band or phonograph music and to lead, follow, and balance correctly no matter how expert your partner may be.
Learn Any Dance in a Few Hours
Whether you want to learn the Fox Trot, One Step, College Rock, Conversation Walk, Waltz, or any of the newer steps you won't have the slightest difficulty in doing so through this new method. Then, the very next time dancing starts, you can surprise your friends by choosing a partner and stepping right out with perfect confidence that every step you make and every movement is absolutely correct. Arthur Murray guarantees to teach you or your lessons won't cost you one cent.
More than 90,000 people have learned to become perfect dancers by mail, about five thousand people a month are becoming wonderful dancers through Arthur Murray's amazing new method.
Do You Know
The Correct Dancing Position
How to Gain Confidence
How to Follow Successfully
How to Avoid Embarrassing Mistakes
The Art of Making Your Feet Look Attractive
The Correct Walk in the Fox Trot
The Basic Principles in Waltzing
How to Waltz Backward
The Secret of Leading
The Chaste in the Fox Trot
The Forward Waltz Step
How to Leave One Partner to Dance with Another
How to Learn and Also Teach Your Child to Dance
What the Advanced Teacher Should Know
How to Develop your Sense of Rhythm
Etiquette of the Ballroom
How to Prove That
Arthur Murray Can
Teach You to Dance
in an Evening
Arthur Murray has consented, for a limited time only, to send a special 16-lesson course to every one who signs and returns the coupon.
You may keep this course for five days and test it for yourself. It must prove to you that you can quickly learn to dance in your own home without music or partner through Arthur Murray's methods or the test will cost you nothing.
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FIRST PART of the Forward Waltz Step
- Begin with left foot and step directly forward, weight on left foot.
- Step diagonally forward to right, placing weight on right foot (see illustration).
- Draw left foot up to right foot, weight on left.
That's all. Simply follow the numbers in the footprints. Master this part before going further.
Arthur Murray is America's foremost authority on social dancing. In fact, dancing teachers the world over have been instructed by him
Through his new improved method of dancing by mail, Mr. Murray will give you the same high-class instruction in your own home that you would receive if you took private lessons in his studio and paid his regular fee of $10.00 per lesson.
Special Proof Offer
Mr. Murray is eager to prove to you that he can quickly teach you to become a good dancer in your own home. Just fill in and mail the coupon—or a letter or postcard will do enclosing $1.00 in full payment—and the special course will be promptly mailed to you. Keep the course for five days. Practice all of the steps, learn everything these sixteen lessons can teach you and prove to your full satisfaction that you have found the quickest, easiest, and most delightful way to learn to dance. Then, within five days, if you desire, you may return the course and your dollar will be promptly returned to you.
To take advantage of this offer you must send the coupon today—offer may be withdrawn without notice. So mail coupon now.
Arthur Murray, Studio 652, 802 Madison Avenue, N. Y.
ARTHUR MURRAY, Studio 652, 801 Madison Ave., N. Y.
To prove that I can learn to dance at home in one evening, you may send me the sixteen-lesson course. I am enclosing $1.00 in full payment but it is understood that this is not to be considered a purchase unless the course in every way comes up to my expectations. If, within five days, I decide to do so, I may return the course and you will refund my money without question.
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(Price outside U. S. $1.10 cash with order.)