Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900
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Owens - Passelewe
Owens - Paley
Palfreyman - Park J.A.
Park J. - Parnell T.
Parnell W. - Passelewe
Owens, John (1790-1846)
Owens, John Lennergan
Owens, Owen
Owenson, Robert
Owenson, Miss Sydney
Owtram, William
Oxberry, William (1784-1824)
Oxberry, William Henry
Oxburgh, Henry
Oxenbridge, John
Oxenden, Ashton
Oxenden, George (1620-1669)
Oxenden, George (1651-1703)
& George Oxenden (1694-1775).
Oxenden, Henry
Oxenedes, John de
or Oxnead.
Oxenford, John
Oxenham, Henry Nutcombe
Oxenham, John
Oxford, Earls of
Oxford, John of
Oxinden, Henry
Oxlee, John
Oxley, John
Oxley, Joseph
Oxnead, John of
Ozell, John
Paas, Simon
Pace, John
Pace, Richard
Pacifico, David
Pack, Denis
Pack, George
Pack, Richardson
Packe, Christopher (1593?-1682)
Packe, Christopher (fl.1711)
& Edmund Packe (
. 1735).
Packe, Christopher
Packe, Christopher (fl.1796)
Packer, John (1570?-1649)
Packer, John Hayman
Packer, William
Paddock, Tom
Paddy, William
Padua, John of
Pagan, Isobel
Pagan, James
Paganel, Ralph
& William Paganel (
. 1136?).
& Fulk (
. 1182).
& Fulk (
. 1210?).
& Adam Paganel (
. 1210).
Paganell, Gervase
Page, Benjamin William
Page, David
Page, Francis
Page, Frederick
Page, John
Page, Samuel
Page, Thomas (1803-1877)
Page, Thomas Hyde
Page, William
Pageham, John de
Paget, Arthur
Paget, Charles (d.1612)
Paget, Charles (1778-1839)
Paget, Edward
Paget, Francis Edward
Paget, George Augustus Frederick
Paget, George Edward
Paget, Henry (d.1743)
& Thomas Catesby Paget (
. 1742).
& Paget, Henry, (1719-1769).
Paget, Henry William
& Clarence Edward Paget.
& Alfred Henry Paget.
Paget, John (d.1640)
& Paget, Thomas (
. 1660).
Paget, John (1808-1892)
Paget, Nathan
Paget, Thomas (d.1590)
Paget, William (1505-1563)
Paget, William (1572-1629)
Paget, William (1609-1678)
Paget, William (1637-1713)
Pagit, Ephraim
Pagit, Eusebius
Pagula, William
Pain, James
& Pain, George Richard.
Pain, William
Paine, James (1725-1789)
Paine, James (d.1829?)
Paine, Thomas
Painter, Edward
Painter, William
Paisible, James
Paisley, Lord
Pakeman, Thomas
Pakenham, Edward Michael
Pakenham, Hercules Robert
Pakenham, Richard
Pakenham, Thomas
Pakington, Dorothy
Pakington, John (d.1560)
Pakington, John (1549-1625)
& John Pakington (1600–1624).
Pakington, John (1620-1680)
& John Pakington (1649–1688).
Pakington, John (1671-1727)
Pakington, John Somerset
Pakington, William
Palairet, Elias
Palairet, John
Palavicino, Horatio
Paley, Frederick Apthorp
Paley, William
Palfreyman, Thomas
Palgrave, Francis
Palgrave, William Gifford
Palin, William
Palk, Robert
Pallady, Richard
Palliser, Fanny Bury
Palliser, Hugh
Palliser, John
Palliser, William (1646-1726)
Palliser, William (1830-1882)
Palmarius, Thomas
Palmer, Alicia Tindal
Palmer, Anthony (1618?-1679)
& Anthony Palmer (
. 1693).
Palmer, Anthony (1675?-1749)
Palmer, Barbara
Palmer, Charles John
Palmer, Charlotte
Palmer, Edward (fl.1572)
Palmer, Edward Henry
Palmer, Eleanor
Palmer, Geoffrey
Palmer, George
Palmer, Henry (d.1611)
Palmer, Henry Spencer
Palmer, Herbert
Palmer, James (d.1657)
Palmer, James (1585-1660)
Palmer, James Frederick
Palmer, John (d.1607)
& Palmer, John (
. 1614).
Palmer, John (1650-1700?)
Palmer, John (1742-1786)
Palmer, John (1729?-1790)
Palmer, John (1742?-1798)
& Robert Palmer (1757-1805?).
& John Palmer the elder (
. 1768).
Palmer, John (1742-1818)
& Palmer, Charles (1777-1851).
Palmer, John (fl.1818)
Palmer, John (1782-1852)
Palmer, John Horsley
Palmer, Joseph
Palmer, Julins
Palmer, Mary
Palmer, Richard (d.1195)
Palmer, Richard (d.1625)
Palmer, Roger
Palmer, Roundell
Palmer, Samuel (d.1724)
Palmer, Samuel (d.1732)
Palmer, Samuel (1741-1813)
Palmer, Samuel (1805-1881)
Palmer, Shirley
Palmer, Thomas (fl.1410)
Palmer, Thomas (d.1553)
& Palmer, Henry (
. 1559).
Palmer, Thomas (1540-1626)
Palmer, Thomas (fl.1644-1666)
Palmer, Thomas Fyshe
Palmer, William (1539?-1605)
Palmer, William (1824-1856)
Palmer, William (1802-1858)
Palmer, William (1811-1879)
Palmer, William (1803-1885)
Palmeranus, Thomas
Palmerston, Viscounts
Palmes, Bryan
Palsgrave, John
Paltock, Robert
Paman, Henry
Panizzi, Anthony
Panke, John
Panmure, Earls of
Panmure, Barons
Panmure, Lord of
Panter, David
Panter, Patrick
Pantin, Thomas Pindar
Panton, Paul
Panton, Thomas (d.1685)
Panton, Thomas (1731-1808)
Pantulf, Hugh
& Pantulf, William (
. 1233).
Pantulf, William
& Pantulf, Ivo.
& Pantulf, Robert.
Paoli, Pascal
Papillon, David
Papillon, Thomas
& Papillon, Philip.
Papilon, Ralph
Papin, Denis
& Papin, Isaac.
Papineau, Louis Joseph
Papworth, Edgar George
Papworth, George
& Papworth, John Thomas.
Papworth, John (1775-1847)
Papworth, John Woody
Papworth, Wyatt Angelicus Van Sandau
Paradise, John
Pardoe, Julia
Pardoe, William
Pardon, George Frederick
Pare, William
Parent, Étienne
Parepa-Rosa, Euphrosyne Parepa de Boyesku
Parfew, Robert
Parfitt, Edward
Parfre, Jhan
Paris, John Ayrton
Paris, Matthew
Parish, Woodbine
Parish-Alvars, Eli
Park, Andrew
Park, Henry
Park, James (1636-1696)
Park, James Alan
Park, John (1804-1865)
Park, John James
Park, John Ranicar
Park, Mungo
Park, Patric
Park, Thomas
Parke, Daniel
Parke, Henry
Parke, James
Parke, John
& Parke, Maria Hester.
Parke, Robert (fl.1588)
Parke, Robert (1600-1668)
Parke, Robert (fl.1800)
Parke, Thomas Heazle
Parke, William Thomas
Parker, Alexander
Parker, Benjamin
Parker, Charles (1800-1881)
Parker, Charles Christopher
Parker, Emma
Parker, George (1651-1743)
Parker, George (1697-1764)
& George Lane Parker (1724-1791).
Parker, George (1732-1800)
Parker, George (1767-1847)
Parker, George (d.1857)
Parker, Henry (d.1470)
Parker, Henry (1476-1556)
& Henry Parker (
. 1577).
& Philip Parker (
. 1580).
Parker, Henry (1604-1652)
Parker, Henry Perlee
Parker, Henry Watson
Parker, Hyde (1714-1782)
Parker, Hyde (1739-1807)
& Hyde Parker (1784?–1854).
Parker, James (1750-1805)
Parker, James (1803-1852)
Parker, John (1534-1592)
Parker, John (fl.1655)
Parker, John (d.1681)
Parker, John (fl.1705)
Parker, John (1730?-1765?)
Parker, John (fl.1762-1776)
Parker, John (1772-1840)
& Edmund Parker (1810–1864).
Parker, John (1798-1860)
Parker, John (1799-1881)
Parker, John Henry
Parker, John William
Parker, Martin
Parker, Matthew
Parker, Nicholas
Parker, Peter (1721-1811)
& Parker, Christopher.
Parker, Peter (1785-1814)
Parker, Richard (1572-1629)
Parker, Richard (1767?-1797)
Parker, Robert (1564?-1614)
Parker, Robert (fl.1718)
Parker, Samuel (1640-1688)
Parker, Samuel (1681-1730)
Parker, Samuel William Langston
Parker, Thomas (fl.1581)
Parker, Thomas (1595-1677)
Parker, Thomas (1666?-1732)
Parker, Thomas (1695?-1784)
Parker, Thomas Lister
Parker, William (fl.1535)
Parker, William (d.1618)
Parker, William (1575-1622)
Parker, William (1714-1802)
Parker, William (1743-1802)
Parker, William (1781-1866)
Parker, William Kitchen
Parkes, Alexander
Parkes, David
& James Parkes (1794–1828).
Parkes, Edmund Alexander
Parkes, Harry Smith
Parkes, Joseph
Parkes, Josiah
Parkes, Richard
Parkes, Samuel
Parkes, William
Parkhouse, Hannah
Parkhurst, John (1512?-1576)
Parkhurst, John (1564-1639)
& Ferdinando Parkhurst (
. 1660).
Parkhurst, John (1728-1797)
Parkhurst, Nathaniel
Parkhurst, Thomas
Parkin, Charles
Parkinson, Anthony
Parkinson, James (1653-1722)
Parkinson, James (1730?-1813)
& Joseph Parkinson (1783–1855).
Parkinson, James (d.1824)
Parkinson, John
Parkinson, Richard (1748-1815)
Parkinson, Richard (1797-1858)
Parkinson, Stephen
Parkinson, Sydney
Parkinson, Thomas (fl.1769-1789)
Parkinson, Thomas (1745-1830)
Parkyns, Mansfield
Parkyns, Thomas
Parkyns, William
Parley, Peter
Parmentier, James
Parnell, Charles Stewart
& Fanny Parnell (1854-1882).
Parnell, Henry Brooke
& John Vesey Parnell (1805–1883).
Parnell, James
Parnell, John
Parnell, Thomas
Parnell, William
Parning, Robert
Parr, Bartholomew
Parr, Catherine
Parr, Elnathan
Parr, George
Parr, John
Parr, Remigius
& Nathaniel Parr (
. 1730–1760).
Parr, Richard (1592?-1644)
or Parre
Parr, Richard (1617-1691)
Parr, Samuel
Parr, Thomas
Parr, William (1434-1483?)
Parr, William (1513-1571)
Parris, Edmund Thomas
Parris, George van
Parrot, Henry
Parry, Benjamin
Parry, Caleb Hillier
Parry, Charles Henry
Parry, Edward (d.1650)
Parry, Edward (1830-1890)
Parry, Henry
Parry, John (d.1677)
Parry, John (d.1782)
Parry, John (1776-1851)
Parry, John Docwra
Parry, John Humffreys (1786-1825)
Parry, John Humffreys (1816-1880)
Parry, John Orlando
Parry, Joseph
& James Parry (
. 1871?).
& David Henry Parry (1793–1826).
& Charles James Parry (1824–1894).
Parry, Joshua
Parry, Love Parry Jones
Parry, Richard (1560-1623)
Parry, Richard (1722-1780)
Parry, Robert
Parry, Sefton Henry
Parry, Thomas (d.1560)
Parry, Thomas (d.1616)
Parry, Thomas (1795-1870)
& Henry Hutton Parry (1827–1893).
Parry, Thomas Gambier
Parry, William (d.1585)
Parry, William (fl.1601)
Parry, William (1687-1756?)
Parry, William (1742?-1791)
Parry, William (1754-1819)
Parry, William (fl.1825)
Parry, William Edward
Pars, Henry
Pars, William
Parsell, Thomas
Parsley, Osbert
Parson, Thomas
Parsons, Abraham
Parsons, Andrew
Parsons, Bartholomew
Parsons, Benjamin
Parsons, Edward (1762-1833)
& Edward Parsons (1797–1844).
Parsons, Eliza
Parsons, Elizabeth (1749-1807)
Parsons, Elizabeth (1812-1873)
Parsons, Francis
Parsons, Gertrude
Parsons, Humphrey
Parsons, James (1705-1770)
Parsons, James (1762-1847)
Parsons, James (1799-1877)
Parsons, John (d.1623)
Parsons, John (1742-1785)
Parsons, John (1761-1819)
Parsons, John Meeson
Parsons, Lawrence (d.1698)
Parsons, Lawrence
Parsons, Philip (1594-1653)
Parsons, Philip (1729-1812)
Parsons, Richard
Parsons, Robert (d.1570)
Parsons, Robert (1546-1610)
Parsons, Robert (1647-1714)
Parsons, William (1570?-1650)
Parsons, William (1658-1725?)
Parsons, William (1736-1795)
Parsons, William (fl.1785-1807)
Parsons, William (1746?-1817)
Parsons, William (1800-1867)
Partington, Charles Frederick
Partridge, John (fl.1566)
Partridge, John (1644-1715)
Partridge, John (1790-1872)
Partridge, Joseph
Partridge, Miles
Partridge, Peter
Partridge, Richard
Partridge, Seth
Parvus, John
Parys, William
Paschal, John
Pasco, John
Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne
Pasfield, Robert
Pashe, William
Pashley, Robert
Paske, Thomas
Pasley, Charles (1824-1890)
Pasley, Charles William
Pasley, Thomas (1734-1808)
Pasley, Thomas Sabine
Pasor, Matthias
Pass, Simon
Passelewe, Edmund de
Passelewe, Robert
Passelewe, Simon
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