Edinburgh, 3d May 1651.

My Dearest,

I could not satisfy myself to omit this post, although I have not much to write; yet indeed I love to write to my dear, who is very much in my heart. It joys me to hear thy soul prospereth: the Lord increase His favours to thee more and more. The great good they soul can wish is, That the Lord lift upon thee the light of His countenance, which is better than life. The Lord bless all thy good counsel and example to all those about thee, and hear all thy prayers, and accept thee always.

I am glad to hear thy son and daughter are with thee[1]. I hope thou wilt have some good opportunity of good advice to him. Present my duty to my Mother, my love to all the family.

Still pray for,
Oliver Cromwell


  1. Richard Cromwell and his wife had prolonged their visit
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