< De Ecclesia. The Church


Abel, 3, 7, 13
Absolution. See Penance
Adam the Monk, 183, 217, 222, 230, 258
Adrian IV, 286
Agnes, 62, 127, 133 sq., 174
Alanus ab Insulis, 5
Albertus Magnus, 5
Alexander III, 280, 286
Alexander V, 181, 205, 240, 292
Alexander of Hales, 97
Alfonso da Liguori, 6
Alms, 219, 299
Ambrose, 8, 37, 62, 78, 142, 282
Anacletus, 82, 110, 150, 153, 211
Anacletus II, 181
Anselm, 94
Antichrist, 21, 107; in the papal chair, 128; clergy, 159, 177, 184, 253, 284, 291
Antioch, church of, 63, 151, 214 sq.
Apostles, foundations of the church, 80; equal with Peter, 82, 110, 143 sq., 154 sqq.; fell into heresy, 168; duties, 158, 195 sq.
Apostolic see, 195 sq., 197 sq., 212, 230 sqq.
Appeal to Christ, 207, 208
Aquinas, Thomas, 12, 37, 54; on faith, 67, 94; on penance, 97, 189 sq.
Aristotle, 2, 36, 234, 255

Augustine quoted, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 17, 23 sqq., 28 sq., 32 sq., 38, 42; mixed church, 44, 51, 53, 67; on Peter, 75, 76, 78, 80, 83; on the keys, 91, 95, 97 sq., 105, 114, 116, 131 sq., 132, 134 sq., 138, 141; more useful than popes, 149; knowledge of Scripture, 150, 154, 158, 168; "pope," 174, 183, 196, 198, 200 sq.; on hirelings, 202 sq., 213, 229, 237 sq., 242; on excommunication, 271 sq., 288, 292; "a holy man," 201

Balaam, 225
Bede, 157, 168
Benedict IX, 126
Benedict XIII, 156, 295
Benedict, St., 245
Bernard, 10, 31, 141, 183, 208, 211, 217 sq., 222 sq., 225, 230, 233, 242 sq., 258 sqq.
Bethlehem chapel, 205, 254, 273
Binding, etc. See Penance
Boehmer, 130
Bohemian clergy, 125, 161 sq., 183 sq.
Boniface VIII. See Unam sanctam
Boniface IX, 232 sq.
Boniface-Martyr, 90

Canticles, 4, 31, 60
Cardinals, 131, 137 sqq., 143, 146; may be heretics, 168, 200
Christ, head of the church, 9, 18, 27 sq., 31, 54, 56, 83, 133; the rock, 74 sqq., 77, 82 sqq.; the Roman pontiff, 59, 119 sqq., 148 sq., 156, 249; the good bishop and best of masters, 227, 235, 242; to be obeyed, 238; and the death penalty, 172; and church censures, 275 sq., 291, 297 sq.
Chrysostom, 20, 34, 55, 89, 150, 197, 242, 247
Church, Roman, 56, 61 sq., 64, 130. See Apostolic see and Pope

Church, unity of, 1, 19, 30, 60; general and particular, 2, 3, 63, 133; body of the predestinate, 3, 4, 11, 22, 33 sq., 50, 63 sqq., 66; the holy catholic, 4, 5, 14, 65 sq.; mystical, 9, 18, 53; mother, 1, 21, 22, 30, 48, 49, 62; virgin, 13, 14; mixed, 16 sq., 41 sqq., 58, 138; parts of, 19 sq.; Christ's body, 30, 33; and the human body, 35; may have several heads, 29; membership unknown, 47; not the pope and the cardinals, 138 sqq.; in the church, not of it, 21

Clement IV, 208
Clement V, 130, 240
Clement VII, 121, 294
Clerics, 1, 47, 48; judged by their lives, 49 sq., 196, 226, 228, 252, 283; to be judged by laics, 225, 227, 258, 262 sqq.; pride and simony, 228, 252; apostolic duty, 196, 201 sq.; hirelings, 202, 210; self-excommunicated, 272, 277, 285
Colonna, 248
Commentary on the Lombard, Huss's, 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 39, 50, 52, 67, 92, 98
Constantine's donation, 129, 150 sq., 153, 215, 226
Constantine II, 126
Counsels. See Mandates
Creed, 5
Custom, 296 sq.
Cyprian, 7, 158, 252

Damasus, 174, 243
Damiani, 4
Dante, 130
De consideratione, 87
Denifle, 39
Desolation of abomination, 62
Dionysius, 82
Döllinger, 67, 127
DuCange, 159, 172

Ecclesia, 1, 3
Eli, 278 sq.
Epinge, 273
Eucharist, 10, 11, 89, 288
Eugenius III, 87
Evagrius, 157
Excommunication, 206, 249 sqq., 263 sqq., 267; minor, 270, 272; Scripture on, 285 sq.

Fabian, 247
Faith, 39, 48 sq., 67, 68
Felix, 128

Fruits, by their, etc., 140, 143, 145, 146, 148 sq., 160, 173
Fulgentius, 17, 45

Gehazi, 143 sq., 298
Gelasius, 61, 130, 150, 212, 246, 282
Germans, 248, 250
Gerson, 1, 295
Gilbert of Hoiland, 60
Glosses, 198, 224, 289, etc.
Grace, twofold, 24
Gratian, 23, 94, 247, 289
Gregory I, 7, 10, 16, 40 sq., 52, 89, 99, 116, 122, 145, 147, 149, 173, 239, 280, 282 sq.
Gregory VII, 115, 180
Gregory XII, 156, 182, 295
Grosseteste, 1, 204, 207 sqq.
Guido de Baysio, 281

Henry III, 179 sq.
Heretics, 24; death penalty for, 171, 182
Hergenröther, 268 sq., 295, 298, etc.
Hidden Adversary, Against the, 282
Higden, 127, 129, 178, 208, 261
Holy Spirit, 71, 150, 163
Hope and faith, 70 sq.
Hugo de St. Victor, 251
Huss, depends too little on the pope, 161 sqq.; on sale of indulgences, 165; leads the people astray, 184; his party, 184; disobeys Alexander V, 205 sq.; appeals to pope better informed, 206; appeals to Christ, 207; refuses to go to Rome, 248; resists censures, 250, 265 sqq., 293; and the murders in Prague, 253; withdraws from Prague, 287

Individual judgment. See Obedience, Mandates, Reason, etc.
Indulgences, 98, 117, 165, 207
Innocent III, 104, 108; and the interdict, 286
Innocent IV, 67, 204
Interdict, 284 sqq.; effect of, 287 sq., 293 sq.
Intermediate, things, 218 244, 259, 292

Intinctio, 11
Isidore, 7, 194, 239

Jerome, 8, 15; on Matt. 16: 16, 60, 89, 103 sqq., 116, 128, 149, 155 sqq., 162, 174, 176, 182, 187, 242, 261
Jerusalem, seat of James, 214
Jesenicz, 206, 267
John XII, 179
John XXIII, 165, 182, 206 sq., 253, 287, 295
Judas, 3, 4, 11, 24, 48, 50; Augustine on, 51, 59, 123, 141, 297, etc.
Justinian, 246

Keys, power of, 75 sq., 85, 87, 91 sqq., 102, 106 sqq., 113 sq., 140. See Penance
Kingdom of heaven, 42 sq.

Ladislaus, 98, 165, 253
Laymen, 225 sqq., 253 sq., 262
Lewis, 151
Liberius, 127 sq.
Limbus patrum, 102
Literæ dimis., 298
Luther, 144, 165, 284
Lyra, 59, 164 sqq., 199

Mandates and counsels, 191, 193, 217 sqq., 220 sqq., 232, 234 sq., 236, 238, 250 sqq., 258
Marcellinus, 261
Marcellus, 82 sq., 214 sq.
Martin V, 270
Martinus Polonus, 178
Mary, 6, 121
Matthew Paris, 204, 208
Mauritius, 233
Michael de Causis, 292
Mirbt, 14, 123, 127, 130
Moses' seat, 42, 198 sqq., 201 sqq., 221, 236, 242

Nicholas I, 246
Nicholas II, 177

Obedience to pope, 183; defined, 185; Christ's, 186 sq.; and secular power, 190, 194, 217 sqq.; to ecclesiasticalsuperiors, 229 sqq., 238, 241 sqq., 253, 258. See Mandates

Origen, 191, 279 sq.

Palacky, 205
Palecz, 117, 162, 165 sq., 211, 278
Parables of the net, etc., 40 sq.
Paschasius Radbertus, 1, 10
Patriarchal sees, 151, 157
Paul, 24, 36, 50, etc.
Pelagius, pope, 8, 212
Penance, 96, 98 sqq., 101 sqq., 106 sqq., 113.
Peter, 36, 37, 57 sqq.; not the rock, 73 sqq., 78 sq.; not to be believed in, 7981; not head of the church, 56, 83, 139; virtues, 84, 86,123; name, 85; rebuked by Paul, 86, 259; and the keys, 95 sqq., 105; called Satan, 141; his duty, 170 sq.; his see, 214216; on censures, 285 sq.
Peter the Lombard, 94, 98 sq., 104, 191
Pisa, council of, 155, 181
Pope, name, 145, 182; wicked, 62, 126, 173, 177 sqq.; 209; fallible, 71, 208, 231 sq., 261; heretic, 127, 156, 181; his pomp, 144; not head of the church, 125, 133136; one among popes till Constantine, 150 sq.; must approve himself by his life, 87 sq., 143 sq., 149, 173, 197, 212, 249; when apostolic, 259; not judge in all cases, 161 sqq., 169; to be told his faults, 259; not always to be obeyed, 183 sqq., 221, 229 sqq., 234, 250 sqq., 264 sqq.; not necessary to the church, 147 sq.
Præsciti, 1, 16, 30, 35 sq., 46
Prague, clergy of, 263 sqq.
Preaching, 118, 205 sq., 239 sq., 277
Predestination, 3, 14, 22, 23, 25, 33 sqq., 35, 49, 59, 66, 138
Procurator, 295
Provisions, 208
Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals, 8, 82, 129

Radulphus Glaber, 178
Reason, 131, 163, 234, 236, 249
Reinkens, 88
Remigius, 7, 77

Reprobates. See Præsciti
Richard of St. Victor, 99, 106
Rock, the, 59 sq., 73 sqq.
Rupert of Deutz, 5

Sanguinary corollary, 171
Saul, 93
Schism, Avignon, 181
Schoolmen, on Canticles, 4, 36
Schwane, 97
Scriptures, 71 sq., 131 sq., 161 sqq., 164; clerics to know, 277; on excommunication, 285 sq., 291, 293 sq.
See, sedes, 195, 213 sq.
Sigismund, 232
Simon Magus, 4, 105, 298
Simoniacs, 114, 291, 298
Sortes, 189
Stafcon, 253
Stanislaus of Znaim, 117, 233. See Palecz
Stephen I, 247

Suffrages, 268
Supererogation, 192
Superiors, 49 sq. See Mandates, Obedience
Susannah, 168
Sutri, 177, 180

Tychonius, 32, 58, 138

Unam sanctam, 14, 27, 56, 57, 115, 119, 121, 153, 187, 286, 294

Vulgate, 20, 22, 23, 32, 60, 63, 76, 78, 84, 113, 119, 140, 162, 174, 187, 192, 224, 225, 235, 237, 272, 285 sq., 291, 293

Wenzel, 232
Wibert, 180
Wyclif, 1, 10, 11, 66, 117, 257, 298

Zbynek, 205 sq., 292

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