CONTENTS OF VOLUME VII PAGE Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Introduction to the Philosophy of History. Translated by J. Sibree.... 16 The Philosophy of Law. Translated by J. Loewenberg 73 Introduction to the Philosophy of Art. Translated by J. Loewenberg... 96 Bettina von Arnim The Life of Bettina von Arnim. By Henry Wood 120 Goethe's Correspondence with a Child. Translated by Wallace Smith Murray 127 Karl Lebrecht Immermann Immermann and His Drama Merlin. By Martin Schütze 153 Immermann's Münchhausen. By Allen Wilson Porterfield 163 The Oberhof, Translated by Paul Bernard Thomas 169 Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow Gutzkow and Young Germany. By Starr Willard Cutting 241 Sword and Queue. Translated by Grace Isabel Colbron 252 German Lyric Poetry from 1830 to 1848, By John S. Nollen 351 Anastasius Grün A Salon Scene. Translated by Sarah T. Barrows 359 Nikolaus Lenau Prayer. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 361 Sedge Songs. Translated by Kate Freiligrath-Kroeker 361 Songs by the Lake. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 363 The Postilion. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 364 To the Beloved from Afar. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 366 The Three Gipsies. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 367 My Heart. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 368 Eduard Mörike An Error Chanced. Translated by Charles Wliarton Stork 369 A Song for Two in the Night. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork.. 370 Early Away. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 370 The Forsaken Maiden. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 371 Weyla's Song. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 372 Seclusion. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 372 The Soldier's Betrothed. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 373 The Old Weathercock: An Idyll. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork. 373 Think of It, My Soul. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 382 Erinna to Sappho. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 382 Mozart's Journey from Vienna to Prague. Translated by Florence Leonard 384
Annette Elizabeth von Droste-Hülshoff. Pentecost. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 437 The House in the Heath. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 438 The Boy on the Moor. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 440 On the Tower. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 441 The Desolate House. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork r. . . 442 The Jew's Beech-Tree. Translated by Lillie Winter 445 Ferdinand Freiligrath The Duration of Love. Translated by M. G., in Chambers' Journal 497 The Emigrants. Translated by C. T. Brooks 498 The Lion's Ride. Translated by C. T. Brooks 500 The Spectre-Caravan. Translated by J. C. Mangan 502 Had I at Mecca's Gate been Nourished. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 504 Wild Flowers. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork 506 The Dead to the Living. Translated by Bayard Taylor 508 Hurrah, Germania! In Pall Mall Gazette, London 512 The Trumpet of Gravelotte. Translated by Kate Freiligrath-Kroeker . . . 514 Moritz Graf von Strachwitz Douglas of the Bleeding Heart. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork.. 516 Georg Herwegh The Stirrup-Cup. Translated by William G. Howard 520 Emanuel Geibel The Watchman's Song. Translated by A. I. du F. Coleman 521 The Call of the Road. Translated by A. I. du P. Coleman 522 Autumn Days. Translated by A. I. du P. Coleman 523 The Death of Tiberius. Translated by A. I. du P. Coleman 524
ILLUSTRATIONS — VOLUME VII The Four Apocalyptic Riders, By Peter Cornelius Frontispiece Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. By Schlesinger 2 Royal Old Museum in Berlin. By Schinkel 96 Bettina von Arnim 120 The Goethe Monument. By Bettina von Arnim 124; Karl Lebrecht Immermann. By C. T. Lessing 154 The Master of the Oberhof. By Benjamin Vautier 170 The Oberhof. By Benjamin Vautier 188 The Freemen's Tribunal. By Benjamin Vautier 202 Lisbeth. By Benjamin Vautier 216 Oswald, the Hunter. By Benjamin Vautier 218 Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow : 242 The Potsdam Guard. By Adolph von Menzel 256 King Frederick William I of Prussia. By R. Siemering 308 King Frederick William I and His "Tobacco Collegium." By Adolph von Menzel 334 Anastasius Griin 358 Nikolaus Lenau 360 Evening on the Shore. By Hans am Ende 362 Eduard Morike. By Weiss 370 Annette von Droste-Hiilshoff 436 The Farm House. By Hans am Ende 438 Ferdinand Freiligrath. By J. Hasenclever 498 Dusk on the Dead Sea. By Eugen Bracht 504 Death on the Barricade. By Alfred Rethel 508 Georg Herwegh 520 Emanuel Geibel. By Hader 522 Journeying. By Ludwig Richter 524 |