October, 1904—March, 1905
Adams, Myron E., 166.
Addams, Jane, 540.
Ainsworth, Frank H., 8.
Alden, Cynthia Westover, 523.
Almy, Frederic, 337.
Reform, 63.
State, Control, 72.
Massachusetts, 160.
Criticism—Illinois State Conference, 292.
Missouri, 494.
Letter of Inmate, 516.
Story of Ward L, 518.
American Civic Association, 11.
American Charities in German Eyes. 151.
American National Red Cross, 304.
American, Sadie, 523.
Anderson, Neal L., 538.
Andrews, Champe S., 49.
Anthracite Coal Industry, 264.
Anti-Tuberculosis Movement in Another Small City, 586.
Ardan, Ivan, 246.
Art Brought Into the Lines of Wage-earners, 417.
Asylums, see Almshouses and Hospitals.
Atkinson, Edward, 282.
Awards at the St. Louis World's Fair, 99.
Baker, Harvey H., 308.
Balch, Emily G., 193.
Baldwin, Wm. H., Obituary. 371—Memorial Meeting, 394.
Baldwin, Wm. H., 586.
Barnum, Gertrude, 415–550.
Barrows, Samuel J., 100–186.
Bates, Helen Page, 329.
Battle Against Infant Mortality in France, 70.
Bagley, Mrs. F. P., 294.
Beginning of Prison Reform in America, 437.
Bequest of a Kamehameha, 12.
Bicknell, Ernest P., 63, 72, 155.
Blacklock, John H., Obituary, 9.
Bohemian Farmers of Wisconsin, 211.
Bohemian National Hymn, 205.
Bohemians in Chicago, 206.
Bohemian Women in New York, 194.
Brandenburg, Broughton, 432.
Bread Line, 51.
Broadening Sphere of Organized Charity, 316.
Brockway, Z. R., 437.
Brown, C., 296.
Brown, Herbert S., 597.
Brundage, E. F., 312.
Bryson, Mary, 571.
Burk, William B., 378.
Buffalo Tenement-houses, 31.
Butler, Amos W., 296.
Butler. Nicholas Murray. 401,
California Camps and Tramps, 61.
Carstens, C. C., 51, 139, 172.
Cellmates in a Civilized Community, 107, 120, 182, 408.
Character Building, 275.
Charities and Correction, see Organized Charity, Conferences of Charity, State Boards and Commissions.
Charity and Social Developments in Two Southern Cities, 466.
Charity Organization Societies, see Organized Charity.
Chicago's Municipal Museum, 511.
Child Labor.
Child Labor and the Law, 19.
National Child Labor Committee, 47, 110, 459, 511, 525, 532.
Boys in Coal Mines—Illinois and Pennsylvania, 113.
Difficulties in Enforcement of Laws, 166.
Holiday Faces, 184.
President Roosevelt's Message, 268.
Illinois State Conference, 292.
Strike on the East Side, 305.
New York State Labor Commissioner, 370.
Child Labor Advance in 1904, 382. 382.
North Carolina, 409.
Non-Protective States Blacklisted, 460.
Rhode Island, 460.
Defeat in North Carolina, 461.
New York Child Labor Law, 462.
Advance in Pennsylvania, 462.
Child Labor Campaign. 525, 532.
Dull Children and Labor Law, 565.
Smaller Boys and Self-Government, 6, 36.
Economic Aims in Public Schools, 110, 129.
Democracy in Schools, 166.
Moral Quarantine for Children, 168.
School Training Place for Home, 169.
Character Building, 275.
An Acre of Public School, 281.
Children's Flower Show, 299.
Compulsory Education in Maryland, 304.
Child Opportunity for Most Effective Social Work, 323.
Breakfastless School Children, 410, 600.
Talent Saving Stations, 415.
Pure Candy Counters, 468.
Boston Congress of Workers with Boys, 505.
School Luncheons in the Special Classes of Public Schools, 569.
Education of Crippled Children, 429.
New Plan in Cleveland Public Schools, 479.
Children—Delinquent (see Juvenile Courts).
Boys and Self-Government, 6, 36.
What Colorado Does, 43.
Democracy in Schools, 166.
Parental Responsibility, 169, 325.
Probation System, 357.
Massachusetts State Care of Children, 360.
To Country and Cottage—New York Orphan Asylum, 16, 123, 364, 551.
Poor Law—Children in England, 85.
Massachusetts State Conference, 161.
Parental Responsibility, 169, 325.
Progress in Pennsylvania, 188.
Child Saving, 276.
Boston Conference of Child-helping Societies, 308.
Merrie Christmas at Saint Johnland, 306.
Massachusetts State Care of Children, 360.
Arizona Decision in New York Foundling Case, 407, 448.
Placing-out Work and Its Supervision, 408
Needs in Missouri, 495.
School Luncheons in the Special Classes of Public Schools, 569.
Children's Strike on the East Side, 305.
Child Saving and the Standards of the Naturalist, 276.
Civic Improvement.
Kalamazoo, Mich., 5.
Massachusetts Civic League, 10.
American Civic Association, 11.
Harrisburg, Pa., 99.
Baltimore, 112.
New York, 145.
President Roosevelt's Message, 267.
An Acre of Public School, 281.
Children's Flower Show, 299.
East Side Elevated, 464, 472, 563, 589.
Claghorn, Kate Holladay, 199.
Clark, Edgar E., 532.
Clark, Mary Vida, 164.
Commons, John R., 227.
Congress About Boys, 505.
Conferences of Charities.
Congress of Arts and Sciences, St. Louis, 1, 3.
New York State Conference, 9, 60, 99, 164, 182.
German Society for Poor Relief, 81.
Iowa State Conference, 83, 289.
Massachusetts State Conference. 84, 160.
Minnesota State Conference, 85, 273.
Canadian Conference, 93.
International Convention of St. Vincent de Paul Society, 103.
Ohio State Conference, 105.
Conference of the Oranges. N. J., 180.
National Conference, 1905—Portland, Ore., 183, 373, 512.
Michigan State Conference, 183
Missouri State Conference, 287
Illinois State Conference, 291
Indiana State Conference, 296
Boston Conference of Child-helping Societies, 308.
New Jersey State Conference, 465, 507.
International Congress of Public and Private Relief, at Milan, 512.
Kentucky State Conference, 571.
Congress of Arts and Sciences at World's Fair, 1, 3.
Correction, see Children Delinquent, State Boards and Commissions, Conferences of Charity.
Crothers, Samuel M., 29.
Curtis, Frances Greeley, 522.
Davis, Edgar J., 293, 540.
Dawson, Jas. L., 288.
Day Nurseries, New York City, 159.
Defectives—Insane, Epileptic, etc.
American Institutions in English Eyes, 2.
New York State Provisions, 76.
California State Board, 96.
Elgin Insane Asylum Charges, 97.
Progress in Care, 175.
New York State Pathological Institute, 176
New New York State Hospital, 271.
Surgical Cures for Economic Ills, 595.
de Forest, Robert W., 316.
Delinquents, see Penology.
Democracy in Schools, 166.
Development of the Probation System in a Large City, 344.
Devine, Edward T., 174, 403.
Digest of Statutes Relating to Juvenile Courts and Probation Systems, 329.
Donors of Russian Charities, 153.
Doukhobors, 252.
Dregs of the Great Lakes, 125.
Drum, Charles R., 166.
Dunn, R. C., 10.
Economic Aim Given Public Schools, 110.
Economic Side of Parental Responsibility, 324.
Economics of the Juvenile Court, 337.
Education of Crippled Children, 429.
Elkinton, Joseph, 252.
Ellwood. Chas. A., 287, 493.
Employment Agencies.
Employment Bureau Inter-Municipal Committee on Household Research, 80.
Employment Bureaus of Relief Societies, 315.
Legislation Planned. 390.
Laying Hold of Evil Employment Agencies, 473.
Southern Girls in North, 584.
England and the Parole System, 65.
England's Double Problem of Migration, 59.
Enlarging Work of a Pennsylvania Society, 188
Fall River Mill Girls in Domestic Service, 550.
Family Desertion Legislation, 145.
Farrand, Dr. Livingstone, 381.
Farrell, Elizabeth, 569.
Fellow Inmates of a New Jersey Cell, 120, 182.
Fetter, Prof. Frank A., 95, 172.
First State Boards of Charities, 115
Fleischmann, Louis, 51, 62.
Folks, Homer, 19.
Fowler, Chas. S., 174.
Friday, Lucy F., 357.
Garrett, Laura B., 235.
Gibbons, Cardinal, 532.
Gilder, Richard Watson, 417.
Gillette, Geo. W., 31.
Gilman, Danl. C., 395.
Girls Who Have Nothing To Do, 520, 545, 601.
Goldmark, Josephine C., 184.
Goujon, M. Jules, 153.
Granger, Mrs. Caroline D. G., 537.
Grubb, Edward, 65.
Gutridge, A. W., 273.
Hall, Mary, 588.
Halsted, N. O., 306.
Hamilton, Prof. Jas. H., 165.
Hammond, Emily V., 522.
Hammond, Harry E., 125.
Hands of the Lake Freignters, 109, 125.
Harris, Evelyn, 587.
Hawaii, 12.
Head, Dr. G. D., 274.
Health, see Public Health.
Hebberd, Robert W., 164.
Henderson, Chas. R., 2, 340.
Herrick, Judge D. Cady, 87.
Herts, A. Minnie, 424.
Hibbs, M. D., Russeil A., 429.
Higgins, Lieutenant-Governor, 76, 86.
Hill, Archibald A., 43.
Hilles, Chas. D., 169.
Hirsch, Emil G., 535.
Holiday Faces, 184.
Hospitals, Dispensaries, Convalescent Homes.
Abuse of Dispensary, London, 82.
St. Vincent de Paul Convalescent Home, 98.
New York Suburban Home for Convalescent Women, 149.
Public Conscience and the Hospitals, 285.
Clinics in Cook County Hospital, 312.
Licensed Dispensaries in New York State, 378.
Work in Atlanta, Ga., 416.
Hospitals for Inebriates in New York, 479.
Hospital Situation in New York, 501.
A Hospital Kindergarten, 504.
Hospital Conference in New York, 565.
New York City Hospitals Congested, 581.
Housing and Social Conditions in a Slavic Neighborhood, 257.
Housing Reform.
Buffalo Tenement Houses, 31.
Boston Housing Conference, 85.
Problems in Philadelphia, 157.
Conference the Oranges, N. J., 180.
New York Tenement-house Law, 181, 486, 566
Tenement-roof Playground, 183.
Conditions Among Slavs, 257.
President Roosevelt's Message, 268.
Tenement-house Law, 272.
Housing Legislation for Washington, D. C., held up, 369.
Gift of Henry Phipps, 382, 597, 600.
Problems Back of Bread Line, 471.
New York's Hundred Lodging-houses, 486.
Campaign in Connecticut, 512
Work of New Jersey Tenement-house Board, 566.
New Jersey Tenement-house Law Endangered, 575
How a Tuberculosis Association was Formed in a Small City, 150.
Howard, Dr. Chas. F., 168.
Howard, Dr. Eugene H., 175.
Hurd, Harvey B., 327.
Plan of Italian Immigration Society, 3.
Challenge of Immigration Restriction League, 8.
England's Migration Problem, 59.
Meeting at Lake Mohonk, 84.
The Slav in America, 189.
Nationalities, 199
Causes of Emigration. 203.
Economic and Educational Character, 203.
Destination, 205.
Bohemians in Chicago, 206.
Bohemian Farmers of Wisconsin, 211.
Slavs in Anthracite Coal Regions, 215.
Industrial Efforts of Slav Immigration, 223.
Slavs in Bituminous Coal Mines of Illinois, 227.
Lithuanians in America, 231.
Poles in Baltimore, 235.
Slovaks in America, 239.
Ruthenians in America, 246.
Doukhobors in America, 252.
Housing and Social Condition of Slavs, 257.
Magyars in New York, 262.
Slavs in Anthracite Coal Industry, 264.
Slav Invasion and Mine Workers, 266.
Commissioner Sargent's Report, 269.
Attorneys Barred from Ellis Island, 300.
Standard of Exclusion Higher, 311.
Exclusion Tests, Where Best Made, 312.
Catholic Church and Bohemian Immigration, 313.
Slavic Races in Cleveland, 377.
Immigration and State Wards, 388.
Paternalism and the Immigrant, 432, 602.
Immigration in 1904, 452.
Italian Colony near Vineyard, N. J., 514.
The Italian Immigrant on the Land, 540.
Immigration for 1904, 452.
In a Woodyard, 320.
Indeterminate Sentence Law, Michigan, 66.
Industrial Agencies.
In a Woodyard, 320.
Industrial Schools.
Seattle, Wash., 84.
New York State, 147.
New Hampshire State School, 475.
Insane, see Defectives.
Inter-Municipal Committee on Household Research, 80.
International Congress of Public and Private Relief, Milan, Italy, 512.
International Convention of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 103.
In the Name of Charity, 155.
Italian Immigrant on the Land, 541.
Jenkins, E. Fellows, 182.
Johnson, Alexander, 444, 595.
Jordan, Charlotte Brewster, 503.
Juvenile Court Law, 327.
Juvenile Courts.
What Colorado Does, 43.
Judge Ben B. Lindsey, of Denver, 79.
Cleveland Juvenile Court, 83.
Atlanta, Ga., 85.
Cellmates (New Jersey), 107, 120, 182, 408.
Conference in Philadelphia, 159.
Massachusetts, 163.
President Roosevelt's Messsage, 268.
Minnesota, 275.
Iowa, 289.
Illinois. 292.
Indiana 296, 298.
Juverile Court Law, 327.
Digest of Statutes, 329.
Economics of the Juvenile Court, 337
Juvenile Courts, 340, 344.
The Boy and the Court, 350.
Measures in New York, 499.
Juvenile Reformatories.
New York Juvenile Asylum, 146, 169, 503.
New York State School, 147. 147.
Missouri, 288.
New York, 387.
Kaupas, A., 231.
Kavanagh, A. S., 501.
Kellor, Frances A., 584.
Kelley, Florence, 43, 538.
Kelso, J. J., 93.
Kennaday, Paul, 486, 581.
Kennedy. John S., 177.
Kentucky's Unique Conference Plan, 571.
King, Dr. Herbert Moxan, 67.
King, Frederick A., 36.
Kingsley, Sherman C., 276.
Kirkland, Jas. H., 534.
Knopf. Dr. S. A., 501.
Kucera, Magdalena, 377.
Labor, see also Child Labor.
New York Tenement-house Labor Law, 7.
Inter-Municipal Committee on Household Research, 80, 584.
Methods of Social Advance, 139.
Industrial Effects of Slav Immigration, 223.
Slavs in Bituminous Coal Mines in Illinois, 227.
Unskilled Labor Among Slavs, 259.
Slavs in Anthracite Coal Industry, 264
Slav Invasion and Mine Workers, 266
Prison Work in Iowa, 290.
Chas. T. Neill, New Labor Commissioner, 300.
Children's Strike on the East Side, 305.
New York State Labor Commissioner, 370.
What Are Factory Inspectors For, 375.
Unemployed in New York City, 410, 517.
Work of Union Among Immigrants, 412.
Stockyard Strike and Immigrant Workers, 413.
Self-restraint in Fall River Strike, 414.
Evil Employment Agencies, 473.
Prison Labor in Indiana, 483.
Fall River Mill Girls in Domestic Service, 550.
Problem of Unemployed in London, 557.
Lathrop, Julia C, 344.
Lean-to's at Loomis Sanatorium, 67.
Lederle, Dr. Ernst J., 64.
Lee, Joseph, 10.
Legal Aid.
Germany, 81.
New York, 498.
Legislation for National Capital, 369.
Lewis, Dr. F. Park, 170, 497.
Lewis, Geo. A., 171.
Licensed Dispensaries in New York State, 378.
Lies, Eugene T., 291.
Lincoln, Leontine, 160.
Lindsey, Judge Ben B., 79, 350, 537.
Lindsey, Samuel McCune, 525, 533.
Lithuanians in America, 231.
Lodging Houses.
Work of Emmaus Home During World's Fair, 158.
New Municipal Lodging-house for New York, 472.
New York's Hundred Lodging-houses, 486.
Loomis, Frank M., 174.
Loos, Isaac A., 289.
Lovejoy, Owen R., 264, 536.
Magyars in New York, 262.
Marsh, Benjamin C., 187.
Masaryk, Alice G., 206.
Mashek, Nan, 211.
Massachusetts State Care of Children, 360
Max Müller on Beggars, 559.
Mayer, Justice Julius M., 145, 167.
McClain, W. H., 57.
McDowell, Mary E., 196, 413.
McKelway, A. J., 539.
McLean, Francis H., 91.
McMahon, Rev. D. J., 171.
McVickar, Bishop W. N., 533.
Meade, Emily Fogg, 540
The Bread Line, 51, 555.
Mendicancy in New York, 178.
Avocation of a Maid, 518.
Massachusetts Tramp Bill, 589.
Merrie Christmas at Saint Johnland, 306.
Methods of Social Advance, 139.
Moral Quarantine Station for Children, 168.
Morrison, Fred. Douglas—Obituary, 85.
Muensterberg, Dr. Emil, 1, 151.
Mulvey, Rev. Thomas J., 167.
Murphy. Danl. B., 175.
Music For and By the Many, 420.
Music on the Lower East Side, 424.
National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, 381, 465.
National Child Labor Committee, 47, 110, 459, 511, 525, 532.
National Prison Association, 100.
Necessity of State Care of Adult Blind, 497.
Negroes in Baltimore, 149.
Neighborhood Work, see Social Work.
Neill, Chas. T., Appointed Labor Commissioner, 300.
New Governors, 444.
New York Foundlings in Arizona, 448.
New York Institutions and the Gubernatorial Campaign, 86, 87.
New York's Hundred Lodging-houses, 486.
Night with the Bread Line, 555.
Notes on the Poles in Baltimore, 235.
Organized Charity.
Poverty—Dr. Muensterberg, 1.
Distinguished Philanthropists at World's Fair, 3.
Strikes and Charity, 7.
Reciprocities of Social Effort, 29.
Social Justice, 44.
Private Societies and Enforcement of Criminal Law, 49.
Ye Have the Poor with You Always, 50.
The Bread Line, 51, 555.
World's Fair and Charity Applicants, 57.
Relief and Legal Aid in Germany, 81.
Private Investigation for Public Relief, 83.
St. Vincent de Paul Convalescent Home, 98.
Melbourne Charity Organization Society, 111.
Health-seekers in the Southwest, 132.
Methods of Social Advance, 139.
Family Desertion Legislation in New York, 145, 473, 580.
Finger-print System Adopted in Baltimore, 148.
St. Paul Associated Charities, 149.
American Charities in German Eyes, 151.
Fraud in the Guise of Charity, 155.
Donors to Russian Charities, 153.
Philadelphia Society for Organizing Charity, 157.
Value of Charitable Property in New York, 159.
State Inspection of Private Institutions, Massachusetts, 161.
Parental Responsibility, 169, 325.
Relief of Needy Families, 171.
Volunteer Charity Visitors, 171.
How to Help Deserted Wives, 172.
District Nursing in England, 179.
Openings for Philanthropic Workers, 270.
Baltimore Citizens' Relief Report, 282.
Waste by Fire to Institutions, 282.
Organized Charity in Small Cities, 290.
Co-operation with Women's Clubs, 294
Church and Charity, 297.
Needlework Guild of America, 301.
Employment Bureau and Relief Societies, 315.
Broadening Sphere of Organized Charity, 316.
Raines Law Hotels Attacked, 373.
Alien Dependents, 388.
Relief Work in Fall River Strike, 391.
New York School of Philanthrophy, 393, 411.
Special Training for Social Work, 395.
Unemployed in New York city, 410, 517.
Breakfastless School Children, 410.
Conditions at Fall River, Mass., 415.
Recommendations of New Governors, 444.
Immigration in 1904, 452.
Charity Organizations in Richmond, Va., and Raleigh, N. C, 467.
Permanent Problems Back of "Bread Line," 471.
Extensive Work at Indianapolis, 476.
Charity Work Defined, 476.
Common Sense in Philanthropy, 476.
Private Investigation for Public Relief Pays, 477.
St. Vincent de Paul Society in Brooklyn, 477.
St. Louis Provident Association, 478.
Springfield Associated Charities, 478.
Public and Private Charity in Missouri, 493.
Y. M. C. A. and Organized Charity, 504.
Analysis of Applicants, 504.
Plan for Girls with Nothing To Do, 520, 545.
Problem of Unemployed in London, 557.
Max Müller on Beggars, 559.
Tax on Philanthropic Bequests, 563.
Endowment to Columbia University, 564.
University Training for State Employes, 568.
Not Unchristian, but Interdenominational, New Associated Charities of Atlanta, Ga., 575, 587.
Relief Problem Forced by Neighborhood Worker, 578.
Split on Sectarianism, 587.
Our New Congested Districts—the City Hospitals, 581.
Parks, see Civic Improvement.
Parsons, Elsie Clews, 545.
Paternalism and the Immigrant, 432.
Penal Institutions, see also Penology.
English View of American Prisons, 65.
Tuberculosis in Penal Institutions, 88.
English Prisons, 94.
California State Board, 96.
Pennsylvania Prisons Unsanitary, 97.
National Prison Association, 100.
Illinois Jails Criticized, 292.
Indiana, 298, 475.
Nebraska, 475.
Jefferson City Prison in a Bad Way, 496.
Penology—Criminology, see also Penal Institutions.
Need in Newark, N. J., 66.
Indeterminate Sentence Law in Michigan and Connecticut, 66.
Religious Liberty in Massachusetts Prisons, 66.
National Prison Association, 100.
Boy in Cell with Murderer, 107, 120, 182, 408.
Finger-print System in Baltimore, 148.
Probation, 162, 591.
Treatment of Criminals, 167.
Religious Influence, 167.
Methods at Elmira, 168.
Prisoners' Earnings, 186.
President Roosevelt's Message—Corporal Punishment, 269, 484.
Iowa, 290.
Treatment and Prevention, 298.
New Jersey Needs Reformatory for Women, 384, 591.
Prisoners' Aid in Australia, 384.
Leasing of Convicts Wrong, 384.
Governor Vardaman and Treatment of Convicts, 384.
California Prisons Bad, 385, 386.
Probation. 337, 344, 357, 385.
Beginning of Prison Reform in America, 437.
Family Desertion Bill in New York, 145, 473, 484.
Indiana Prison Commission, 482.
New York Prison Commission, 483.
Prison Labor in Indiana, 483.
Effects of Enforced Idleness on Convicts, 510.
Legislation in Oregon, 590.
Phipps. Henry, 382.
"Phœnix," 132.
Pink, Louis H., 262.
Pioneer Work in American Philanthropy, 115, 360, 437.
Plan for Girls with Nothing To Do, 545.
Playgrounds, Vacation Schools, Summer Outings.
National Bureau Report, 43.
California, 61.
President Roosevelt's Message, 269.
San Francisco, 311.
Newark. N. J., 500.
Politics and Charity.
New York, 75, 86, 87, 95, 172, 175, 279.
Denver, Col., 79.
"Good Men" Elevated, 145.
Civil Service, 174.
Merit System, 174, 303.
Indiana, 296, 387.
Pennsylvania, 389.
Recommendations of New Governors, 444.
Missouri, 495.
Connecticut, 588.
Powell. R. F., 25.
Prevention and Treatment of Tuberculosis in Penal Institutions, 88.
Prisoners' Earnings, 186.
Private Societies and the Enforcement of Criminal Law, 49.
Probation, 337, 344, 357, 385.
Problem of the Children and How the State of Colorado Cares for Them, 43.
Problem of the Unemployed in London, 557.
Program of Massachusetts Civic League, 10.
Proudflt, Alexander C., 518.
Public and Private Philanthropy of Missouri, 493.
Public Conscience and the Hospitals, 285.
Public Health.
The Sanitarian, a New Profession, 64.
Infant Mortality in France, 70.
New York Pneumonia Commission, 85.
Philadelphia Conditions, 157.
Women and the Nation's Health, 159.
New York Tenement-house Law, 181, 499, 566.
Typhoid Fever Campaign in New York Urged, 181.
Milk Dispensaries in Baltimore, 183.
Consumptives Barred in Denver Post Office, 183.
New Public Bath at Orange, N. J., 183.
Marriage Fundamental Child Problem, 297.
Licensed Dispensaries in New York State, 378.
Leper Colony at Brewster, Mass., 387.
East Side Elevated Road, 464, 563.
East Side Subway, 472.
Pure Candy Counters, 468.
New York's Hundred Lodging-houses, 486.
Work of New Jersey Tenement-house Board, 566.
New Jersey Tenement-house Law Endangered, 575
New York Hospitals Congested, 581.
Public Relief.
Dr. Muensterberg on "Poverty," 1.
Private Investigation for Public Relief, 83.
Needs of District of Columbia, 85.
Methods of Social Advance, 139.
Cleveland, 147.
American Charities in German Eyes, 151.
Massachusetts, 160.
Growth and Needs in New York State, 164, 387.
Shop-Schools for Blind, 170.
Destitute Better Cared For in New York, 170.
Civil Service for State Institutions. 174.
Mentally Defective Better Cared For in New York, 175.
New York State Pathological Institute Renders Valuable Services, 176.
New York City—Budget, 272.
Licensed Dispensaries in New York, 378.
Illinois—Increase and Cost, 387.
Indiana—Inmates—Cost, 387.
Kansas—Financial Needs, 387.
Alien Dependents. 388.
Relief Work in Fall River Strike, 391.
Recommendations of New Governors, 444.
New Municipal Lodging-house for New York, 472.
New Hampshire, 475.
Nebraska, 475.
Private Investigation Pays, 477.
Hospital for Inebriates in New York, 479.
Work in Missouri, 493.
Necessity of State Care for the Blind, 497.
Public Outdoor Relief to Poor, 507.
Problem of Unemployed in London, 557.
Max Müller on Beggars, 559.
Pure Candy Counters, 468.
Putnam, Elizabeth C., 360.
Raines Law Hotels Attacked, 373.
Ransom, M. D., J. B., 88.
Reception Hospital at Saranac Lake, 54.
Reciprocities of Social Effort, 29.
Reeder, R. R., 16, 123, 364, 551.
Relief Work in the Fall River Strike, 391.
Richman, Julia, 129.
Riis. Jacob A., 373.
Robbins, Jane E., 194.
Roberts, Peter, 215.
Robinson, Lilian V., 468.
Rogers, Jas. H., 61.
Roosevelt: Message on Model City, 267.
Rovnianek. P. V., 239.
Russell, Dr. Wm. L., 176.
Ruthenians in America, 246.
Sanborn, F. B., 115.
Sargent. Commissioner, 269.
British Post-Office Savings-Bank, 4.
Sayles, Mary Buell, 257.
Schiff, Jacob H., 564.
School Luncheons in the Special Classes of the Pubic Schools, 569.
School Situation in New York City, 471.
Schools of Philanthropy.
New York School of Philanthropy, 48, 177, 393, 411.
Boston School for Social Workers, 112.
New York School, Neighborhood Workers, 149, 374.
Endowment of New York School of Philanthropy, 177.
Openings for Philanthropic Workers, 270.
London, England, 315.
Special Training for Social Workers, 395.
Institute of Social Science, Chicago, 393.
Indianapolis Charity Organization Society's Lectures, 476.
Endowment to Columbia University, 564.
Scruggs, R. M.—Obituary, 303.
Seager, Henry R., 557.
Self-government and "The Bunch," 36.
Seligman. Alfred Lincoln, 420.
Senior. Max, 602.
Settlements, see Social Work.
Shepherd of Immigrants, 193.
Shop-Schools for Dependent Blind, 170.
Simkhovitch, Mrs. V. G., 578.
Slav Invasion and Mine Workers, 266.
Slavic Races in Cleveland, 377.
Slavs in Anthracite Coal Communities, 215.
Slavs in Bituminous Mines of Illinois, 227.
Slavs, Magyars and Some Others in the New Immigration, 199.
Sloan, Prof. Wm. M., 579.
Slovaks in America, 239.
Smith, Charles Sprague, 425.
Smith, Mary Roberts, 12.
Social Justice, 44.
Social Service in Salvation Army, 42.
Social Work.
Reciprocities of Social Effort, 29.
Social Justice, 44.
Welcome to Prof. J. Conrad, 52.
Suburban Churches and Personal Service, 91.
North Summit. N. J., 99.
New York City, 149.
Massachusetts, 163.
Preventive Work, 165.
English Social Service Institute, 180.
Diocesan Social Service Work, 390.
Tenement-house Advisory Board, 390.
Special Training for Social Workers, 395.
Social Responsibilities in the Coal Fields, 412.
Talent Saving Stations, 415.
Art Brought into the Lives of Wage earners, 417.
Music For and By the Many, 420.
Music on the Lower East Side, 424.
A Theatre for the People and Public Schools, 425.
Work In Newark. N. J., 500.
A Suggestion to Workers, 503
Congress of Workers with Boys, 505.
Study of Psychology of Old Age, 510.
Plan for Girls with Nothing To Do, 520, 545.
University Training for State Employes, 568.
French Play in New York, 576.
Neighborhood House, Washington, 577.
Pittsburg, Pa., 577.
South End House, Boston, 577.
Greenwich House, New York City, 578.
Modern Feudalism, 579.
Some Industrial Effects of Slav Immigration, 223.
Southern Colored Girls in the North, 584.
Special Training for Social Work, 395.
Spencer, Anna Garlin, 522.
Split on Sectarianism. 587.
State Boards and Commissions.
Appointment in New York Criticized. 9.
New York Commission in Lunacy, 76.
Litigation in Massachusetts, 96.
Work of California State Board, 96.
Minnesota Institutions Unsafe, 97.
Sphere of Supervision Defined, 97.
Pennsylvania Jails Unsafe, 97.
Elgin Insane Asylum Charges, 97.
Indiana State Board, 98.
Wisconsin Spends Less, 98.
First State Board of Charities, 115.
Dishonest Poor Superintendent, 302, 576.
Difficulties in Supervising, 312.
Site for New York State Hospital, 371.
New York Department of Charities, 280.
New York State Labor Commission, 370.
Arkansas Board, 386, 591.
California Board, 386, 474, 592.
Connecticut Board, 386,
New York Board, 387, 593.
New Hampshire Board, 388.
North Carolina Board, 389.
Governor Pennypacker Wants State Board Abolished, 389.
Washington, D. C., Board, 389, 476.
Washington State Board, 389.
New Jersey Commissioner, 475.
Ohio State Board, 475.
Indiana, 475, 594.
pital Boards, 480.
To Re-establish New York Local Hospital Boards, 480.
Indiana Prison Commission, 482.
New York Prison Commission, 483.
Missouri, 496.
Illinois, 592.
Iowa, 592.
Massachusetts, 592.
Michigan, 592.
Minnesota, 593.
Commission on Construction Work, 594.
Nebraska, 594.
Tennessee, 594.
Wisconsin, 594.
Wyoming, 594.
State Control of Almshouses, 72.
Stokes, J. G. Phelps, 50.
Story of Ward L, 518.
Strauss, Senator Paul, 70.
Struggle in Family Life of Bohemians, 196.
St. Vincent de Paul Convalescent Home, 98.
Suburban Churches and Personal Service, 91.
Surgical Cures for Economic Ills, 595.
Theatre for the People and the Public Schools, 425.
The Boy and the Court, 350.
The Other Side of the World's Fair, 57.
Thomas, Harriet E., 150.
To Country and Cottage, 16, 123, 364, 551.
Towne, Dr., 275.
Hospital, Saranac Lake, N. Y., 54.
Experimental Camps at Lake Placid, 63.
Loomis Sanatorium, Liberty, N. Y., 67.
Work in Germany, 81.
Movement in North Carolina, 85.
Movement in Indiana, 85.
Prevention in Penal Institutions, 88.
Shack Experiment at Wellesley Hill, 94.
Health-seekers in the Southwest, 107.
Exhibits of Boston Association, 108.
Phœnix, Arizona, 132.
English Sanatoria for Workers, 148.
Army-post Tuberculosis Camp, 149.
How a Tuberculosis Association Was Formed in a Small City, 150.
Quarantine Incident, San Francisco, 179.
Consumptives Barred in Denver Post Office, 183.
Site for New York Sanatorium Refused, 270.
Objection to sanatorium in Philadelphia, 270.
Gift in Saginaw, Mich., 271.
Minnesota State Conference, 274.
Fight in an Industrial City, 279.
Maryland State Association, 301.
New York Dispensary Opened, 314.
Bird's-Eye View of Anti-Tuberculosis Work, 372.
Backing Up a Tuberculosis Hospital, 374.
National Movement, 381, 465.
Work in Missouri, 478.
Sanatorium in Italy Opened, 500.
Alcohol as a Remedy, 501.
Ohio, 513.
Vermont, 514.
District of Columbia, 514.
Canada, 514.
Iowa, 514.
Rhode Island, 514.
Texas, 514.
Illinois, 514.
Youngstown, Ohio, 576, 586.
Grand Rapids, Mich., 576.
Tucker, Frank, 285.
Tully. Jas. H., 170.
Urquhart, Elizabeth—In Memoriam, 322.
Vacant-lots Gardening. Philadelphia, 7, 25.
Vacant Lot Gardens vs. Vagrancy, 25.
Vacation Schools, Playgrounds, etc., 43.
Vagrancy, see Mendicancy.
Van Ness, Albert W., 555.
Vincent. M. P.—Sir Howard, 59.
Visiting Nursing.
Plan in England, 179.
Conference in New York City, 284.
Wald, Lillian D., 600.
Walling, William English, 305, 375.
Warne, Frank Julian, 223.
Wassam, Clarence W., 290.
Weller, Chas. F., 466.
Weyl, Walter E., 266.
What Are Factory Inspectors For? 375.
What Can Be Done in a Graded School for the Backward Child? 129.
Whitin, E. Stagg. 505.
Whitney, J. S., 320.
Wilkin. Judge Robert J., 109, 324.
Williams, Mornay, 168.
Willoughby, Dr. W. W. 44.
Wilson, Geo. S., 297.
Wines, Dr. Frederick Howard, 115, 360, 559.
Witherbee, Frank D., 132.
Wolfer, Dr. Henry, 290.
Woodruff, Clinton Rogers, 11.
Woolley, Celia Parker, 521.
Work of a Probation Officer Among Children, 357.
Wright, Lucy, 42.

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1927. It may be copyrighted outside the U.S. (see Help:Public domain).