< Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) < Volume 1

List of Contributors to the First Volume

a'BECKET, JOHN J., Ph.D., New York.

AIKEN, CHARLES F., S.T.D., Associate Professor of Apologetics, Catholic University of America, Washington.

ALBERT, F. X. E., Ph.D., St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, New York.

ALDASY, A., Ph.D., Archivist of the Library of National Museum, Budapest.

ALLIES, MARY H., London.

AMADO, RAMON RUIZ, S.J., Barcelona, Spain.

ARBEZ, EDWARD, S.S., M.A., Professor of Sacred Scripture, St. Patrick's Seminary, Menlo Park, California.

AVELING, FRANCIS, S.T.D., Westminster, London.

BANDELIER, AD. F., Hispanic Society of America, New York.

BARRY, WILLIAM, D.D., Dorchester, England.


BECHTEL, F., S.J., Professor of Hebrew and Sacred Scripture, St. Louis University, St. Louis.

BENIGNI, U., Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Pont. Collegio Urbano di Propaganda Fede, Rome.

BESSE, J. M., O.S.B., Director, "Revue Mabillon", Chevetogne, Belgium.


BOLLING, GEORGE MELVILLE, A.B., Ph.D., Professor of Greek and Sanskrit, Catholic University of America, Washington.

BRANN, HENRY A., D.D., New York.

BREEN, A. E., D.D., Ph.D., Professor of Holy Scripture, St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New York.

BROCK, H. M., S.J., Professor of Physics, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts.

BROM, GISBERT, S.T.D., Ph.D., Litt.D., Head of the Dutch Historical Institute, Rome.

BROSNAHAN, TIMOTHY, S.J., Professor of Ethics, Woodstock College, Maryland.

BUONAIUTI, ERNESTO, Ph.D., S.T.D., Professor of Church History, The Roman Seminary, Rome.

BURNS, J. A., C.S.C, President of Holy Cross College, Washington.

BURTSELL, Mgr. R. L., Ph.D., S.T.D., Kingston, New York.

BUTIN, ROMAIN, S.M., S.T.L., Ph.D., Professor of Sacred Scripture and Hebrew, Marist College, Washington.

BUTLER, E. C, O.S.B., M.A. (Cambridge), M.A. (London), Downside Abbey, Bath, England.

BUTLER, J. N., M.D., A.M., LL.D., New York.

CAMPBELL, T. J., S.J., Associate Editor, "The Messenger", New York.

CASARTELLI, The Rt. Rev. L. C., Bishop of Salford, England.

CASTLE, HAROLD C., C.SS.R., M.A. (Oxon.), Lector in Theology and Church History, St. Mary's, Kinnoull, Perth, Scotland.


CLEARY, HENRY W., Editor. "The New ZeaLand Tablet", Dunedin, New Zealand.


COLEMAN, AMBROSE, O.P., Drogheda, Ireland.


CONINGTON, E. H., Callooney, County Sligo, Ireland.

CONNELLAN, P. L., F.R.S.A. of Ireland; Knight of St. Gregory the Great, Rome.

COPPENS, C., S.J., Professor of Philosophy, St. Louis University, St. Louis.

COPPIETERS, HONORE, S.T.D., Professor of Hebrew and Sacred Scripture, Collège du Pape, Louvain.

CORBETT, JOHN, S.J., Professor of Scripture, Woodstock College, Maryland.

CREAGH, JOHN T., J.U.D., Professor of Canon Law, Catholic University of America, Washington.

CRET, PAUL P., Professor of Architectural Design, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

CRIMONT, The Rt. Rev. JOSEPH RAPHAEL, S.J., Prefect Apostolic of Alaska, Juneau, Alaska.

CROWLEY, T. J.. C.S.C, Washington.

CROWLEY, T. L., O.P., Washington.

CURRAN, The Hon. J. J., Puisne Judge, Province of Quebec.

DAL-GAL, NICOLAUS, O.F.M., Vice-Postulator General, Rome.

DE BECKER, JULES ALPH. MARIE, D.Cn.L., D.C.L., S.T.L., Rector of the American College, Louvain.


DESMOND, HUMPHREY J., A.M., Editor, "The Catholic Citizen", Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

[1]DEVAS, CHARLES STANTON, M.A. (Oxon.), Kensington, London.

DONNELLY, F. P., S.J., St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York.

DONOVAN, STEPHEN M., O.F.M., Franciscan Monastery, Washington.

DRISCOLL, JAMES F., D.D., President, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York.

DRISCOLL, JOHN T., A.M., S.T.L., Fonda. New York.

D'SA, MANOEL, Missionary Apostolic, Princi- pal OF Antonio de Souza School, Mazagon, Bombay, India.

DUBRAY, C. A., S.T.B., Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Marist College, Washington.

DUFFY, F. P., D.D., Professor of Logic and Metaphysics, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York.

DUGGAN, T. S., Editor, "The Catholic Transcript", Hartford, Connecticut.

DUNN, JOSEPH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Celtic Languages and Literature, Catholic University of America, Washington.

DWIGHT, WALTER, S.J., Woodstock College, Maryland.

EHRHARD, LEO. Canonicus Honorarius, Director of the Episcopal School, Strasburg, Alsace, Germany.

FANNING, WILLIAM H. W., S.J., Professor of Church History and Canon Law, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri.

FENLON, JOHN F., S.S., D.D., President of St. Austin's College, Brookland, D. C, Professor of Sacred Scripture, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland.

FINNERTY, J. L., O.P., Washington.

FISCHER, JOSEPH, S.J., Professor of Geography and History, Stella Matutina College. Feldkirch, Austria.

FITZGERALD, E. G., O.P., Washington.

FORTESCUE, ADRIAN, Ph.D., D.D., Maldon, England.

FOURNET, A. S., S.S., Professor of Belles-Lettres, Collège de Montréal.

FOX, JAMES J., D.D., B.A., Professor of Philosophy, St. Thomas College, Washington.

FOX, WILLIAM, B.S., M.E., Associate Professor of Physics, College of the City of New York.

[1]FRISBEE, S. H., S.J., Woodstock College, Maryland.

GANSS, HENRY G., Mus.D., Carlisle, Pensylvania.

GASQUET, The Rt. Rev. FRANCIS AIDAN, O.S.B., D.D., Abbot President of the English Benedictines, London.

GIETMANN, G., S.J., Professor of Classical Languages and Æsthetics, Exaten, near Baaksem, Holland.

GIGNAC, JOSEPH N., S.T.D., J.C.D., Professor of Canon Law, University of Laval, Quebec.

GIGOT, FRANCIS E., D.D., Professor of Sacred Scripture, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York.

GILLIS, JAMES M., C.S.P., S.T.L., Chicago.

GOGGIN, J. F., D.D., Ph.D., St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New York.

GÓRAL, BOLESLAUS E., St. Francis Seminary, Wisconsin.

GOYAU, GEORGES, Associate Editor, "Revue des Deux Mondes". Paris.

GRATTAN FLOOD, W. H., M.R.I.A., Rosemount, Enniscorthy, Ireland.

GREEN, E. E., O.S.B., Downside Abbey, Bath England.

GREY, FRANCIS W., Ottawa, Canada. GULDNER, B., S.J., Professor of Ethics and Metaphysics, Fordham University, New York.

HANNA, EDWARD J., D.D., Professor of Theology, St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New York.

HASSETT, MAURICE M., D.D., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

HAVEY, FRANCIS P.. S.S., D.D., President, Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts.

HAYES, The Very Reverend P. J., D.D., Chancellor, Archdiocese of New York; President of Cathedral College, New York.

HEALY, The Most Reverend JOHN, Archbishop of Tuam, D.D., LL.D.. M.R.I.A., St. Jarlath's, Tuam, Ireland.

HEALY, PATRICK J., D.D., Assistant Professor of Church History, Catholic University of America, Washington.

HEINLEIN, E., D.D., Unionport. Bronx, New York.

HENRY, H. T., Litt.D., Professor of English Literature, and of Gregorian Chant, St. Charles's Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania.

HEUSER, H. J.. D.D., Editor "Am. Ecclesiastical Review", Professor of Theology, St. Charles's Seminary, Overbrook. Pennsylvania.

HINOJOSA, EDUARDO DE, Royal Historical Academy, Madrid.

HOLWECK, FREDERICK G., St. Louis, Missouri.

HOWLETT, J. A., O.S.B., M.A., Beccles, Suffolk, England.

HUNT, LEIGH, College of the City of New York.

HUNTER-BLAIR, D. O., Bart., O.S.B., M.A., Fort Augustus Abbey, Scotland, and Oxford, England.

JENNER, HENRY, F.S.A., Assistant Librarian, British Museum, London.

KELLY, P. H., S.J., Kohlmann Hall, New York.

KENNEDY, D. J., OP., S.T.M., Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Immaculate Conception College, Washington.

KENT, W. H., O.S.C, Bayswater, London.

KERBY, WILLIAM J., Doctor of Social and Political Sciences, S.T.L., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology, Catholic University of America, Washington.

KIRSCH, Mgr. J. P., Professor of Pathology and Christian Archaeology, University of Freiburg, Switzerland.

LABOURT, J., S.T.D.. Litt.D., Member of the Asiatic Society, Paris.

[2]LE BARS, JEAN, B.A., Litt.D., Professor of French, College of the City of New York.

LECLERC, C, C.SS.R., Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Quebec, Canada.

LECLERCQ, H., O.S.B., St. Michael's Abbey, Farnborough, Hampshire, England.

LEJAY, PAUL, Fellow of the University of France, Professor at the Catholic Institute of Paris.

LE ROY, The Rt. Rev. ALEXANDER, C.S.Sp. Bishop of Alinda, Superior General of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost, Paris.

LINS, JOSEPH, Freiburg, Germany.

LOPEZ, TIRSO, O.S.A., Colegio de los Agustinos, Valladolid, Spain.

LOUGHLIN, Mgr. JAMES F., D.D., Philadelphia.

MAAS, A. J., S.J., Rector of Woodstock College, Maryland.

MacDONALD, ALEXANDER, D.D., LL.D., V.G., St. Andrew's, Nova Scotia.

McGINNIS, AUGUSTINE, O.S.M., Ph.D., S.T.L., Chicago.

McMAHON, A. L., O.P., Lector of Sacred Theology, Professor of Moral Theology and Sacred Scripture, Dominican House of Studies, Washington.

McMAHON, JOSEPH H., A.M., Ph.D., New York.

McNEAL, MARK J., S.J., Woodstock College, Maryland.

McNICHOLAS, JOHN T., O.P., Immaculate Conception College, Washington.


MacRORY, J., D.D., Professor of Sacred Scripture, Maynooth College, Ireland.

MEEHAN, ANDREW B., Ph.L., S.T.D., Professor of Canon Law and Liturgy, St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New York.

MELODY, JOHN WEBSTER, A.M., D.D., Professor OF Moral Theology, Catholic University OF America, Washington.


MERSHMAN, FRANCIS, O SB., D.D., Professor OF Moral Theology, Canon Law and Liturgy, St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota.

MESSMER, The Mo.st Rev. S. G., D.D., D.C.L., Archbishop of Milwaukee.

MING, JOHN J., S.J., Professor of Moral Philosophy, Sacred Heart College, Prairie Du Chien, Wisconsin.

MOELLER, CH., Professor of General History, University op Louvain.

MOYES, Mgr. JAMES, D.D., Canon of Westminster Cathedral, London.

MUCKERMANN, H., S.J., St. Ignatius's College, Valkenburg, Holland.

N.'LAI.MACK, CHARLES EDWARD, Ph.B., M.D., Professor op Clinical Medicine, Cornell University, New York.

NOON, W. D., O.P., W.shington.

O'BRIEN, S., O.C, Simla, India.

O'CONOR, J. F. X., S.J., New York.

O'DONNELL, THOMAS, CM., Vice-President AND Professor op Moral and Pastoral Theology, All Hallow's College, Dublin.

O'DONOGHUE, D. J., Dublin, Ireland.

OESTREICH, THOMAS, O.S.B., Professor of Church History and Sacred Scripture, Maryhelp Abbey, Belmont, North Carolina.

O'MAHONY, T. J., D.D., D.C.L., Professor of Theology, All Hallow's College, Dublin.

O'MALIA, M. J., S.J., Professor op Classics and History, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts.

O'NEIL, A. C, O.P., Washington.

O'NEILL, JAMES D., A.M., S.T.D., Lake Forest, Illinois.

O'REILLY, THOMAS C, D.D., St. Mary's Seminary, Cleveland, Ohio.

O'RIORDAN, Mgr. M., Ph.D., D.D., D.C.L., Rector op the Irish College, Rome.

OTT, MICHAEL, O.S.B., Ph.D., Professor of the History of Philosophy, St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota.

OTTEN, JOSEPH, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

OUSSANI, GABRIEL, Ph.D., Professor of Hebrew and the Semitic Languages, Oriental History and Biblical Archeology, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York.

OWEN, THOMAS M., Department of Archives and History, Montgo.mery, Alabama.

PAPI, HECTOR, S.J., Professor of Canon Law, Woodstock College, Maryland.

PARGOIRE, J., A.A., Constantinople.


PETERSON, JOHN B., Ph.D., Professor of EcCLESI.iSTICAL HiSTORY AND LiTURGY, St. John's Seminary, Boston, Massachusetts.

PETRIDES, S., A. A., Constantinople.

PIOLET, JEAN-BAPTISTE, S.J., Member of the International Colonial Institute, Paris.



POPE, HUGH, O.P., S.T.L., Professor of Sacred Scripture and Apologetics, Hawkesyard Priory, England.

REID, GEORGE J., S.T.L., Professor of Sacred Scripture and Hebrew, St. Paul's Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota.

REILLY, W. S., S.T.D., Professor of Scripture, St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts.

REMY, ARTHUR F. J., A.M., Ph.D., Instructor in Germanic Languages, Columbia University, New York.

RIORDAN, The Most Rev. P. W., D.D., Archbishop of San Francisco.

ROBINSON, PASCHAL, O.F.M., Professor of Theology, Franciscan Mo.vastery, Washington.

ROCK, P. M. J., Louisville, Kentucky.

RODELES, CECILIO GOMEZ, S.J.. Editor, "Monumenta Historica Societ.tis Jesu", Madrid.

tRODRIGUEZ, JOSE IGNACIO, Bureau of American Republics, Washington.

ROY, J. EDMOND, Litt.D., F.R.S.C, Officer of the French Academy, Director, "Notarial Review", Levis, Quebec, Canada.

RUDGE, FLORENCE MARIE, M.A., Younqstown, Ohio. Deceased.
RYAN, J. J., J.C.B., President and Professor of

Church History, St. Patrick's College, Thurles, Ireland.

RYAN, PATRICK, S.J., London.

SAN GIOVANNI, EDOARDO, Lit.B., A.M., Instruction I.V the L.TIN LaNGU.^GE A.ND LITERATURE, College of the City of New York.

SAUVAGE, GEORGE M., C.S.C, D.D., Ph.D., Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Holy Cross College, Washingto.n.

SAXTON, E. F., Baltlmore, Maryland.

SCHAEFER, FRANCIS J., D.D., Ph.D., Professor of Church History, St. Paul's Se.miNAHv, St. Paul, Minnesota.

SCHEID, N., S.J., Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria.

SCHL.AGER, PATRICIUS, Harreveld bei Ligh- ten voorde, Holland. Ph.D., Gebweiler,

SCHMIDLIN, J., S.T.D., Alsace, Germany.

SCHROEDER, JO.^EPH, O.P., Washington.

SCHULTE, A. J., Professor of Liturgy, St. Charles's Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsyl- vania.

SCinMiRTNER, THOMAS M., O.P., W.shington. SCHWICKERATH, ROBERT, S.J., Kohlmaxn Hall, New York. SHANAHAN, EDMUND T., A.B., Ph.D., J.C.L., ST D., Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Cathouc Untv. of America, Washington.


SHIELDS, THOMAS E., Ph.D., D.D., Professor of Physiology and Psychology, Catholic University of America, Washington.

SHIPMAN, ANDREW J., A.M., LL.M., New York.

SICARD, J. A., Honorary Canon of Notre Dame, Paris.

SIEGFRIED, FRANCIS P.TRICK, Professor of Philosophy, St. Charles's Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania.



SMITH. SYDNEY F., S.J.. London.

LLIER, J. F., S.M., S.T.D., Rector and ProFE.SSOR OF MoR.L ThEOLOGY, MaRIST COLLEGE, Washington.

SOUVAY, CHARLES L., CM., LL.B., D.D., Ph.D., Professor of Holy Scripture and Hebrew, Kenhick Seminary, St. Louis.

SPAHN, MARTIN, Ph.D., University of Stra.s- burg, Ger.many.

SPILLANE, EDWARD P., S.J., Professor op Co.MPARATIVE LITERATURE, COLLEGE OF St. Francis Xavier, New York.

SULLIVAN, JAMES J., S.J., Professor of Dog- matic Theology, St. Louis University, St. Louis.

SULLIVAN, WILLIAM L., C.S.P., S.T.L., Pro- FF.S.SOR OF Scripture and Moral Theology, St. Thom.s College, W.shington.

TAAFFE, THOMAS GAFFNEY, Ph.D., Instructor IN THE English Language and LiTER.TnRE, College of the City of New York.


TIERNEY, JOHN J., A.M., D.D., Professor of Scripture and Semitic Studies, Mt. Sr. Mary's College, Em.mitsburg, Maryland.

TURNER, WILLIAM, B.A., S.T.D., Professor ok Logic and the History of Philosophy, Catholic University of America, Wash- ington.


VACANDARU, E., S.T.D., Rouen, Fh. ce.


VAN DEN BIESEN, C, S.T.D., Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis, St. Joseph's College, Mill Hill, London.

VAN DER ESSEN, L., Ph.D., Litt.D., CoLLfcoE DU Pape, Louvain.

VAN HOVE, A., D.C.L., Professor of Church History, University of Louvain.

VELLA, P. X., S.J., Administrator of the Col- LEGio Pio Latino Americano, Rome.

VffiLKER, J. A., OssiNiNG, New York.

VUIBERT, A. J. B., S.S., A.M., Professor of History, St. Patrick's Seminary, Menlo Park, California.

WALSH, J.AMES J.. M.D., Ph.D., LL.D., Professor OF THE HiSTORY OF MeDICINE, FoRDham Univer-sity, New York.

WALSH,'Mor. JOHN. Troy, New York.

WALSH, THOMAS, Brooklyn, New York.

WANG, E. A., Bergen, Norway.
WARD, Mgr. BERNARD, President of St. Edmund's College, Ware, England.

WEBER, N. A., S.M.,S.T.L., Professor OF Apologetics and Church History, Marist College, Washington.

WELSH, M. S., O.P., Washington.

WILHELM, J., D.D., Ph.D., Battle, Sussex, England.

WILLMANN, OTTO, Ph.D., K.K.Hofrat, Salz burg, Austria.

WOODS, JOSEPH M., S.J. , Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Woodstock College, Maryland.

ZABEL, F. H., D.D., D.C.L., R.D., Bunker Hill, Illinois.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Deceased.
  2. Deceased.
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