Contributions to the Catholic Encyclopedia
- Abdication
- Acclamation (in Papal Elections)
- Advocates of Roman Congregations
- Advocates of St. Peter
- Agents of Roman Congregations
- Allocution
- Alumnus
- Amovibility
- Apaches
- Assessor of the Holy Office
- Assessors
- Assistant at the Pontifical Throne
- Auditor
- Plenary Councils of Baltimore
- Provincial Councils of Baltimore
- Baptism
- Augustin Barruel
- Joseph Biner
- Ecclesiastical Canons
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- Definitor (in Canon Law)
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- Ecclesiastical Pension
- Vitus Pichler
- Plenary Council
- Postulation
- Praelatus Nullius
- Canonical Precept
- Presumption (in Canon Law)
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- Ecclesiastical Property in the United States
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- Catholic Societies
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- Solicitation
- Subdeacon
- Suspension
- Synod
- Camillus Tarquini
- Ecclesiastical Tenure
- Tithes
- Tonsure
- Trustee System
- Validation of Marriage
- Vicar Apostolic
- Vicar Capitular
- Vicar-General
- Vicar
- Vicar of Christ
- Visit ad Limina
- Visitors Apostolic
- Widow
- Woman
- Words (in Canon Law)
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