HESLOP, LUKE (1738–1825), archdeacon of Buckingham, was born and baptised on St. Luke's day, 18 Oct. 1738. He was admitted a sizar at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 30 May 1760; was appointed chapel clerk on 31 Oct. following; was elected a Sterne scholar 19 Oct. 1764, a Spencer scholar November 1764, and a fellow of his college 26 Jan. 1769. In 1764 he was senior wrangler. He graduated B.A. 1764, M.A. 1767, and B.D. 1775. He was an unsuccessful candidate for the professorship of chemistry in 1771, but served as moderator (1772–3). John Green [q.v.] , bishop of Lincoln, a former master of Corpus Christi, appointed Heslop his examining chaplain, and on 2 Sept. 1778 collated him to the archdeaconry of Buckingham, together with a prebendal stall at Lincoln. On 28 Sept. 1776 he was appointed prebendary in St. Paul's Cathedral and vicar of St. Peter-le-Poor, London. He was subsequently rector of Adstock, Buckinghamshire, for upwards of twenty-five years, holding in addition during the latter part of the period the rectory of Addington. In 1803 he became rector of Bothal in Northumberland, but soon resigned the living on being appointed rector of St. Marylebone, London, and vicar of St. Augustine's in Bristol. In 1809 he settled in Marylebone and devoted himself to his extensive parish. Few men ever held successively more church preferments, yet he died a comparatively poor man at 27 Nottingham Place, Marylebone, on 23 June 1825, aged 86. His constitution was remarkably vigorous, and for eighty years he never suffered from ill-health. He was buried in the new church of St. Marylebone. He married in 1773 Dorothy, daughter of Dr. Reeve. She died at Bury, 28 Dec. 1827. Heslop was the author of two sermons and a charge (1807) and of: 1. ‘Observations on the Statute of 31 Geo. II, c. 29, concerning the Assize of Bread,’ 1799, 4to. 2. ‘A Comparative Statement of the Food produced from Arable and Grass Land and the returns from each, with Observations on Inclosures and the Effect of an Act for Enclosing Commons,’ 1801, 4to. 3. ‘Observations on the Duty of Property,’ 1805.
[Gent. Mag. 1826, pt. i. pp. 89–90, 386; Masters's History of Corpus Christi (Lamb's Continuation), 1831, pp. 409–10; information from Dr. Edward H. Perowne, master of Corpus Christi College.]