Notebook 27 - How came pride in Man

1st reading:[3]

[How came pride in Man
From Mary it began
How Contempt & Scorn

What a world is Man
His Earth... del.]


2nd reading:[4]

[How came pride in Man
From Mary it began
How Contempt & Scorn
What a world is Man
His Earth]


Wikisource notes

  1. As we see it is heavily deleted, and unfinished. Because visually, the poem that immediately follows, “The human Image” (1st draft version of “The Human Abstract” (see Songs of Experience), "looks like a continuation of the same poem, and the title being inserted later" as suggested by David V. Erdman ("The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake", Anchor Books, 1988, p. 471
  2. As we see it is heavily deleted, and unfinished. Because visually, the poem that immediately follows, “The human Image” (1st draft version of “The Human Abstract” (see Songs of Experience), "looks like a continuation of the same poem, and the title being inserted later" as suggested by David V. Erdman ("The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake", Anchor Books, 1988, p. 471
  3. "Blake Complete Writings", ed. Geoffrey Keynes, pub. OUP 1966/85, p. 173.
  4. William Blake The Complete Poems", ed. Alicia Ostriker, Penguin Books 1977, p. 147.
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