< Handel (Rolland)


Contents: Top · A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Academy of Ancient Music, 54, 137
Academy of Italian Opera, 73
Acis and Galatea, 7, 46, 72, 85, 108, 120, 182
Addison, 16, 60
Agrippina, 46, 183
Airs adapted to French words, 191 n.
Alberti, 6
Alceste, 104
Alcina, 91, 122, 127
Alexander Balus, 102
Alexander's Feast, 92, 108, 93 n.,
Almahade, 62
Almira, 33, 34, 36, 124
Amadigi, 68
Amsterdam, 149
Andimolo, 40
Arbuthnot, Dr., 81 n.
Architecture, Musical, 138
Arianna, 88, 95
Arias Buffi, 128
Arietti Da Capo, 125
Ariodante, 91, 122
Arioso, 133
Ariosti, 11
Aristoxenians, 24
Arminio, 91, 93 n.
Arne, 96 n.
Arsinoé, 62
Astarto, 78
Atalanta, 91, 93, 124, 131, 182
Athaliah, 85, 86
Athalie, 48

Augsburg, 53
Augustus of Saxony, Duke, 1, 3, 42


Babell, Wm., 145, 149 n.
Bacchus und Ariadne, 90
Bach, 3, 21, 29, 56, 70, 104, 113, 119, 121, 150, 152
Ballet-Operas, 122
Bankruptcy, 93, 100
Bartolommeo, 57
Bass soloists, 123 n.
Bassoons, 160
Battle of Dettingen, 99 n.
Beech Oil Company, 63
Beethoven, 10, 108, 142, 154, 176, 192
Beethovenians, 164
Beggar's Opera, 62, 81
Belshazzar, 99, 128, 135, 136, 184
Berenice, 91, 93 n.
Berlin, n, 108
Berlioz, 109, 121, 142, 154
Bernabei, 51, 56
Bernhardt, 16
Bible, 2
Biblical dramas, 71, 85
Birds, 187
Birthday Ode to Queen Anne, 66, 138
Blindness, 105
Bolingbroke, 100
Bologna, 75
Bonduca, 59
Bononcini, 62, 74, 75, 79, 86 n., 122

Brandenburg, 3, 12
Breslau, 108
British Museum, 165
Brockes, 64
Burlington, Lord, 67, 74
Burney, 187
Buxtehude, 29, 30, 31


Cadenzas, 128
Camilla, Regina de Volsei, 62
Canons, 149
Cara sposa (Rinaldo), 125
Carey, 96
Caricature of Handel's art, 144
Carriage-accident to Handel, 104
Carillon in Saul, 115
Castrati, 80
Cavalli, 193
Chaconnes, 149 n.
Chandos Anthems, 71, 85, 136
Characters, 135
Choice of Hercules, 104, 187 n.
Choruses, 132, 140
Chrysander, 57, 110
Cibber, Colley, 81 n.
Classical chorus, 136
Clavier pieces, 145
Clayton, 61
Cleopatra, 32, 160
Colour, 140, 141
Comic style of Keiser, 128
Commemoration festival, 107
Composing music, 142 n.
Concert overture, 183
Concerti Grossi, 95, 165, 166
Concertino, 165
Concerto, 168, 190, 188
Concerto for two organs, 154
Concerto for organ with chorus, 154
Concerto for two horns, 145, 159
Concerto for organ, 183
Conductor, 165
Corelli, 11, 115, 168
Coronation Anthems, 83, 85

Cousser, 18
Covent Garden Theatre, 92
Creation, Haydn's, 108
Crescendo, 163
Critica Musica, 24
Culloden Moor, 101
Cuzzoni, 80 n.


Da Capo form, 56, 77, 124, 132
Dances, 133
Death, Handel's, 107
Deborah, 85, 95, 110, 184
Deidamia, 91 n., 95, 122, 124
Dent, Edward, 38
Descartes, 49
Dettingen Te Deum, 99, 160 n.
Dido and Æneas, 59
Die lustige Hochzeit, 35
Diminuendo, 163
Dioclesian, 59
Divertissement, 183
Domenio Scarlatti, 44
Double fugue, 150
Drums, 160
Drury Lane Theatre, 81 n.
Dryden, 92
Dublin, 97
Dubourg, 156
Duchess Sophia, 67
Duel with Mattheson, 33
Duets, Vocal, 131
Duke of Chandos, 71, 72
Duke of Cumberland, 101
Dukes of Hanover, 49
Dürer, 176


Education, 6
Ehrenpforte, 26
England, 70, 109, 112, 113, 148, etc.
English taste, 59
English country, 114
Ensemble pieces, 133
Entr'actes, 151
Erba, 118
Ernest Augustus, Duke, 49

Esther, 48, 70, 71, 72, 120, 161, 184
Eugène, Prince, 37, 157
Exotism, 160
Ezio, 84


Faramondo, 91, 93
Faustina, 80
Festivals, 107
Fifth Concerto, 176
Finale, 133
Fire-arms in orchestra, 160
Firework music, 103, 159, 189
First Sonata, 157
Flemish carillon in Saul, 115
Florence, 39
Floridante, 79
Florindo und Daphne, 35
Forms, 133, 134, 158, 168
Foundling Hospital, 103, 105 n., 165
France, 122
Fraudulent copies, 143 n.
Free theatre, 121, 134, 139
French dances, 91
French influences, 14
French language, 48
French model, 89
French organists, 113
French rhythm, 148
French style, 148
French vocal style, 48
Froberger, 6
Fugues, 149
Funeral Anthem, 93, 93 n.


Garden scene, Rinaldo, 124
Gay, 67, 72 n.
Geminiani, 144, 163, 164
Genre pictures, 135, 138
George of Hanover, 68
German geniuses, 112
German Handel Society, 109, 201
German influences, 147, 148 n.

German patriotism, Handel's lack of, 67
Germany, 109, 142
Gervinus, 110, 201
Giulio Cesare, 79, 122, 127, 182
Giustina, 93, 124
Gluck, 36, 99, 101, 122, 127, 191, 192
Goethe, 109, 112
Goldschmidt, 55
Graces, 128
Grattan-Flood, 97
Graun, 124
Greece, 110
Green, Maurice, 96
Green Park, 198
Grimani, 46
Griselda, 79
Grub Street Journal, 152


Hailstone chorus, 118
Halle, 14, 64, 66, 69, 74, 113
Haman, 71
Hamburg, 7, 15, 18, 35, 113
Handel Society, 109, 201
Handel musical festivals, 119
Handel's joust with Bononcini, 79
Hanover, 19, 42, 49, 51
Hanoverian nobles, 49
Harmony in revolt, 143 n.
Harp, 160 n.
Hasler, 36
Hasse, 36, 45, 87, 115, 117, 124
Hawkins, Sir J., 91, 152
Haydn, 108
Haymarket Theatre, 74, 89
Heidegger, 89
Henrico Leoni, 52
Hercules, 8, 99, 110, 127
Herder, 109
Hill, Aaron, 63
Hiller, 108
Holland, 31, 58
Horn, 159
Hornpipe, 187

House of Hanover, 65
Humour in Handel, 128


II Pastor Fido, 65, 182
Imeneo, 91 n., 95 n.
Imitative effects, 141
Improvisation, 143, 150, 152
Improviser, 116
Independence, Handel's, 109
Instrumental music, 9, 143, 144, 146
Ireland, 97
Israel in Egypt, 71, 94, 95, 118, 137, 145, 150
Italian homophony, 148
Italian influences, 147
Italian musicians, 36
Italian songs in Hercules, 115
Italian violinists, 113
Italy, 37, 112, 113
Italianised Germans, 63
Italians, 61, 148


James I, Stuart, 49
Jennens, 97, 99
Jephtha, 104, 116
Jerusalem Delivered, 63
John Frederick, Duke of Hanover, 49
Joseph, 99, 127
Joshua, 80, 102
Jubilate, 66
Judas Maccabœus, 101, 102, 106, 109, 139, 184, 192
Jugendbuch, 146, 149


Keiser, 17, 19, 21, 31, 35, 122, 126
Kerl, 6
Kielmansegg, 49
King Arthur, 59, 60
Krieger, 6, 150
Kuhnau, 7


L' Allegro, 95, 114
Languages, 22
La Salle, 90
Latin Psalms, 39
Law, 14
Lawyers, 4
Leibnitz, 69
Leit-motiv, 128
Leider, 77 n.
Leipzig, 16, 108
Lent, 106, 107
Leo, 178
Leonardo, 118
Light and shade, 161
Liszt, 109, 154
Local colour, 160
Locatelli, 168
London, 42, 58, 65, etc.
London Academy of Opera, 83
London Daily Post, 96
London operas, 126
Lotario, 84
Lubeck, 28
Lucretia, 39
Lully, 18, 19, 181


Mad scene in Orlando, 127
Mahler, 154
Mainwaring, 47
Manchester, Duke of, 42
Mandoline, 160 n.
Mannheim players, 164
Marcello, 3
Marylebone, 167
Mattheson, 5, 18, 21, 23, 27, 82
Mayence, 110
Medici, 36
Mendelssohn, 119
Melodic lines, 117
Melodist, 28
Messiah, 8, 59, 97, 98, 104, 108, 119, etc.
Miller, 99
Mitridate Eupatore, 41
Modulations, 76

Moffat, 168
Mozart, 21, 36, 88, 108, 117
Munich, 51, 52
Musette, 178
Musical architecture, 132
Musical comedy, 128
Musical dramas, 135
Musical Patriot, The, 24, 27
Muzio Scevola, 79


Naples, 112, 145
National musician of England,
The, 102
Natural scenes, 170
Nero, 33, 34
Newspapers, The first, 16
Nicolini, 63
Nitocris, 128
Nuance, 163


Objective art, 133
Oboe concertos, 64, 158
Occasional Oratorio, 101, 139, 185 n.
Ode to Queen Anne, 68
Ode to St. Cecilia, 92 , 95
Ombra cara from Radainisto, 125,
Open-air fêtes, 120, 190
Open-air music, 187
Opera Buffa, 137
Opera Comique, 91, 122, 128
Opera Diabolica, 17
Opera houses, 51, 102
Oratorios, 120, 122, 136, etc.
Orchestra, 9, 103, 153, 165
Orchestral concertos, 181 n..
Orchestral music, 158
Organ, 105
Organ concertos, 150-153
Organ music, 130
Orlando, 84, 122
Ottoboni, Cardinal, 143, 146
Ottone, 79, 190


Pagan life, 185
Painting in music, 141
Painting, 185
Palestrina, 114n.
Pantheon, 107
Parnasso in festa, 89 n., 96 n.
Partenope, 84
Partenza, 45
Pasquini, 43, 44
Passion according to St. John,
25, 32
Passion after Brockes, 70, 138,182
Passionate scenes, 133
Passions, 69
Pastor Fido, 89
Pastoral Symphony, 170
Pepusch, 96
Piccadilly, 67
Pictures, Love of, 115
Pietism, 12, 39, 71
Pifferari, 46, 114
Pirro, 13
Pistocchi, 11
Pistol-shot in orchestra, 160 n.
Plagiarisms, 118
Polifemo, 76
Pope, 67, 82, 142 n.
Poro, 84
Porpora, 87, 88
Postel, 22, 31
Pratelino, 38
Pretender, Charles Edward, 100
Princess of Wales, 81
Programme music, 184, 185 n.
Psalms, 70, 120
Purcell, 58, etc.
Puritanical opposition, 61
Pygmalion, 90
Pythagoreans, 24


Quartets, 131
Queen Anne, 65, 68
Quintet, 132


Radamisto, 74, 78
Rameau's Acanthe, 164 n.
Ranelagh, 187
Raphael, 10
Recitative, 20
Recitative-arioso, 126
Recitatives and airs, 128
Relationship with vocal, 145
Resurrection, 44, 159, 161
Rhythms, 134
Riccardo I, 81, 186 n.
Rich's theatre, 90
Rigid and stolid manner of rendering Handel's works, 119
Rinaldo, 63, 64
Roderigo, 40, 42, 182
Rodelinda 80
Rôles, Singers', 123
Romances, 91
Rome, 39
Rosamunde, 62
Roseingrave, 114 n.
Rosenmüller, 4
Roubiliac, 107
Ruspoli, Cardinal, 42


St. John Chrysostomo's Theatre, 41, 47
St. Paul's Cathedral, 66
Saint-Saens, 140, 141
Samson, 31, 98, 126
San Giovanni Grisostomo, 41, 47
Saul, 94, 126, 183
Scarlatti, 38, 41, 43, 76, 122, 127
Schott, 22
Schumann, 109
Schütz, 36, 56
Second Concerto in F major, 170
Semele, 127, 135
Semi-romantic colour, 115
Serse, 91 n., 122, 124, 98 n.
Servio Tullio, 52

Seven Trios or Sonatas in two parts, 94
Seventh Concerto, 169
Shakespeare, 121
Sicilian legend, 72
Sight gone, 105
Singakademien, 108, 110
Siroë, 81
Six Fugues or Voluntaries, 149
Six Sonatas in Trio, 154
Sixth Concerto in G minor, 176
Smith, C., 107
Smollett, 100
Society for the Maintenance of Poor Musicians, 96, 107
Solo voices, 123
Solomon, 102, 131
Sonata for Viola da Gamba, 154
Sonatas or trios for two violins, flutes, 155
Sonatas or trios for two violins, 155
Sonatas for the flute, violin, and harpsichord, 145
Sonatas for flute and bass, 64, 155
Sophia Charlotte, Princess, 11
Speed of working, Handel's, 116
Steffani, 7, 11, 19, 46, 51, 64, 122
Storms, Musical, 142
Streatfeild, 37, 40
Strungk, 6
Stuart party, 68
Stuart, James I, 66
Strauss, R., 121
Stradella, 118
Sturm und Drang period, 143
Styles, 133, 134, 137
Suites, etc., 146
Suites de pièces pour le clavecin, 143
Susanna, 102
Symphonies, 158
Swift, 67, 82


Tamerlano, 79, 84, 122, 127
Tarquini, 40
Te Deum, 65, 66, 68, 120
Telemann, 56, 141
Tendencies, 122
Tenor, 123
Terpsichore, 90
Teseo, 65, 127
Theatre, 120
Theatre closed, Handel's, 93
Theile's Creation, 17
Theodora, 48, 104, 135
Theologians, 4
Theology, 12
The Triumph of Time and Truth, 106, 159, 160, 161
Third Violin, Part for, 161
Thirty Years' War, 4
Thornhill, 23
Tomomeo, 81
Tone-colour, 159, 160, 161
Tor di Nona, 39
Touch, 151
Trionfo del Tempo, 106
Trios, 131
Tunbridge Wells, 92
Tyer, 187


Utrecht, 66


Vatican, 44
Vaudeville, 138
Vauxhall Gardens, 94, 100, 101, 107, 187
Venice, 40, 42
Vierge d'Martyre, 48
Vinci, 84
Viola, 160, 161
Violoncellist, 75
Violoncello, 160
Violette marine, 160 n.
Virtuoso powers, 40, 49
Vivaldi, 168
Vocal ensemble pieces, 130
Vocal ornamentation, 128, 129


Wagner, 142
Walpole, 81
Walsh, 145, 149, 181 n.
Water music, 68 n., 158, 188
Weissenfels, 3
Westminster Abbey, 107
Witchcraft, 13


Zachau, 5, 15, 113
Zadock the Priest, 109 n.
Zappi, 43

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