PARYS, WILLIAM (d. 1609), author, matriculated as a pensioner of Peterhouse, Cambridge, in June 1582, proceeded B.A. in 1585–6, and commenced M.A. in 1589. On 9 Jan. 1594–5 he was elected master of St. Olave's grammar school in Southwark, and held the post till his death in 1609. He left a widow and three children.
Parys has been conjectured to be the ‘W. P.’ who wrote or translated the following books: 1. ‘Foure great Lyers, striuing who shall win the Silver Whet-Stone; also, a Resolution to the Countriman, prouing it vtterly vnlawfull to buy or vse our yeerly prognostications, by W. P.,’ 8vo, London [1580?]. 2. ‘The most pleasaunt and delectable Historie of Lazarillo de Tormes, a Spaneyard. … The second part translated out of Spanish by W. P.,’ 4to, London, 1596. 3. ‘A Booke of Secrets: shewing divers waies to make & prepare all sortes of inke & colours … also to write with gold & silver, or any kind of mettall out of the pen: with many other profitable secrets. … Translated out of Dutch … by W. P. Hereunto is annexed a little Treatise, intituled Instructions for ordering of Wines … written first in Italian, and now translated into English by W. P.,’ 4to, London, 1596. 4. ‘John Huighen van Linschoten his Discours of Voyages into ye Easte & West Indies … translated out of Dutch by W. P.,’ fol., London, 1598. The translation of the latter two works is assigned to William Phillip in the British Museum Catalogue.
[Cooper's Athenæ Cantabr. ii. 529; Cat. of Books in Brit. Mus. to 1640.]