- Bibliotheca cornubiensis (Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, 1874)
Contributions to the Dictionary of National Biography
A & B
- Bell, George (1794-1877)
- Bell, John (1782-1876)
- Bentinck, Henry John William
- Berry, William
- Bethell, Christopher
- Biddlecombe, George
- Blackall, John
- Blakeney, Edward
- Bland, William
- Blenkiron, William
- Bloomfield, John Arthur Douglas
- Boase, Henry (1763-1827)
- Bohn, James Stuart Burges
- Boileau, John Peter
- Bölckow, Henry William Ferdinand
- Boner, Charles
- Booth, Thomas (d.1835)
- Booth, James (1796-1880)
- Boott, Francis
- Borthwick, Peter
- Bouch, Thomas
- Bourne, Hugh
- Bowen, John (1815-1859)
- Bowlby, Thomas William
- Bowly, Samuel
- Boyd, Archibald
- Boyd, Benjamin
- Boyd, James
- Brackenbury, Edward
- Bradfield, Henry Joseph Steele
- Bradshaw, George
- Brady, Antonio
- Braithwaite, John (1797-1870)
- Brandt, Francis Frederick
- Bremner, James
- Brewster, Abraham
- Broderip, Frances Freeling
- Broderip, William John
- Brodie, Peter Bellinger
- Brooke, Charles (1804-1879)
- Brooks, Charles William Shirley
- Brougham, John
- Broughton, William Grant
- Brown, William (1784-1864)
- Bruce, Frederick William Adolphus
- Brunton, William
- Buchanan, Andrew (1807-1882)
- Buckingham, Leicester Silk
- Buckley, William (1780-1856)
- Budd, Henry
- Bulteel, Henry Bellenden
- Bunsen, Frances
- Burke, William (1792-1829)
- Burrows, John Cordy
- Burton, William Evans
- Bury, Charlotte Susan Maria
- Butler, George (1774-1853)
- Buxton, Bertha H.
- Butt, Isaac
- Cabbell, Benjamin Bond
- Cadell, Francis
- Cahill, Daniel William
- Calcraft, William
- Calvert, Frederick Baltimore
- Campbell, Alexander (1788-1866)
- Cann, Abraham
- Cardale, John Bate
- Carey, James
- Carlyle, Thomas (1803-1855)
- Carne, Elizabeth Catherine Thomas
- Carne, John
- Carne, Robert Harkness
- Carter, Henry
- Cartier, George Etienne
- Cartwright, Samuel
- Carvosso, Benjamin
- Cassell, John
- Cathcart, Charles Murray
- Caunt, Benjamin
- Cavagnari, Pierre Louis Napoleon
- Cave, Stephen
- Cavendish, Frederick Charles
- Cavendish, William George Spencer
- Chamberlain, John Henry
- Chambers, John Graham
- Chambers, William Frederick
- Champneys, William Weldon
- Chapman, Henry Samuel
- Charlesworth, Maria Louisa
- Charleton, Robert
- Chatelain, Clara de
- Chatterton, Henrietta Georgiana Marcia Lascelles
- Chester, Joseph Lemuel
- Chichester, Frederick Richard
- Chifney, Samuel
- Chisholm, Caroline
- Christie, Samuel Hunter
- Churchill, John Spriggs Morss
- Churchill, John Winston Spencer
- Clark, William (1821-1880)
- Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop
- Claudet, Antoine François Jean
- Clay, John
- Cleasby, Anthony
- Clegg, Samuel
- Clifford, Augustus William James
- Clifford, Henry Hugh
- Clinton, Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham (1785-1851)
- Clinton, Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham (1811-1864)
- Close, Francis
- Clowes, William (1780-1851)
- Clutterbuck, Henry
- Coates, Robert
- Coldstream, John
- Collard, Frederick William
- Colledge, Thomas Richardson
- Collis, John Day
- Colvin, John Russell
- Compton, Spencer Joshua Alwyne
- Conder, Josiah
- Condy, Nicholas
- Cook, Edward Dutton
- Coombes, Robert
- Copeland, Thomas
- Corser, Thomas
- Costello, Dudley
- Costello, Louisa Stuart
- Cotton, St. Vincent
- Cox, Edward William
- Coyne, Joseph Stirling
- Cramp, John Mockett
- Crampton, Victoire
- Craufurd, James
- Craven, Keppel Richard
- Crawshay, Robert Thompson
- Crawshay, William
- Cribb, Tom
- Crichton, Alexander
- Crichton, Andrew
- Crossley, Francis
- Cubitt, Thomas
- Cubitt, William (1785-1861)
- Cubitt, William (1791-1863)
- Cunard, Samuel
- Cunningham, Peter Miller
- Dale, Thomas (1797-1870)
- Dallas, Eneas Sweetland
- Dalyell, John Graham
- Dansey, William
- Darby, John Nelson
- Dargan, William
- Darling, James
- Dashwood, George Henry
- Daunt, Achilles
- Davies, Griffith
- Davies, Lucy Clementina
- Davies, Robert (1793-1875)
- Davies, Thomas Stephens
- Davies, William Edmund
- Davys, George
- Dawes, Richard (1793-1867)
- Deas, David
- Dendy, Walter Cooper
- Denison, Albert
- Denison, Edward (1801-1854)
- Dennistoun, James
- Dent, Edward John
- D'Eyncourt, Charles Tennyson
- Dillon, William Henry
- Dod, Charles Roger Phipps
- Dodd, Philip Stanhope
- Dodson, John
- Don, William Henry
- Donkin, Bryan
- Dowling, Alfred Septimus
- Dowling, Frank Lewis
- Dowling, James
- Dowling, Vincent George
- Dowton, William
- Ducrow, Andrew
- Dumbreck, David
- Dunn, Samuel (1798-1882)
- Dunsterville, Edward
- Dyce-Sombre, David Ochterlony
E & F
- East, James Buller
- Easthope, John
- Eden, Emily
- Eden, Robert John
- Edmonstone, Archibald
- Edwards, Henry Thomas
- Egerton, Francis (1800-1857)
- Ellis, Wynne
- Errington, John Edward
- Evans, Arthur Benoni
- Evans, Robert Wilson
- Everest, George
- Ewart, William
- Faber, George Stanley
- Falconer, Edmund
- Falconer, William (1801-1885)
- Fane, John (1784-1859)
- Fane, Julian Henry Charles
- Fane, Priscilla Anne
- Fane, Robert George Cecil
- Farey, John (1791-1851)
- Farley, Charles
- Farrar, John
- Feild, Edward
- Fellows, Charles
- Festing, Francis Worgan
- Finch-Hatton, George William
- Finlaison, John
- Finlayson, Thomas
- Firth, Mark
- Fisher, John William
- Fitzgerald, William (1814-1883)
- Fitzwilliam, Edward Francis
- Fletcher, Alexander
- Fletcher, George
- Flexmore, Richard
- Flower, Edward Fordham
- Flowers, Frederick
- Forrester, Alfred Henry
- Forrester, Charles Robert
- Fowler, John (1826-1864)
- Fox, Charles (1797-1878)
- Francis, John (1811-1882)
- Freeman, Philip
- Friswell, James Hain
- Froude, William
- Fulford, Francis
- Fust, Herbert Jenner-
- Gambier, Edward John
- Gardiner, Allen Francis
- Gaselee, Stephen (1762-1839)
- Gaselee, Stephen (1807-1883)
- Gattie, Henry
- Gatty, Margaret
- Geeran, Thomas
- Geldart, James William
- George, John
- Gibson, Thomas Milner-
- Gilbert, Ashurst Turner
- Gilbert, Charles Sandoe
- Gilbert, Davies
- Gilbert, Marie Dolores Eliza Rosanna
- Gilbert, Richard
- Gillan, Robert
- Gillott, Joseph
- Girdlestone, Edward
- Girling, Mary Anne
- Godolphin, Francis
- Godolphin, Henry
- Godwin-Austen, Robert Alfred Cloyne
- Goodford, Charles Old
- Gordon, Edward Strathearn
- Gordon, Lucie
- Gore, Catherine Grace Frances
- Gorham, George Cornelius
- Graham, John (1794-1865)
- Grant, James Macpherson
- Grattan, Thomas Colley
- Green, Charles
- Greg, Samuel
- Gregor, William
- Gregory, Barnard
- Grenfell, Pascoe (1761-1838)
- Grenville, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos
- Grenville, Richard Temple Plantagenet Campbell Nugent Brydges Chandos
- Grenville, Richard Temple Plantagenet Nugent Brydges Chandos
- Grey, John (1785-1868)
- Grey, Thomas Philip de
- Grieve, Thomas
- Gronow, Rees Howell
- Groves, Anthony Norris
- Gruneisen, Charles Lewis
- Guest, Josiah John
- Guinness, Benjamin Lee
- Gully, John
- Gurney, Anna
- Gurney, Archer Thompson
- Gurney, John Hampden
- Gurney, Samuel
- Gurney, William Brodie
- Guyon, Richard Debaufre
- Gwavas, William
- Gye, Frederick (1781-1869)
- Gye, Frederick (1810-1878)
- Haddan, Thomas Henry
- Hadfield, Charles
- Hadfield, George (1787-1879)
- Haggard, John
- Haliburton, Thomas Chandler
- Hall, Anna Maria
- Hall, Samuel Carter
- Halliday, Andrew (1830-1877)
- Halpin, Charles Graham
- Hamilton, George Alexander
- Hamley, Edward
- Hammond, Edmund
- Hamond, Graham Eden
- Hampden, Renn Dickson
- Hansom, Joseph Aloysius
- Hanson, Richard Davies
- Harcourt, Charles
- Harcourt, Edward
- Harcourt, Octavius Henry Cyril Vernon
- Harford, John Scandrett
- Hargreave, Charles James
- Harley, John Pritt
- Harlowe, Sarah
- Harness, William
- Harris, Charles Amyand
- Harris, John (1802-1856)
- Harris, John (1820-1884)
- Harrison, William (1812-1860)
- Harrod, Henry
- Hart, Andrew Searle
- Harvey, Daniel Whittle
- Haslam, John
- Hatchard, Thomas Goodwin
- Haughton, James
- Havergal, Henry East
- Havergal, William Henry
- Haweis, Thomas
- Hawes, Benjamin
- Hawkins, Ernest
- Hawley, Frederick
- Hawley, Joseph Henry
- Hay, Andrew Leith
- Hayday, James
- Hayes, Catherine
- Hayes, George
- Hayter, William Goodenough
- Hazlewood, Colin Henry
- Head, George
- Headlam, Thomas Emerson
- Heath, Christopher
- Heathcoat, John
- Helps, Arthur
- Hemans, Charles Isidore
- Hempel, Charles Frederick
- Hempel, Charles William
- Henderson, Alexander (1780-1863)
- Henderson, Ebenezer (1784-1858)
- Hengler, Frederick Charles
- Henry, Thomas (1807-1876)
- Heraud, John Abraham
- Herbert, Algernon
- Herbert, Henry William
- Heslop, Luke
- Hewlett, John
- Hewson, William (1806-1870)
- Hicks, William Robert
- Hildyard, James
- Hill, Pascoe Grenfell
- Hill, Robert Gardiner
- Hingston, Thomas
- Hinton, John Howard
- Hoare, Charles James
- Hobhouse, Henry
- Hoblyn, Robert
- Hogarth, George
- Hogg, James (1806-1888)
- Holland, Thomas (d.1612)
- Holloway, Thomas (1800-1883)
- Holmes, John (1800-1854)
- Holmes, Robert (1765-1859)
- Honner, Robert William
- Honyman, George Essex
- Hood, Thomas (1835-1874)
- Hope, Alexander James Beresford
- Horsman, Edward
- Hoskins, Samuel Elliott
- Hotten, John Camden
- Howard, Henry Edward John
- Howitt, Mary
- Howitt, William
- Hudson, George
- Hughes, William (1803-1861)
- Hugo, Thomas
- Hume, Alexander Hamilton
- Hume, James Deacon
- Hunt, George Ward
- Hunt, Thomas (1802-1851)
- Hunter, Claudius Stephen
- Hunter, John Kelso
- Husband, William
- Hutt, William
- Hutton, Robert Howard
I, J & K
- Ingram, Herbert
- Inman, William
- Irons, William Josiah
- Isaac, Samuel
- Isbister, Alexander Kennedy
- Jacob, Arthur
- James, Edward
- James, Edwin John
- Jamieson, Thomas Hill
- Jay, William
- Jeffery, Dorothy
- Jellett, John Hewitt
- Jeune, Francis
- Jewitt, Arthur
- Jezreel, James Jershom
- Jobson, Frederick James
- Johnson, George Henry Sacheverell
- Johnson, George William
- Johnstone, Edward
- Johnstone, James (1815-1878)
- Jones, Horace
- Just, John
- Keigwin, John
- Keith, Alexander (1791-1880)
- Kelland, Philip
- Kelly, John (1801-1876)
- Kenney, Charles Lamb
- Kenney, James
- King, Peter John Locke
- Kinnaird, Arthur Fitzgerald
- Kitchiner, William
- Klitz, Philip
- Knill, Richard
- Knowles, Richard Brinsley
- Knyvett, William
- Kynaston, Herbert
- Lablache, Frederick
- Lablache, Luigi
- Lacy, Thomas Hailes
- Laing, David (1774-1856)
- Lalor, John
- Lalor, Peter
- Lampson, Curtis Miranda
- Lancaster, Charles William
- Landsborough, William
- Lang, John Dunmore
- Law, William John
- Lawrence, George Alfred
- Lawrence, George St. Patrick
- Lawson, James Anthony
- Laxton, William (1802-1854)
- Leahy, Patrick
- Lee, John (1779-1859)
- Lee, John (1783-1866)
- Lee, Robert (1804-1868)
- Leichhardt, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig
- Leifchild, John
- Leigh, Henry Sambrooke
- Lennox, William Pitt
- Lewis, Leopold David
- Lillywhite, Frederick William
- Littledale, Richard Frederick
- Locke, Joseph
- Long, James (1814-1887)
- Longley, Charles Thomas
- Love, William Edward
- Lovell, George William
- Low, David (1786-1859)
- Low, Sampson
- Lowe, James (d.1866)
- Lower, Richard (1782-1865)
- Lushington, Henry
- Lyall, William Rowe
- Lynch, Theodora Elizabeth
- Lyons, Robert Spencer Dyer
- Maberly, William Leader
- Macaulay, James Buchanan
- Macdonald, William Bell
- McDonnell, Alexander
- MacDonnell, Richard Graves
- Macfarlane, Duncan
- Maclaren, Charles
- McLaren, Duncan
- McNeile, Hugh
- Maguire, Robert
- Maitland, Thomas (1792-1851)
- Mallet, Robert
- Maltby, William
- Manning, James
- Manning, Marie
- Mansel, Charles Grenville
- Margary, Augustus Raymond
- Marriott, Wharton Booth
- Marsden, Samuel
- Marsh, William
- Marshall, Francis Albert
- Marshall, John (1794-1868)
- Marshman, John Clark
- Martin, James (1815-1886)
- Martin, Jonathan (1782-1838)
- Marvin, Charles Thomas
- Marwood, William
- Mason, John Charles
- Mason, Josiah
- Maxwell, John Hall
- Mayer, Samuel Ralph Townshend
- Mayhew, Augustus Septimus
- Mayne, Richard
- Mechi, John Joseph
- Melvill, Henry
- Mendoza, Daniel
- Michell, Nicholas
- Miller, John Cale
- Miller, Thomas (1807-1874)
- Moncrieff, William Thomas
- Morgan, John Minter
- Moule, Henry
- Mountain, George Jehoshaphat
- Mountain, Jacob
- Moyle, Matthew Paul
- Mudge, Henry
- Mudie, Charles Edward
- Murphy, Francis (1795-1858)
- Murphy, Patrick
- Murray, Terence Aubrey
N & O
- Napier, David
- Napier, Henry Edward
- Neale, Erskine
- Negretti, Enrico Angelo Ludovico
- Neild, John Camden
- Neville, Richard Cornwallis
- Neville, Richard Griffin
- Newdegate, Charles Newdigate
- Newport, George
- Nicholson, Renton
- Noad, Henry Minchin
- Nobbs, George Hunn
- Norman, George Warde
- Norris, Henry Handley
- Norton, John Bruce
- Oates, Francis
- O'Brien, James (1769-1856)
- O'Brien, James Thomas
- O'Connell, Morgan
- Ogilvie, Charles Atmore
- Ogle, Charles Chaloner
- Oliver, Martha Cranmer
- Oliver, Tom
- Olliffe, Joseph Francis
- Osborn, George
- Osborn, Robert Durie
- Oxenden, Ashton
- Oxlee, John
P & Q
- Pacifico, David
- Page, Thomas (1803-1877)
- Painter, Edward
- Palliser, John
- Palmer, George
- Parker, James (1803-1852)
- Parker, John (1799-1881)
- Parkes, Josiah
- Parry, John Orlando
- Parry, Sefton Henry
- Parsons, Gertrude
- Parsons, John Meeson
- Partington, Charles Frederick
- Paterson, Daniel
- Paterson, John (1776-1855)
- Pattison, Dorothy Wyndlow
- Payne, George (1803-1878)
- Payne, William Henry Schofield
- Pearl, Cora
- Peel, Jonathan
- Peel, Lawrence
- Peel, Robert (1822-1895)
- Pendleton, Frederick Henry Snow
- Pentland, Joseph Barclay
- Pepys, Henry
- Perceval, Alexander
- Percy, Henry Hugh Manvers
- Perkins, Henry
- Perrin, Louis
- Perring, John Shae
- Petersdorff, Charles Erdman
- Peto, Samuel Morton
- Phillips, Thomas (1801-1867)
- Phipps, Charles Beaumont
- Pigott, Gillery
- Pinney, Charles
- Planché, James Robinson
- Platt, Thomas Joshua
- Pleydell-Bouverie, Edward
- Pollard-Urquhart, William
- Ponsonby, Frederick George Brabazon
- Ponsonby, John (1770?-1855)
- Portman, Edward Berkeley
- Potter, George
- Powys, Horatio
- Pratt, John Tidd
- Pratt, Thomas Simson
- Prendergast, Thomas (1806-1886)
- Prévost, Louis Augustin
- Purchas, John
- Puseley, Daniel
- Pycroft, James
- Quin, Frederic Hervey Foster
- Quinton, James Wallace
- Raikes, Henry (1782-1854)
- Rands, William Brighty
- Rankine, William John Macquorn
- Ransford, Edwin
- Ranyard, Ellen Henrietta
- Rastrick, John Urpeth
- Rattee, James
- Redington, Thomas Nicholas
- Reece, Robert
- Reed, Charles
- Reed, Thomas German
- Rendel, James Meadows
- Renouard, George Cecil
- Richards, James Brinsley
- Rickards, Samuel
- Ridley, William Henry
- Ritchie, Leitch
- Robertson, Archibald (1789-1864)
- Robins, George Henry
- Rogers, Francis James Newman
- Ronayne, Joseph Philip
- Rose, George (1782-1873)
- Rothery, Henry Cadogan
- Routledge, George
- Rowan, Charles
- Rowe, Richard
- Ruff, William
- Runciman, James
- Russell, William Armstrong
- Ryan, Edward (1793-1875)
- Sadleir, Franc
- St. John, Bayle
- St. John, Horace Stebbing Roscoe
- Sampson, Henry (1841-1891)
- Samuda, Joseph d'Aguilar
- Saunders, Thomas William
- Savage, James (1779-1852)
- Savile, Bourchier Wrey
- Schomburgk, Robert Hermann
- Schreiber, Charlotte Elizabeth
- Scott, Caroline Lucy
- Scott, Harriet Anne
- Scott, John (1794-1871)
- Scott, William (1797-1848)
- Seager, Edward
- Seaton, Edward Cator
- Seaward, John
- Sedding, Edmund
- Sedgwick, Daniel
- Sedgwick, James
- Seeley, Robert Benton
- Selwyn, Charles Jasper
- Sewell, Richard Clarke
- Sewell, William
- Seymour, William Digby
- Sheaffe, Roger Hale
- Sherman, Edward
- Sherman, James
- Shoberl, Frederic
- Shortland, Willoughby
- Skinner, William (1778-1857)
- Sleigh, William Campbell
- Smith, Albert Richard
- Smith, George Charles
- Smith, John Sidney
- Smith, Robert Henry Soden
- Smith, Thomas Assheton
- Smith, Willoughby
- Smyth, Richard
- Soyer, Alexis Benoît
- Soyer, Elizabeth Emma
- Spiers, Alexander
- Spurgin, John
- Stanford, Charles
- Stark, Adam
- Starley, James
- Staunton, George Thomas
- Stephens, George (1800-1851)
- Sterling, Anthony Coningham
- Stevenson, Seth William
- Stisted, Henry William
- Stoddart, John
- Stuart, Dudley Coutts
- Sutherland, John
- Sykes, Tatton
- Symons, Jelinger Cookson
T, U, V
- Talbot, William Henry Fox
- Talfourd, Francis
- Tayler, Charles Benjamin
- Taylor, Richard Cowling
- Tegg, Thomas
- Tegg, William
- Tennent, James Emerson
- Thomas, David (1813-1894)
- Thompson, William (1811-1889)
- Thomson, Robert William
- Titcomb, Jonathan Holt
- Tomlins, Frederick Guest
- Tooke, William (1777-1863)
- Tremenheere, Hugh Seymour
- Trevelyan, Charles Edward
- Tweddell, Ralph Hart
- Twisleton, Edward Turner Boyd
- Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John
- Usher, Richard
- Varley, Cromwell Fleetwood
- Vaux, William Sandys Wright
- Vicars, Hedley Shafto Johnstone
- Vignoles, Charles Blacker
- Villiers, Henry Montagu
- Virtue, James Sprent
Works about Boase
- "Boase, George Clement," in Dictionary of National Biography, 1901 supplement, London: Smith, Elder, & Co. (1901) in 3 vols.

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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