Blake manuscript - Notebook - page 041

Edited text:[1]

English Encouragement of Art: Cromek’s opinions put into rhyme

IF[2] you mean to please everybody you will
Set to work both ignorance and skill.
For a great multitude are ignorant,
And skill to them seems raving and rant.
5 Like putting oil and water in a lamp,
’Twill make a great splutter with smoke and damp.
For there is no use as it seems to me
Of lighting a lamp, when you don’t wish to see.


The original text:[3]

English Encouragement of Art

[First reading]

If you mean to Please Every body you will
Set to work both Ignorance & skill
For a great multitude are Ignorant
And skill to them seems raving & ran
5 Like putting oil & water into a lamp
Twill make a great splutter with smoke & damp
For there is no use as it seems to me
Of lighting a Lamp when you dont wish to see

English Encouragement of Art

[Final reading]

Cromeks opinions put into Rhyme

If you mean to Please Every body you will
Menny wouver both Bunglishness & skill
For a great Conquest are Bunglery
And Jenous looks to ham like mad Rantery
5 Like displaying oil & water into a lamp
Twill hold forth a huge splutter with smoke & damp
For its all sheer loss as it seems to me
Of displaying up a light when we want not to see



  1. The Poetical Works of William Blake, including the unpublished French Revolution together with the Minor Prophetic Books and Selections from The Four Zoas, Milton & Jerusalem; edited with an introduction and textual notes by John Sampson, Hon. D.Litt. Oxon., 1862–1931. London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1908.
  2. I print here the earlier and clearer version of this piece, Blake’s subsequent changes being noted below. 2 ‘Menny wouver’ both bunglishness and skill MS. 2nd rdg. 5 putting] displaying MS. 2nd rdg. 6 ’Twill make a great splutter] ’Twill hold forth a huge splutter MS. 2nd rdg. 7 For there is no use] For it’s all sheer loss MS. 2nd rdg. 8 Of displaying up a light when we want not to see MS. 2nd rdg.
  3. "The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake", ed. by David V. Erdman, Anchor Books, 1988, p. 509-510.

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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