It is hereby ordered that before reporting to Congress useless files of papers to be disposed of under the provisions of the Act of February 16, 1889,[1] as extended and amended by Section 1, Chapter 189, of the Act of March 2, 1895,[2] lists of such papers shall be submitted to the Librarian of Congress in order that the several executive departments may have the benefit of his views as to the wisdom of preserving such of the papers as he may deem to be of historical interest.

Signature of William Howard Taft
Wm. H. Taft.

The White House,

March 16, 1912.


  1. 25 Stat. 672, Chap. 171, 50th Congress, Sess. II, February 16, 1889.
  2. 28 Stat. 910, Chap. 189, 53rd Congress, Sess. III, March 2, 1895.

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